
TUES 09.15.20


Today’s schedule

6:15a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
7:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
8:45a: Open Gym- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
12n: Zoom CrossFit– Michael
1:15p: Open Gym- Michael
3:30p: Open Gym- Mohammed
4:45p: All Levels CrossFit- Mohammed
6:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Damon
6:00p: Zoom CrossFit– Damon
7:15p: All Levels CrossFit- Damon
7:30p: Zoom Yoga– Priscila

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Deadlift Singles
3 sets of 3 singles (1 rep every 20 seconds)
Rest 3 minutes between sets

B. For Time [15min cap]
21 Bar Facing Burpees
21 Front Squats (135/95)
21 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
15 Bar Facing Burpees
15 Front Squats (155/105)
15 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105)
9 Bar Facing Burpees
9 Front Squats (175/115)
9 Shoulder to Overhead (175/115)

At Home
A. Single Leg Tempo DB Deadlift or Airplanes

3 sets of 4/4 at Tempo 4241
Rest 3 minutes between sets

B. For Time [15min cap]
21 DB Facing Burpees
21 DB Front Squats (50’s/35’s) or 42 Jumping Squats
21 DB Shoulder to Overhead (50’s/35’s) or HSPU
15 DB Bar Facing Burpees
15 DB Front Squats (50’s/35’s) or 30 Jumping Squats
15 DB Shoulder to Overhead (50’s/35’s) or HSPU
9 DB Bar Facing Burpees
9 DB Front Squats (50’s/35’s) or 18 Jumping Squats
9 DB Shoulder to Overhead (50’s/35’s) or HSPU

Post load for deadlift and time for the WOD. Ex: 405#, 10:10 Rx

And coming tomorrow…

A. Power Snatch: in 12 minutes work up to a heavy double touch-and-go.

B. “Powerslide”
3 Minute AMRAP

21 Power Snatches (75/55) (Rx+ 95/65)
21 Pullups
21 Pushups (Rx+ = Handstand Pushups)
Rest 3 minutes
3 Minute AMRAP
15 Power Snatches
15 Pullups
15 Pushups (Rx+ = Handstand Pushups)
Rest 3 minutes
3 Minute AMRAP
9 Power Snatches
9 Pullups
9 Pushups (Rx+ = Handstand Pushups)

At Home
A. Double DB or PVC Power Snatch

6 sets of 3 reps
Rest 2 minutes between sets

B. “Powerslide”
3 Minute AMRAP

21 DB Alt Power Snatches (50/35) or 1-Arm Sprawls
21 DB Bent Row (50’s/35’s) or Pulling Movement
21 Pushups (Rx+ = Handstand Pushups)
Rest 3 minutes
3 Minute AMRAP
15 DB Alt Power Snatches (50/35) or 1-Arm Sprawls
15 DB Bent Row (50’s/35’s) or Pulling Movement
15 Pushups (Rx+ = Handstand Pushups)
Rest 3 minutes
3 Minute AMRAP
9 DB Alt Power Snatches (50/35) or 1-Arm Sprawls
9 DB Bent Row (50’s/35’s) or Pulling Movement
9 Pushups (Rx+ = Handstand Pushups)

Post load for snatch and total reps completed in the WOD. Ex: 175#, 158 Rx+

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