CrossFit Midtown is very excited to announce our August Member of the Month, Cary Burke! Cary has been a member since the beginning and has always brought the positivity, looks at everything as a possibility and crushes every single WOD! Read on to learn more about Cary and his CrossFit journey. Thank you for being such an outstanding member of the CFM community!

Nickname: CB7, Brother Burke
Age: 32
Hometown: Edina, Minnesota

How did you get exposed to CrossFit?
I’d seen recaps of the games on TV and I’d seen a couple of broskis pretended to rep out Murph over Memorial Day on the track in Athens. Fortunately those guys doing quarter squats were not representative of CrossFit as a whole.
What brought you to CrossFit Midtown?
Coach Ellen! I’d just moved back to Atlanta for work and was looking for a place to work out. Ellen told me she really enjoyed CFM, so I went to baseline day and almost vomited. The rest is history.

What was your very first day at CrossFit Midtown like?
Humbling. I remember thinking I was in shape because I was running a good bit and doing arm curls. I don’t remember the workout; just feelings of inadequacy.
What changes have you seen in your overall health and fitness level since starting CrossFit?
I have experienced constant and continuous improvement. Also, with some nutrition tweaks, I’ve had a consistent, positive change in my body composition, too. CrossFit has also completely changed my relationship with fitness. Before I was only doing things I knew I could already do, which made working out tedious and boring. Now there’s always some new movement or standard that forces me to step outside of my comfort zone in order to grow.

What kind of changes have you you experienced since starting CrossFit that were completely unexpected?
I am more confident and comfortable in my own skin. CFM has given me the skills to respond to the unexpected, and I use those skills in myriad ways all the time.
Favorite WOD:
Any long chipper that takes 30-40 minutes.
Least favorite WOD:
Not applicable. Either I had fun or I got better at something
Favorite CrossFit Midtown moment:
One of my favorite moment was my first Murph. I really enjoyed seeing everyone encourage each other and be so positive through a tough workout.

Hobbies, Talents and or Interests Outside of CrossFit:
European soccer, drinking beer, and bike-riding around Atlanta (ideally together).
Advice for new CrossFitters:
Don’t worry about looking silly. CrossFit is hard and technical, so commit to the fundamentals first. And have fun! CrossFit is like recess for grownups, and there’s beer there sometimes, so enjoy the workouts and the people present with you.

July 2018 Member of the Month, Cary Burke! Read More »