
Michael Aaron

Food as Fuel & Paleo Potluck is Saturday, August 11th

Mark your calendars for the next Food as Fuel nutrition class, on Saturday, 8/11 from 12 to 1:30 pm. Everyone bring a dish to share while Lis hosts a paleo Q&A discussion. Bring your questions and your paleo grub!

CrossFit Endurance & POSE Running workshop is THIS THURSDAY

Do you want to improve your running technique and race times?
Are you clueless on how to work CrossFit Endurance workouts into your exercise routine?
Or do you just hate running and wish to improve your form to make it less painful and more enjoyable?
Join James Taylor, CrossFit Endurance-certified trainer and former Georgia Tech cross country and track & field athlete, for a 90-minute workshop to learn how to improve your technique, become a more efficient runner, and learn how to train for your next race.
Workshop includes:
-Pre- and post- workshop video evaluation of running technique, discussion of individual technical issues and identification of long-term solutions
-Discussion of general technical principles and methods to prevent common injuries
-Practical drills to improve running technique
-Detailed, sample programming ideas for various training goals
Price: $25
When: Thursday, 7/19, 7-8:30 pm
Register here or at the gym with cash or check.

In one of my favorite moments from the Games, pictured above, the athletes did Fran to cap off a grueling weekend of competition. It came down to the final event to decide who got the final (3rd place) spot on the podium between Kristan Clever and Talayna Forunato. In the final set of nine pull ups, Kristan was a rep ahead, but a break in her butterfly kip gave Talayna the chance to pull ahead, finishing all her reps unbroken and claiming the title of 3rd Fittest Woman in the World. Considering how challenging a WOD we all know Fran is (especially as we train for it over the course of our Fran Challenge), watching these athletes complete it so quickly, after ALL the other work of the weekend, was pretty amazing.

Workout of the Day

1. 3×5 Back Squat

2. FOR TIME: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Lateral box jumps* 24/20 & Wall Balls 20/14

For lateral box jumps, each side equals one rep. In other words, jumping over and back is two reps.

CASH OUT – 2 min wall stretch each side; 5 min lax ball love on achilles/calves

WED 07.18.12 Read More »

Austin and Shira, pictured in the center, married earlier this year and just returned from their long-awaited honeymoon.

Athlete Profile – Dr. Austin Cohen

Hometown: Charleston, SC
Age: 30
Occupation: Chiropractor
When did you first start CrossFitting?: 2010…But really feel like I took it more seriously last year
Favorite WOD: Anything bodyweight
Least Favorite WOD: OH Squats, Muscle Ups, Rowing, and OH squats (again)
Three words to describe you: Passionate, Very Competitive
Tell us about your sports & fitness background: Been a runner my whole life doing marathons and triathlons.
How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD… what was it, and how did it feel? I thought I would never have to relive this experience….I did Helen and only had to do 2 rounds of it because I could barely do a pull-up. I was so sore that I waited 2 weeks to join because I could barely move.
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF (before/after)? Before – Manorexic from all my endurance training. Now – Being 2.5 years into crossfit and paleo I am noticing some serious gains in muscle mass and tone. I am 3 pounds away from ideal body weight and probably on 1-2% away from ideal body fat. Crossfit has made a huge impact on my life.
What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected? I remember when I first started there were so many movements I NEVER thought I could get such as: double unders, pull-ups, RX weight, muscle ups, etc. Now 2.5 years into it I am doing these very well and hitting record times and loads on all my workouts.
Please share with us any favorite CrossFit / CFM moments: I love seeing people follow their passion and dreams so just witnessing Lis and how happy she is very inspiring.
Any advice for people just getting started? STICK TO IT and the only person to compare yourself to is YOU. When I first started I would get frustrated because all these guys would dominate workouts and I could not do everything RX or had to use bands for pull-ups. I almost quit because I felt like I was not improving. Lis was a big part of me sticking to Crossfit but I am so happy I did as I feel I am in the best shape of my life and love whipping up on these 20-year olds.
What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit? My life pretty much revolves around the lifestyle such as doing yoga, chiropractic, massages, finding new healthy restaurants, and hanging with the wife.
What did you eat today? Deviled avocado eggs, chicken sausage, and cashews.
Do you follow the paleo or primal lifestyle? What is your nutrition philosophy? Paleo. Philosophy is eat the way we ware genetically designed to eat and you are setting yourself up for success.

Workout of the Day

1. Strict Press 3×5

2. 5 rounds NOT FOR TIME:
1 resisted run
10 atomic sit ups*

*For atomic sit ups, demonstrated in the video below, select a bumper plate that will challenge you for a set of 10. Start laying down with the plate behind/over your head at the bottom of a sit up. As you sit up, swing the plate between your feet, using the plate for momentum to propel you on to your feet to standing position. Then press the plate overhead to full extension before returning to the floor to starting position.

TUES 07.17.12 – Athlete Profile: AUSTIN COHEN Read More »

CrossFit Endurance & POSE Running workshop is THIS THURSDAY

Do you want to improve your running technique and race times?
Are you clueless on how to work CrossFit Endurance workouts into your exercise routine?
Or do you just hate running and wish to improve your form to make it less painful and more enjoyable?
Join James Taylor, CrossFit Endurance-certified trainer and former Georgia Tech cross country and track & field athlete, for a 90-minute workshop to learn how to improve your technique, become a more efficient runner, and learn how to train for your next race.
Workshop includes:
-Pre- and post- workshop video evaluation of running technique, discussion of individual technical issues and identification of long-term solutions
-Discussion of general technical principles and methods to prevent common injuries
-Practical drills to improve running technique
-Detailed, sample programming ideas for various training goals
Price: $25
When: Thursday, 7/19, 7-8:30 pm
Register here or at the gym with cash or check.

Hydrostatic Body Composition testing is Mon, July 30

For everyone who wants to “lose weight,” LISTEN UP. Your scale weight means NOTHING. As you get into CrossFit, your body composition will begin to change as you lose fat and gain muscle. These changes aren’t always reflected on the scale, so we’re bringing in the Mobile Hydrostatic Body Composition unit to give you a good measuring point. Every two to three months, we’ll schedule another testing day so you can track your progress.
What should I expect? This big truck will come park behind the gym. You’ll enter the truck, check in with Bali, and use the changing room to change into a swimsuit. Then you’ll be weighed. There’s a large bathtub on-board the truck, which you will dunk yourself in three times as the computer takes a reading of your body composition. Then you’ll dry off and Bali will give you a printed report and discuss your results with you.
How do I sign up? Email Sam to schedule your appointment or sign up in the gym. Appointments take 10 minutes. We have availability every 10 minutes from 4pm until 7pm. The test is $30. You can pay with your CC on file, cash or check (payable to CrossFit Midtown). More info about hydrostatic body composition testing.

Elite spectating at the CrossFit Games with our new friends from East Valley CrossFit in Chandler, Arizona. That’s Fred and Lis up front under the big hats. Carlos was also there…he’s just hiding.

Workout of the Day

1. Weighted pull up 3RM
2. Cindy:
20 min AMRAP:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

CASH OUT – 10 minutes rolling: lax ball shoulders/chest/glutes, foam roll quads

MON 07.16.12 Read More »

Crystal building those pipes. She’s developing great arm muscles since starting CrossFit!

Athlete Profile – Crystal Kadakia

Hometown: Austin, TX
Age: 25
Occupation: Career Indulgence Coaching Company Owner, Training Manager at Procter and Gamble
When did you first start CrossFitting?: April 2012
Favorite WOD/Least Favorite WOD: don’t know yet
Three words to describe you: Driven, Straightforward, Always Growing
Tell us about your sports & fitness background: I’ve always done fitness things that are more fun than fitness – indoor rock climbing, shooting around a basketball, canoeing/kayaking, hiking, salsa dancing. This is the first time I’m making a regular commitment to working out.
How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD… what was it, and how did it feel? I contact Lis, on recommendation by my chiropractor, Dr. Cohen, as someone who could help me get back my strength and understood past medical issues. I’ve had a lot of wrist pain and fatigue – Lis was my personal trainer for the first 2 months and now I have switched to the group classes. My first WOD I can’t quite recall it, but I remember feeling like it was easy in the moment, but later I was definitely sore! That’s when I knew I’d found a good workout.
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF (before/after)? My arms actually have muscle on them! My calves have grown as well. The other great benefit is that I feel like I have more energy and I’m more conscious about what I eat.
What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected? Liking the people I work out with – I didn’t realize what a community experience CrossFit is. Additionally, the nutrition advice I’ve gotten is really great and tailored to what I specifically need.
Please share with us any favorite CrossFit / CFM moments: Doing The Wobble at the CFM grand opening party. That was great.
Any advice for people just getting started? Don’t be afraid to say you need to modify a workout. Everyone at CrossFit is focused on getting what they need for themselves – you don’t have to compete with others and you can grow at your own pace.
What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit? Lots – entrepreneurship, coaching, learning new skills, reading, writing, all the stuff I had mentioned earlier in terms of the outdoors, billiards, music.

HOOVERBALL is a GO for Sunday!

Although Hooverb-All-Stars Lis, Carlos and Fred will all be in LA at the CrossFit Games, SUNDAY HOOVERBALL MUST GO ON! Our beloved Ninjon has stepped in as captain for the week. He’ll be there ready to play on Sunday at 10 am. Meet him at the Piedmont Park sand volleyball courts. Be there!

Workout of the Day

In honor of this weekend’s CrossFit Games AND our Fran Challenge, we’re doing a workout from this year’s CrossFit Open competition… Good luck!

Open WOD 12.5 – 7 min AMRAP thruster/chest to bar pull up ladder
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:
3 Thrusters 95/65
3 Chest-to-bar Pull ups
6 Thrusters 95/65
6 Chest-to-bar Pull ups
9 Thrusters 95/65
9 Chest-to-bar Pull ups
12 Thrusters 95/65
12 Chest-to-bar Pull ups
15 Thrusters 95/65
15 Chest-to-bar Pull ups
18 Thrusters 95/65
18 Chest-to-bar Pull ups
21 Thrusters 95/65
21 Chest to bar Pull-ups…
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc

FRANDAY THE 13TH! Athlete Profile – Crystal Kadakia Read More »

Welcome to Colman, Taylor, Dermot and Paul!

The CrossFit Games continue this weekend!

Follow the world’s fittest athletes here.

Hydrostatic Body Composition testing is Mon, July 30

For everyone who wants to “lose weight,” LISTEN UP. Your scale weight means NOTHING. As you get into CrossFit, your body composition will begin to change as you lose fat and gain muscle. These changes aren’t always reflected on the scale, so we’re bringing in the Mobile Hydrostatic Body Composition unit to give you a good measuring point. Every two to three months, we’ll schedule another testing day so you can track your progress.
What should I expect? This big truck will come park behind the gym. You’ll enter the truck, check in with Bali, and use the changing room to change into a swimsuit. Then you’ll be weighed. There’s a large bathtub on-board the truck, which you will dunk yourself in three times as the computer takes a reading of your body composition. Then you’ll dry off and Bali will give you a printed report and discuss your results with you.
How do I sign up? Email Sam to schedule your appointment or sign up in the gym. Appointments take 10 minutes. We have availability every 10 minutes from 4pm until 7pm. The test is $30. You can pay with your CC on file, cash or check (payable to CrossFit Midtown). More info about hydrostatic body composition testing.

Scott, Rachel and Geoff on Part 1 of Jackie.

Workout of the Day

1. 3×5 OHS

2. Intro/Review Snatch (Beginners- Hang Power Snatch)
15 minutes to heavy snatch single

3. Optional cash out: Tabata sit ups

THURS – 07.12.12 Read More »

Welcome to Mike V and Scott Baio!

What does your life in ten years look like?

Goal-Setting Workshop TONIGHT

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”
― C.S. Lewis
Two years ago I was driving from Las Vegas to Los Angeles on my way to the CrossFit Games. My visit to the Games back then sparked a passion to coach athletes, change lives and eventually open my own CrossFit gym.
Fast-forward to today and I’m traveling back to the Games as a CrossFit affiliate owner. Is this really happening? It’s so exciting to think back over all that’s happened in the past two years, and everything that is yet to come.
What is your passion? Don’t just let life happen to you. Set goals – specific, measurable, time-bound goals – and then go after them. Even if you don’t achieve them all, you’ll be that much better off for trying. Dream big.

Rachel and Erin from lululemon are joining us to lead us through some goal-setting exercises. Don’t miss this event!
When: Tonight, 7-8:30 pm
Where: CFM Lounge (that’s the room up front that is slowly but surely being furnished!)
What: Develop your vision for the future. What will your life be like in one, five, and ten years? Set goals now and begin making them reality!

The CrossFit Games start today!

Follow the world’s fittest athletes at

Hydrostatic Body Composition testing is Mon, July 30

Speaking of goals, for everyone who wants to “lose weight,” LISTEN UP. Your scale weight means NOTHING. As you get into CrossFit, your body composition will begin to change as you lose fat and gain muscle. These changes aren’t always reflected on the scale, so we’re bringing in the Mobile Hydrostatic Body Composition unit to give you a good measuring point. Every two to three months, we’ll schedule another testing day so you can track your progress.
What should I expect? This big truck will come park behind the gym. You’ll enter the truck, check in with Bali, and use the changing room to change into a swimsuit. Then you’ll be weighed. There’s a large bathtub on-board the truck, which you will dunk yourself in three times as the computer takes a reading of your body composition. Then you’ll dry off and Bali will give you a printed report and discuss your results with you.
How do I sign up? Email Sam to schedule your appointment or sign up in the gym. Appointments take 10 minutes. We have availability every 10 minutes from 4pm until 7pm. The test is $30. You can pay with your CC on file, cash or check (payable to CrossFit Midtown). More info about hydrostatic body composition testing.

Workout of the Day

1. Max height box jump – in 10 minutes, find your max height box jump
2. 5 rounds for time:
5 pistols (each leg)
10 supermans
15 hollow rocks
20 lateral hops

WED 07.11.12 – GOAL SETTING! Read More »

That’s Dyer in the front, right. Also pictured, James, Other Dan, Cochard, Steve and Lis. We were the fittest athletes at the event, by far… well, other than the Olympic swimmer, the paddle-boarders and the archery specialists.

Athlete Profile – John Dyer AKA DYER

Hometown: Fairfax, Virginia a/k/a Leadersville, USA
Occupation:Skull cracker
When did you first start CrossFitting?: January 2011
Favorite WOD: Lizzie, Grace, Chippers with 20 reps or less per movement.
Least Favorite WOD: Josh, Murph – anything long or that has overhead squats, burpees or a lot of running.
Three words to describe you: Math whiz
Tell us about your sports & fitness background: I’ll stick with stuff from this century. So, I did the isolated chest monday, back and biceps tuesday, etc stuff during law school, sort of – basically plateaued and hovered around the same amount of strength the whole time – NEVER squatted, deadlifted or did anything that would’ve actually made me stronger. Then, I picked up middle distance running (5K, 10K and couple half-marathons), you know, for the camaraderie of doing something with friends. That lasted from around 2003 to 2008 – no real results (I probably ran between 15 and 30 miles a week when I was actually training and my best 5K was only about 7 minutes better the first 5K I ran with no training at all). Another bad side effect was I got really weak – I could comfortably move my body 5 miles at a moderate pace, but I was a worthless pile of shit if I had to move anything that weighed more than 25 lbs. Then, I started doing a bootcamp/fitness camp in August 2008. That gave me a good base, but lacked real strength training. So, I was fitter and could do more, but hit a plateau on getting stronger.
How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD… what was it, and how did it feel? I first got exposed to CrossFit by my cousin. He is an absolute badass in the gym and in life. I respect the shit out of the guy and I figured if CrossFit was good enough for him, it’s good enough for me. First WOD was Helen (3 rounds – 400 meter run, 21 kettlebell swings @ 53lbs, 12 pullups). I scaled to a 35 lb kettlebell and got pulled out of the WOD after 2 rounds. It felt terrible…absolute, complete exhaustion. On the plus side, I realized how much room I had to improve and was excited to get after it.
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF (before/after)? Wow…’s hard to say what hasn’t improved. Some measured improvements – deadlift +130 lbs., squat +90lbs, clean +105lbs, clean and jerk +80 lbs, max pullups +20 reps. Best functional life example is this: in 2010 I had to move a queensized bed into the upstairs of my house by carrying it up a 10′ ladder and putting in the roof (long story, I’ll explain in person if anybody cares to know). I had to get a friend to help me lift it up and move it up onto the roof. Fast forward to 2012 and I had to do the same thing again. Only this time I had no help and was able to do it by myself. No chance in hell I could’ve done that alone two years ago.
What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected? The mental aspect of keeping things in perspective and the mental break that the gym provides was not something I expected. No matter what else is going on, I always find solace in the gym. I love how it forces me to focus on my health by so clearly rewarding or punishing me for working hard or not working hard. What I did at work or at home doesn’t matter anymore when it’s time to make a lift or complete a workout. I, and I alone, am in control of this part of my life…drives my wife nuts.
Please share with us any favorite CrossFit / CFM moments: Lifting my bodyweight ground to overhead for the first time – huge goal of mine and a great feeling. Finishing Murph with the weight vest. First muscle up was a big deal (now I just gotta get consistent with ’em). Completely bombing in the Open last year during one of the workouts and hearing the encouragement from my gym mates as I struggled. Doing a competition last year with my cousin, Cochard, Sam and Lis. The mattress thing.
Any advice for people just getting started? Have fun with this stuff. Care about your performance, but not so much about that you stop having fun; nobody here is going to the Olympics, but get excited when you finish something you didn’t think you could do or when hit a PR on anything and get excited when somebody else in the gym hits a PR. Record everything; in 3 months, 6 months, a year from now, it will be a lot of fun to look back on how far you’ve come. Make mental notes of impressive stuff you see other members doing; I guarantee that you’ll start surpassing those things and it’s fun to remember how 6 months ago you were super-impressed by what you just did. Ask questions; everybody loves to be asked questions, it makes them feel like they’re awesome and you get some knowledge out of it – win, win. Pick a rival; find somebody who’s just a little faster/stronger than you or right at your level and try to beat them. Participate in the community events as much as you can; you’ll feel more comfortable in the gym and will perform better, you’ll be less likely to stop coming because you’ll want to see your new friends, you’ll have a lot more fun. Don’t look Vabs in the eye when he’s about to go for a big clean and jerk.
What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit? I don’t really have any hobbies between CF, my kid and my job. I don’t have much free time. But, I know a secret code on the standup arcade game Galaga that will make the enemy ships stop shooting at you. I like U.S. Presidential history – favorites are George Washington and Teddy Roosevelt.
What did you eat today? Coffee, eggs, bacon, protein powder, whole milk, coffee (trust me, it needs to be listed twice). Glad you didn’t ask about yesterday.
Do you follow the paleo or primal lifestyle? What is your nutrition philosophy? No. I drink a lot of whole milk and I only eat paleo meals if it’s easy. Breakfast is easy. If I go to the store and do the cooking it’s easy and I do it, but I will usually include more sweet potatoes than is probably recommended. My nutrition philosophy is to get as much protein as I can (I shoot for 150 to 190 grams per day), to keep the carbs and fats as quality as I can, but not making myself crazy about it. I do notice that I perform better when I’ve eaten cleaner. I’m light years better than I was, but still have plenty of room to improve. So, yeah, you will catch me with a bacon cheese burger or a glass of scotch from time to time.

31 Heroes is Saturday, August 4th

CrossFit Midtown is hosting this fundraising WOD and DYER wants you to participate. Yes, it’s DYER DAY on the blog. See his message below:
I just signed up for the 31 Heroes Event on the CFM group. If you’re looking for some way to honor those who have sacrificed in order to provide the freedom we celebrated last week, registering for this event would be a good place to start.
I did this last year and it was great experience all around. For those who don’t know anything about it, here’s some info that I would want to know (most of this you can find on the link shown to the right in the website sidebar…and you can register there):
What is this?: An event to raise funds for organizations that support the military and military families in honor of the 30 solders and 1 military dog who were killed in action in the Chinook helicopter crash that happened on August 6, 2011.
Where does the money go? 1/3 to the families of the 30 soldiers we are honoring, 1/3 to the Snowball Express, and 1/3 to the Travis Manion Foundation. I believe that 100% of the money goes to these three places (i.e. – no skimming).
Cost: $37 ($31 for the event, $6 for shipping your tshirt – you suck up the shipping cost to make sure all of the registration money goes where it should and not to a shipping company; this is good). Don’t know for sure, but you may be able to do it for just $31 if you opt not to get a tshirt.
Where will the workout take place? CFM – It’s your home gym. So, no worries about getting familiar with or finding a new strange location.
When will the workout take place? August 4th. It’s a Saturday. Best day of the week to get in for a workout and a beer with your friends afterwards.
What’s the WOD? 31-minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible) partner workout. 8 thrusters (155/105), 6 rope climbs (15ft), 11 box jumps (30/24); 1 partner works on doing these reps while the other runs 400 meters carrying a 45lb(men)/25lb(women) plate; switch when the running partner returns. Switch back and forth for 31 minutes. Score is the total number of reps by you and your partner combined.
Can you scale it? Definitely, I’m sure Lis can help you figure out the appropriate ways to scale this one. This is a hard workout to do Rx. Don’t not sign up just because you might need to scale it.
Do you need a partner? Yes and no. You’re supposed to have a partner to do the workout. But, don’t not sign up just because you don’t know anybody who would want to do it right now. Just sign up. The partner thing will work itself out. Or better yet, find a somebody and make them sign up with you and plan to do it together. If anybody is left without a partner on the day of the workout, Cochard will do the workout twice.
Will this be fun? Yes! The camaraderie will be outstanding and, with Lis’ blessing, I’m going to bring a cooler full of beer etc. to the box for finishers to enjoy after the workout. Editor’s note: Blessing granted
I don’t have a partner yet. So, if anybody wants to do it and partner up with me, sign up and let me know. Willing to do it Rx or scaled – your preference. Looking forward to working with you all on the 4th!

Workout of the Day

1. Gymnastics skill work – Handstands – 10 minutes
Deadlifts 225/155
Handstand Push Ups (HSPU)*
*HSPU modifications: negatives, strict press, pike
3. Cash Out: 100 barbell roll outs; foam roll glutes & low back

TUES 7.10.12 Athlete Profile – JOHN DYER Read More »

Goal Setting

Join us this Wednesday night at 7 pm as Rachel and Erin from lululemon athletica lead us through a free goal-setting workshop at the gym. We’ll be doing some exercises to visualize ourselves in the future and set some BHAGs – big, hairy, audacious goals!

CrossFit Endurance & POSE Running workshop

Do you want to improve your running technique and race times?
Are you clueless on how to work CrossFit Endurance workouts into your exercise routine?
Or do you just hate running and wish to improve your form to make it less painful and more enjoyable?
Join James Taylor, CrossFit Endurance-certified trainer and former Georgia Tech cross country and track & field athlete, for a 90-minute workshop to learn how to improve your technique, become a more efficient runner, and learn how to train for your next race.
Workshop includes:
-Pre- and post- workshop video evaluation of running technique, discussion of individual technical issues and identification of long-term solutions
-Discussion of general technical principles and methods to prevent common injuries
-Practical drills to improve running technique
-Detailed, sample programming ideas for various training goals
Price: $25
When: Thursday, 7/19, 7-8:30 pm
Register here or at the gym with cash or check.

Here’s a note from James on why it’s important to work on your running technique:
In general, athletes don’t pay much attention to running technique. I think there are two reasons that it is largely overlooked. Firstly, most people learn to run at a very young age. It is therefore considered a very simple activity for which technique is not necessary, which is an attitude that can easily manifest itself even in the case of otherwise proficient runners. However, I would argue that running’s simplicity means that any imperfections in technique will sap energy very quickly due to the the highly cyclical, repetitive nature of the movement. Secondly, the benefits of having good technique are not readily apparent to those who do not possess it. Unlike in an activity such as Olympic weightlifting, where the event itself is of a discrete nature and technical flaws can actually cause failure, in running flawed technique will only result in the loss of time unseen.
POSE running is a scientifically derived set of principles which explain the natural motion of running. It is a way of running that has not been invented so much as standardized and quantified. If you have never dedicated time to improving your running technique, you will most likely find that running is easier and potentially less harmful by doing so.

THEN, test drive your newly improved running technique w a 5K!

Dan’s company, TIGHITCO, is a strong supporter of the Southeastern Brain Tumor Foundation (SBTF) to honor the memory of their Founder. One of the primary fundraising initiatives of the SBTF is their annual 5k Run/2k Walk Race for Research. This year’s race will be held on Saturday, July 21st at Atlantic Station at 7:30am.
Please join the TIGHITCO team, ‘TIKKUN OLAM’ and participate in this year’s Run/Walk.
Click here to view the team page for Tikkun Olam to join the team.

We love Matt AND his abs.

Workout of the Day

1. 3 Rounds:
5 HEAVY thrusters
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP strict pull ups
Rest 1 minute

2. 8 Rounds:
:20 max effort row, AirDyne (NEW TOY!) or double unders
Rest 1 minute

Cash-out: Wall stretch 2 min each side

MON 07.09.12 Read More »

Wayne powers through the row during Fight Gone Bad.

Athlete Profile – Wayne Morrissette

Hometown:Montgomery, Alabama
Age: 38 (39 on August 15. Another Leo…Hey Uran!)
Occupation: Global Supply Chain Learning Project Manager
When did you first start CrossFitting?: I am entering week 4
Favorite WOD: I can’t remember the name but the one with the sprints where you pulled people with the big rubber band thingy (Editor’s note: Wayne is referring to RESISTED RUNNING… coming up again next week!)
Least Favorite WOD: anything with pull ups and burpees
Three words to describe you: introverted, funny, meteorologist
Tell us about your sports & fitness background: Have “worked out” off and on for years, have played softball in various city leagues since ’98 and have also played on local soccer and flag football teams. Weekend warrior extraordinaire.
How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD… what was it, and how did it feel? My first introduction to CrossFit was the Baseline workout. Sounded pretty harmless and it was a “baseline” so it couldn’t be SO bad, right? Going from exercise to exercise without stopping, and starting out the gates way too hard made the last part of the workout very challenging. I felt like I was going to die and it took me about an hour to finally cool off and catch my breath. It wasn’t cute but right then I knew that CrossFit would be more than just “working out” or “going to the gym” and that this was going to be a heckuva journey.
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF (before/after)? After 3 weeks, I’ve already noticed my work pants getting noticeably looser. I’ve also noticed that I’m able to recover and catch my breath a lot faster after workouts and I’m able to get through the warm up (bear crawls and inchworms sucked balls at first) with a lot more energy to spare now. For me, that’s progress.
What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected? I tend to live life in my comfort zone. CrossFit has shown me that I have a lot more in me than I give myself credit for, and that I can experience a lot more success and fulfillment in the things I do when I’m willing to push past where things are comfortable. There’s a whole new world out there.
Please share with us any favorite CrossFit / CFM moments: I haven’t done many of the “extra curricular activities because of other things I have going on, but in the time I have spent in the box, I’m incredibly inspired watching the more “Elite” and experienced Crossfitters bang through their WODs. These guys have also been very encouraging and helpful to me and that means a lot to me just starting out.
Any advice for people just getting started? Just go and get into it. Listen to what people say and ignore the voice that says “Are you crazy? You can’t do that?” Before you know the workout is over and you’ve accomplished more in an hour than you ever did with the 3 sets of 10-12 for 1 hour plus
What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit? Softball, soccer, extreme weather, storm chasing, weather forecasting, people watching, politics, sports spectating, theater, symphony, joke cracking
What did you eat today? So far just 4 eggs and sauteed spinach cooked in coconut oil, raw pecans a litte later
Do you follow the paleo or primal lifestyle? What is your nutrition philosophy? Since a couple of weeks before starting Crossfit I’m about 60-70% Paleo (higher during the week, lower on weekends). Try to stay away from processed fake crap and try to stick with eating stuff that burns clean and doesn’t leave a nasty residue.

Hooverball is Sunday at 10!

Join us Sundays at 10 am for Hooverball in the park (meet in the Piedmont Park Active Oval, nearest the Botanical Gardens/14th St gate). It’s lots of fun. Don’t forget to bring water, sunscreen and a towel. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll do a short pre-Hooverball warm up WOD.

CrossFit Endurance and POSE Running workshop

-Do you want to improve your running technique and race times?
-Are you clueless on how to work CrossFit Endurance workouts into your exercise routine?
-Or do you just hate running and wish to improve your form to make it less painful and more enjoyable?

Join James Taylor, CrossFit Endurance-certified trainer and former Georgia Tech cross country and track & field athlete, for a 90-minute workshop to learn how to improve your technique, become a more efficient runner, and learn how to train for your next race.
Workshop includes:
-Pre- and post- workshop video evaluation of running technique, discussion of individual technical issues and identification of long-term solutions
-Discussion of general technical principles and methods to prevent common injuries
-Practical drills to improve running technique
-Detailed, sample programming ideas for various training goals

Price: $25
When: Thursday, 7/19, 7-8:30 pm
Register online or in the gym.

Workout of the Day

1. Back Squat – 3 sets of 3 reps at 30X0 tempo
(30X0 means 3 seconds down, no rest at bottom, EXPLODE up, no rest at top)
2. Three-minute Fran:
Pull Ups
Select thruster weight and pull up modifications accordingly to finish all reps AS CLOSE TO THREE MINUTES AS POSSIBLE.
To do this workout “Rx” you must finish all reps between 2:50 and 3:10.
3. Cash-out: 3 attempts – max hang from pull up bar

FRANDAY 07.06.12: Athlete Profile – WAYNE MORRISSETTE Read More »

Goal Setting

Next Wednesday night at 7 pm, Rachel from lululemon howell mill is hosting a free goal-setting workshop at the gym. Join us as she leads us through some exercises to visualize ourselves in the future and set some BHAGs – big, hairy, audacious goals!

Fran Challenge

Fran Challengers, check your inbox! You received an email Tuesday confirming your prelims Fran time and t-shirt size. We’re placing the shirt order this week so email Sam ASAP to confirm your shirt size! EVERYONE – save the date and plan to attend the Fran Finals Party on Saturday, July 28th at noon. We’ll be grilling out, celebrating everyone’s improvement and awarding prizes, so don’t miss the fun!

Rachel pushes through her Fran thrusters as Betsy and Vabs cheer her on.

Workout of the Day

1. Squat cleans – take 15 minutes to work to a heavy single
2. 5 Rounds –
Max Push Ups
1 60-yd shuttle run*
Rest 2:00
*Begin sprint from the push-up position.

Cash-out: 3 x 1:00 plank hold (1 min each – center, L & R side, for three rounds)

THURS 07.05.12 Read More »

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