
MON 7.22.13 PRs


PR= personal record. Be proud of setting a new PR. Lots of you are killing it in the gym, and that’s a testament to YOUR hard work! But it also means the programming is working! Since we reevaluate/tweak the programming every month & quarter, it’s important for us to know, ESPECIALLY during Quarterly Progress Checks, who is setting PRs so we can decide whether to completely overhaul the programming, or do more of the same… so please tell your coach when you PR so we can mark it on the board AND add it to the ACCOMPLISHMENTS board!
Quick shout out to Christine Chaney who’s had several big accomplishments this month – her first Rx’ed WOD, first kipping pull ups (and she did 2!), AND an Overhead Squat PR!

Quarterly Progress Checks & Baseline retesting is this week

Lots of important testing dates this month! If you miss a day, we’ve got plenty of make-up opportunities! Here’s another update on our upcoming testing days & options:
Mon 7.22- 5 rounds for time: 7 handstand push ups, 14 pistols, 21 double unders
Tues 7.23- Olympic Total (1 RM Snatch + 1 RM Clean & Jerk)
Wed 7.24- 1RM Weighted Pull Up & For time: 250m row, 15 kb swings 70/53, 25 burpees, 15 kb swings, 250m row
Thurs 7.25– As many rounds & reps as possible in 20 minutes of: 20 thrusters 135#/95#, 20 pullups, 20 burpees
Fri 7.26– CrossFit Total (1RM Squat, 1RM Press, 1RM Deadlift) & AirDyne 1 min max calories test
*Makeup Days will be Sunday, 7/21, Saturday, 7/27 & Sunday, 7/28.

Cheryl Haworth will be running Olympic Lifting Open Gym again on Saturday, 7.28, for anyone who wants to do Olympic Total that day with her!

Retest your Baseline WOD this month!

Instead of testing in regular classes, like we’ve done in the past, you’ll be able to come in during any of the following times to retest your Baseline time with one of our coaches or Instructor Training Program students. This doesn’t count against your class limits for the week.
Baseline testing:
Mon 7.22 6p w Justin
Mon 7.22 8p w Carlos
Tues 7.23 6p w Ian
Tues 7.23 7p w Urán
Fri 7.26 6p w Tirzah
Sat 7.27 9-12n w Cassie & Beka
Sun 7.28 1-2p w Dyer

Baseline whiteboard pics from past Quarterly Check-Ins:

april baseline picApril ’13

Feb ’13

Nov ’12 Pic 1 & 2

Workout of the Day (WOD)

5 Rounds for time:
7 handstand push ups
14 pistols
21 double unders

And coming tomorrow…

Oly total: FULL squat snatch & FULL squat clean & jerk

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