Upcoming Events
Thursday, November 16th CFM Bring-A-Friend Day! Invite a friend or family to join you for a beginner friendly partner workout. Send us their full name, contact email and the time you will be attending to reserve their spot in advance. #BYOF Bring Your Own Friend!
Today’s schedule
6:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
7:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
8:00a: Open Gym- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Isabelle
1:00p: Open Gym- Isabelle
4:00p: Open Gym- Michael
5:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
6:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Cameron
7:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Kevin
8:00p: Open Gym- Michael
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Every 4 minutes for 4 rounds complete
25/20 Cal Row
8 Overhead Squats (60-65-70-75% 1 RM)
B. EMOM 10
Min 1: 6-10 Ring Rows
Min 2: 10-20 Weighted Straight Leg Sit Ups
Post load for overhead squats. Ex: 135-145-155-165#
And coming tomorrow…
A. Deficit Single Leg Barbell Deadlift
4 x 5/5 (increase weight each set as form allows)
Stand on top of a 45/35l# Plate
B. EMOM 12
Min 1: 1 set of Pull Ups (Rx+ = C2B)
Min 2: Double Unders
Min 3: Rest
Post load for deadlift and total reps of pull ups and double unders. Ex: 155#, 68 C2B, 410