David at the bottom of a squat for a Wallball shot.
Upcoming CFM Events
Wednesday, Oct 5th:5-8pm. SFH Sampling & Supplementation Info Session.
Sunday, Oct 9th:8am. CFM Track Day. Meet at the track for an aerobic capacity Double WOD with Coach Travis.
Wednesday, Oct 19th: Reebox Box Crawl. The Box Crawl is an epic road trip stopping at 125 CrossFit Boxes over the course of 18 weeks. Team Reebox will hang out at CFM for the day and bring awesome stuff! Here’s a little of what they will bring: a full Nano 6 try on experience where members will be able to try on the Nano 6 for their workout, a fully stocked Reebok Recovery Bar that is loaded with Kill Cliff, Goat Tape, WOD Repair Lotion, Vita Coco, Caveman Coffee, and much more as well as a Reebok Survival Outpost packed with body wipes, hair ties, and plastic bags for your dirty gym clothes…you know, all the must haves! All CFM members are invited to to the box for this event.
Thursday, Oct 20th: Bring-A-Friend Day!! There will be an all levels partner friendly WOD. Invite a friend, family member, or co-worker to join you for the WOD.
Tuesday, Nov 15th: 5:45am-8am and 3:30-8pm. Dunk Truck at CFM for body composition testing. The Dunk Truck will be back in November for members to be rested from September or for a 1st time test. Sign up here for the next Dunk Truck!
Today’s schedule
6a: All Levels CrossFit- Travis
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Travis
8a: Open Gym- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Justin
4p: Open Gym- Brianna
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Brianna
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Tina
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Tina
8:15p: Tuesday Yoga- Jackie
Sign up for yoga this week and next. Click here to reserve
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Turkish Get ups: Complete 4 sets of 4 reps increasing weight.
B. “Jumping Kettle Balls”
10 Minute AMRAP
15 Wallballs*
30 Kettlebell Swings (m = 16/24/32kg, w = 12/16/24kg) (L1 = Russian Swings)
60 Double Unders**
L3 = (20# to 10ft/14# to 10ft)
L2 = (14# to 10ft/10# to 10ft)
L1 = (14# to 9ft/10# to 9ft)
**Double Unders Scaling
L2 = 30 Double Under or 30 Reps DU+Singles
L1 = 60 Singles
This workout has been developed in collaboration with Neal Maddox to get your heart pumping and legs and lungs burning. Pick a skill level that doesn’t result in getting stuck for too long. If you have double unders in small bunches Level 2 could be right. If your double unders are one at a time, you might consider going to Level 1 so you can keep moving and get more work done. For CFM Members you can always retry the workout in Open Gym at a different skill level if your initial attempt doesn’t fit your original plan.
Speak with your coach if you have questions about which level is most appropriate for you. Enjoy the workout, and see you on the whiteboard!
Post load for TGU and rounds+reps completed in the AMRAP. Ex: 55#, 4+32 L3
And coming tomorrow…
A. “Full Circle”
6 Minute AMRAP:
1500m Row
30 Seconds Rest
6 Minute AMRAP
50 Double Unders**
50 Slamballs (20/14)
50 Double Unders**
30 Seconds Rest
6 Minute AMRAP:
1500m Row
**Scale Double Unders (DUs) to DU+singles 25 reps/set, speed step 1:1, singles 1:1. Rx+ = 100 DUs reps/set. The jump rope must stop after the 50th DU before starting the next round.
Post fewest meters rowed between two AMRAPs and total reps from DUs and Slamballs.
Ex: 1585m, 250 Rx+
B. Calf Smash & Stretch
Roller buddy calf smash 60 sec each side
Lacrosse ball shin smash
Banded distraction ankle stretch: 40 sec calf, 40 sec achilles each side