
MON 09.06.21 Labor Day Midtown Ruck!


Covid Precauions Update

All athletes at CFM will be required to be vaccinated for Covid (at least 1st dose) starting Monday 8/16 or have recent negative Covid test with 3 days. Members can bring their vaccination card to the gym, present a photocopy, or email for verification of vaccine status or their negative Covid test. We want to thank all of our members for taking this step for the safety of our community.

CFM Upcoming Events

Thursday, September 23rd CFM Bring-A-Friend Day! Invite a friend or family to join you for a beginner friendly partner workout. Send us their full name, contact email and the time you will be attending to reserve their spot in advance. #BYOF Bring Your Own Friend!

Today’s schedule

CFM Closed for Labor Day
9:00a: Midtown Ruck through Piedmont Park, the Beltline, and Midtown Atl

And coming tomorrow…

A. Practice Muscle Up Transition

B. For Time: [18min cap]
10 Muscle Ups
100 Air Squats
10 Muscle Ups
100 Cal Row

At Home
A. Practice Muscle Up Transition

B. For Time: [18min cap]
12 Chair Dips
12 DB Bent Row (50’s/35’s)
100 Air Squats
12 Chair Dips
12 DB Bent Row (50’s/35’s)
1200m Run

Post time for the WOD. Ex: 14:20 Rx.

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