Wayne powers through the row during Fight Gone Bad.
Athlete Profile – Wayne Morrissette
Hometown:Montgomery, Alabama
Age: 38 (39 on August 15. Another Leo…Hey Uran!)
Occupation: Global Supply Chain Learning Project Manager
When did you first start CrossFitting?: I am entering week 4
Favorite WOD: I can’t remember the name but the one with the sprints where you pulled people with the big rubber band thingy (Editor’s note: Wayne is referring to RESISTED RUNNING… coming up again next week!)
Least Favorite WOD: anything with pull ups and burpees
Three words to describe you: introverted, funny, meteorologist
Tell us about your sports & fitness background: Have “worked out” off and on for years, have played softball in various city leagues since ’98 and have also played on local soccer and flag football teams. Weekend warrior extraordinaire.
How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD… what was it, and how did it feel? My first introduction to CrossFit was the Baseline workout. Sounded pretty harmless and it was a “baseline” so it couldn’t be SO bad, right? Going from exercise to exercise without stopping, and starting out the gates way too hard made the last part of the workout very challenging. I felt like I was going to die and it took me about an hour to finally cool off and catch my breath. It wasn’t cute but right then I knew that CrossFit would be more than just “working out” or “going to the gym” and that this was going to be a heckuva journey.
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF (before/after)? After 3 weeks, I’ve already noticed my work pants getting noticeably looser. I’ve also noticed that I’m able to recover and catch my breath a lot faster after workouts and I’m able to get through the warm up (bear crawls and inchworms sucked balls at first) with a lot more energy to spare now. For me, that’s progress.
What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected? I tend to live life in my comfort zone. CrossFit has shown me that I have a lot more in me than I give myself credit for, and that I can experience a lot more success and fulfillment in the things I do when I’m willing to push past where things are comfortable. There’s a whole new world out there.
Please share with us any favorite CrossFit / CFM moments: I haven’t done many of the “extra curricular activities because of other things I have going on, but in the time I have spent in the box, I’m incredibly inspired watching the more “Elite” and experienced Crossfitters bang through their WODs. These guys have also been very encouraging and helpful to me and that means a lot to me just starting out.
Any advice for people just getting started? Just go and get into it. Listen to what people say and ignore the voice that says “Are you crazy? You can’t do that?” Before you know the workout is over and you’ve accomplished more in an hour than you ever did with the 3 sets of 10-12 for 1 hour plus
What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit? Softball, soccer, extreme weather, storm chasing, weather forecasting, people watching, politics, sports spectating, theater, symphony, joke cracking
What did you eat today? So far just 4 eggs and sauteed spinach cooked in coconut oil, raw pecans a litte later
Do you follow the paleo or primal lifestyle? What is your nutrition philosophy? Since a couple of weeks before starting Crossfit I’m about 60-70% Paleo (higher during the week, lower on weekends). Try to stay away from processed fake crap and try to stick with eating stuff that burns clean and doesn’t leave a nasty residue.
Hooverball is Sunday at 10!
Join us Sundays at 10 am for Hooverball in the park (meet in the Piedmont Park Active Oval, nearest the Botanical Gardens/14th St gate). It’s lots of fun. Don’t forget to bring water, sunscreen and a towel. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll do a short pre-Hooverball warm up WOD.
CrossFit Endurance and POSE Running workshop
-Do you want to improve your running technique and race times?
-Are you clueless on how to work CrossFit Endurance workouts into your exercise routine?
-Or do you just hate running and wish to improve your form to make it less painful and more enjoyable?
Join James Taylor, CrossFit Endurance-certified trainer and former Georgia Tech cross country and track & field athlete, for a 90-minute workshop to learn how to improve your technique, become a more efficient runner, and learn how to train for your next race.
Workshop includes:
-Pre- and post- workshop video evaluation of running technique, discussion of individual technical issues and identification of long-term solutions
-Discussion of general technical principles and methods to prevent common injuries
-Practical drills to improve running technique
-Detailed, sample programming ideas for various training goals
Price: $25
When: Thursday, 7/19, 7-8:30 pm
Register online or in the gym.
Workout of the Day
1. Back Squat – 3 sets of 3 reps at 30X0 tempo
(30X0 means 3 seconds down, no rest at bottom, EXPLODE up, no rest at top)
2. Three-minute Fran:
Pull Ups
Select thruster weight and pull up modifications accordingly to finish all reps AS CLOSE TO THREE MINUTES AS POSSIBLE.
To do this workout “Rx” you must finish all reps between 2:50 and 3:10.
3. Cash-out: 3 attempts – max hang from pull up bar