
Atlanta's School of Elite Fitness

Welcome to
CrossFit Midtown

Your friendly neighborhood CrossFit Gym.

We have some of the most qualified coaches in Atlanta, who must also complete a rigorous CFM-specific training program.

We have multiple packages to choose from. All memberships include unlimited yoga and open gym. 

Our small space, Saturday Partner WODs, and social events build fast and lasting friendships. 


Workout of the Day

FRI 07.26.24 Deadpool ♥️ Wolverine Partner WOD Saturday!

Workout of the Day (WOD) For Time [18min cap]400m Run20 Overhead Squats (120/85)800m Run20 Overhead Squats (120/85)400m Run Post time for the WOD. 14:20 Rx Upcoming Events Saturday, July 27th Deadpool ♥️ Wolverine Partner WOD Saturday, August 10th Save the date! 31Heroes Charity & Fundraising WOD!! Thursday, August 15th Bring-A-Friend Day! Thank you for everyone who invited a friend to join us and for those completing their first workout at CrossFit Midtown for the July BAF Day! We look forward to the next BAF Day in July. Invite a friend or family to join you for a beginner friendly partner workout. Email

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THUR 07.25.24

Workout of the Day (WOD) Chippy ChipperooskiAMRAP 2045 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (70/53)40 Calorie Row35 Hand Release Push Ups30 1-DB Hang Clean & Jerk

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MON 07.22.24

Workout of the Day (WOD) A. AMRAP 1890 Double Unders30 Burpee Pull Ups90 Double Unders25 Chest To Bar Pull Ups90 Double Unders20 Bar Muscle Ups90

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The only gym where you'll get Star Wars and Marvel movie quotes on your T-shirts.

Making Midtown Atlanta healthier since 2012.

You’ll develop new skills and learn something in every class. It will be a challenge, but the reward is high for those willing to put in the work.

CFM 7th Anniversary Party in 2019

New to CrossFit? Schedule a Foundation Assessment.

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