
FRI 7.19.13 Hooverball

Hooverball Sundays

By Tirzah White
It’s a Saturday night out, and I chuck the deuces around 10:30PM. “Why?” people ask. I promptly respond with one word: “Hooverball.” This response is usually met with another question: “Hoova-whaat?” By the time I’ve finished explaining that it’s similar to tennis and volleyball but played with a 6lb medicine ball, I’m usually greeted with dumbfounded looks.

As much as the CrossFit community loves to play the game, Hooverball isn’t actually the newest fitness craze designed by CrossFitters to shame the volleyball players on their own court. The sport goes waaay back to 1928 when it was created as a means to get President Herbert Hoover up and moving. The game provides a physically demanding and challenging workout while requiring less skill or technique than tennis or volleyball. And most importantly, it’s fun!

If this piqued your interest, come out this Sunday and every Sunday at 10:30AM in the Piedmont Park Active Oval. There is no experience necessary! Just bring your game face, and be prepared for a sweaty good time.

Also, be sure to check out the Atlanta Hooverball Nation’s Facebook page for updates on schedules, pick up games, tournaments, etc.

IMG_7382The kettlebell strikes again!

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Skill: 10 mins kettlebell skill work
B. 20 mins: Find 1 rep max bench press THEN…
2 mins to find max standing broad jump THEN…
2 rounds:
1 min max plyo push ups
1 min max overhead lunges 45/25
*No rest between movements/rounds. Compare to 05.08.13*

And coming tomorrow…

A. Make up a lift you missed this week
B. Team WOD:
Each team gets 2 minutes per station for max reps. Rest 1 minute between stations. 2 rounds for max total reps:
Station 1 – tire flips (one tire per team)
Station 2 – sledgehammer strikes (two hammers per team, one tire)
Station 3 – chest to bar pull ups (2:1 reps Rx:band)
Station 4 – wall balls 20/14 (2 balls per team, 2:1 reps Rx:scaled) ball MUST hit wall at/above 10′ line to count.

Sunday Schedule

WOD 12:00 to 1:00
5 rounds for time:
12 deadlifts – 155 lbs
9 hang power cleans – 155 lbs
6 jerks – 155 lbs
1:00 to 2:00 – Open Gym


Be sure to check out the free park WOD at Piedmont Park in the active oval at 10a. Bring your friends! Stick around for a fun game of Hooverball immediately after.

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