
Partner WOD


Workout of the Day (WOD)

On a running clock, in 14 minutes complete for time:
12-9-6-3 [7min cap]
Devil’s Press (50’s/35’s)
Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
At the 7 minute mark with the remaining time
1 RM Hang Squat Clean

Post time for the WOD and load for hang squat clean: 5:50, 295# Rx.

Upcoming Events

Thursday, October 17th Bring-A-Friend Day! Thank you for everyone who invited a friend to join us and for those completing their first workout at CrossFit Midtown for the September BAF Day! We look forward to the next BAF Day in October. Invite a friend or family to join you for a beginner friendly partner workout. Email us with their name and contact email to reserve their spot. #BYOF Bring Your Own Friend!

Today’s schedule

6:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Stasia
7:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Stasia
8:00a: Open Gym- Stasia
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Luke
1:00p: Open Gym- Luke
4:00p: Open Gym- Javi
5:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi
6:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi

And coming Saturday…

Partner WOD
“Fire Swamp”

100/80 Cal Row
50 DB Box Step Over (50/35)(24/20)
100 Toes to Bar

1 partner working at a time. All the reps are team totals. Partition the reps anyway.

Post total reps completed. Ex: 320 Rx

Saturday Schedule

8:30a: Open Gym- Michael
9:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
10:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Jeannette
11:45a: Yoga- Michael

And coming Sunday…

A. Bench Press 3×5
3 sets of 5 reps at 75% 1RM

B. 5 Rounds:
In a 2 minute window complete…
15 KB Swings (53/35#) (Rx+ 70/53#)
15 Burpees
Max Calorie Bike
-Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Post load for bench and total calories from bike. Ex: 205#, 72 Rx

Sunday Schedule

9a: Weightlifting- David
11a: All Levels CrossFit- Luke
12:15p: Yoga- Michael

FRI 10.11.24 Read More »

Coach Stasia

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. 3 Sets
8 Ground to Overhead (95/65)
10 Bar Facing Burpees
Rest 4 minutes between each AMRAP. Continue where you left off.

B. EMOM 10
Min 1: 10-15 Hollow to Superman
Min 2: 10-15 Kipping Swings

Post rounds and reps for the AMRAPs. Ex: 10+10 Rx.

Upcoming Events

Thursday, October 17th Bring-A-Friend Day! Thank you for everyone who invited a friend to join us and for those completing their first workout at CrossFit Midtown for the September BAF Day! We look forward to the next BAF Day in October. Invite a friend or family to join you for a beginner friendly partner workout. Email us with their name and contact email to reserve their spot. #BYOF Bring Your Own Friend!

Today’s schedule

6:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Stasia
7:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Stasia
8:00a: Open Gym- Stasia
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Luke
1:00p: Open Gym- Luke
4:00p: Open Gym- Javi
5:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi
6:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi

And coming Saturday…

Partner WOD [25 Minute Time Cap]:
5 Rounds

200 Meter Run (each) + 14 Deadlift (50% 1RM)
90 Double-Unders + 40 Wallballs (20/14 to 10/9ft)

At 3,2,1 go… partner 1 starts on 200m run and partner 2 starts on deadlift. When 1 partner finishes the run, they tag and partner 2 goes on the 200m. Once the 1st couplet is completed by both partners then advance to the Double Unders/Wallball couplet with 1 partner working at each station and then switching.

Each partner completes a 200m run. Double-Unders, Deadlift and Wallballs are team total. Both partners working at the same time on opposite movements of each couplet.

Post time for team to complete all 5 rounds. Ex: 18:34 @ 215# Rx.

Saturday Schedule

8:30a: Open Gym- Luke
9:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Luke
10:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Jeannette
11:45a: Yoga- Michael

And coming Sunday…

A. 5 Rounds [12min cap]
14 DB Lateral Lunges (goblet hold) (35/20) (Rx+ = 50/35)
20/15 Push Ups

B. Banded Hip/Shoulder Stretches
Banded Lat
Banded Pec
Banded Samson
Banded Pigeon

Post time to complete the WOD. Ex: 9:48 Rx.

Sunday Schedule

9a: Weightlifting- David
11a: All Levels CrossFit- Luke
12:15p: Yoga- Michael

FRI 10.04.24 Read More »

Ryan R

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Power Snatch 5×2
In 10 minutes work up to a heavy 2 rep
Start at 60% 1RM
Build to 80-90%

B. EMOM 15
Min 1: 15/12 Cal Echo Bike
Min 2: 20 Wall Balls (20/14 at 10/9ft)
Min 3: 20 Push Ups
Min 4: 6 Power Snatch (65% part A)
Min 5: Rest

Post load for snatch and a total of fewest reps completed each minute.
Ex: 175#, 56 Rx at 115#

Upcoming Events

Saturday, September 28th CFM Rise Up: A Scaled Competition! Talk to your coach or classmates to find a partner to workout with on Saturday! Each of the three workouts that Saturday morning in the competition will emphasize a different aspect of our training with conditioning, weightlifting strength, and CrossFit skills. Divisions will be same gender M/M or W/W and leveled Scaled/Intermediate/Rx. All CFM Members are invited to participate and experience the fun, supportive environment, and excitement of our In-House competition! Sign up at the gym or click here for event details and to register!

Today’s schedule

**Morning classes cancelled due to inclement weather**
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
1:00p: Open Gym- Michael
4:00p: Open Gym- Javi
5:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi
6:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi

And coming Saturday…

CFM Rise Up Partner Competition!!

Saturday Schedule

8:00a: Doors Open
8:30a: Welcome and WOD 1 Brief
8:45a: Event 1 “Albatross”
10:10a: Event 2&3 “Achilles’ Heel” & “Championship Complex”
11:35a: Event 4 “Phoenix Rising”

And coming Sunday…

A. Monkey Grip Deadlift
Increase weight each set

B. 3 Rounds [15min cap]
21 Double KB Deadlifts (53/35’s)
100m Farmer Carry (53/35’s)
250/200m Row

Post load for deadlift and time for the WOD. Ex: 335#, 10:10 Rx.

Sunday Schedule

9a: Weightlifting- David
11a: All Levels CrossFit- Luke
12:15p: Yoga- Michael

FRI 09.27.24 Read More »


Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Snatch + Overhead Squat
5 x 1+1

B. “Nancy”
5 Rounds: [24min cap]
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)

Post load for snatch complex and time for the WOD. Ex: 185#, 15:15 Rx.

Upcoming Events

Saturday, September 28th CFM Rise Up: A Scaled Competition! Talk to your coach or classmates to find a partner to workout with on Saturday! Each of the three workouts that Saturday morning in the competition will emphasize a different aspect of our training with conditioning, weightlifting strength, and CrossFit skills. Divisions will be same gender M/M or W/W and leveled Scaled/Intermediate/Rx. All CFM Members are invited to participate and experience the fun, supportive environment, and excitement of our In-House competition! Sign up at the gym or click here for event details and to register!

Today’s schedule

6:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Stasia
7:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Stasia
8:00a: Open Gym- Stasia
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
1:00p: Open Gym- Michael
4:00p: Open Gym- Javi
5:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi
6:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi

And coming Saturday…

Partner WOD

Saturday Schedule

8:30a: Open Gym- Michael
9:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
10:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Jeannette
11:45a: Yoga- Michael

And coming Sunday…

A. Mixed Carry
Front Rack Carry + Suitcase Carry
4 x 100m (change KB position at 50m mark, and add weight each round)

B. 2 Rounds [20min cap]
15 Hand Release Push Ups
20 Medball Over Bar (20/14)
15 Hand Release Push Ups
800m Run with Medball Ball

Post heaviest weight for mixed carry, and time to complete the WOD Ex; 70, 18:25 Rx

Sunday Schedule

9a: Weightlifting- David
11a: All Levels CrossFit- Luke
12:15p: Yoga- Michael

FRI 09.20.24 Read More »


Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Championship Complex
Complete 1 set every 5 minutes for 5 sets
5 Deadlift
4 Hang Power Clean
3 Front Squats
2 Shoulder to Overhead
1 Ground to Overhead
Within 1 minute complete the complex. It does not have to be unbroken.
Start at 50% 1RM C&J and work up to 75-85% to finish
Rest 4 minutes between sets

B. For Time [6min cap]
30/24 Cal Bike
15 Clean & Jerks (135/95)

Post load for the complex and time for the WOD. Ex: 240#, 2:49 Rx

Upcoming Events

Thursday, September 19th Bring-A-Friend Day! Thank you for everyone who invited a friend to join us and for those completing their first workout at CrossFit Midtown for the August BAF Day! We look forward to the next BAF Day in September. Invite a friend or family to join you for a beginner friendly partner workout. Email us with their name and contact email to reserve their spot. #BYOF Bring Your Own Friend!

Saturday, September 28th CFM Rise Up: A Scaled Competition! Talk to your coach or classmates to find a partner to workout with on Saturday! Each of the three workouts that Saturday morning in the competition will emphasize a different aspect of our training with conditioning, weightlifting strength, and CrossFit skills. Divisions will be same gender M/M or W/W and leveled Scaled/Intermediate/Rx. All CFM Members are invited to participate and experience the fun, supportive environment, and excitement of our In-House competition! Sign up at the gym or click here for event details and to register!

Today’s schedule

6:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Stasia
7:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Stasia
8:00a: Open Gym- Stasia
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
1:00p: Open Gym- Michael
4:00p: Open Gym- Javi
5:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi
6:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi

And coming Saturday…

Partner WOD
5 Rounds [25min cap]
90 Double Unders
30 Alt Double Snatch (50/35) (Rx+ 70/50)
15 Burpee Box Jumps (30/24″)

All the reps are team totals. 1 partner working at a time. Partners may partition the rounds and reps any way.

Post times to complete. Ex: 21:30 Rx+

Saturday Schedule

8:30a: Open Gym- Michael
9:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
10:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Jeannette
11:45a: Yoga- Michael

And coming Sunday…

A. Kipping Pullups:
Spend 10 minutes practicing kipping pullup progressions.
Then… 2 sets max reps pullups (Rx+ = C2B). Rest 3 minutes between sets.

B. 2 Rounds EMOM:
Min 1: 15/12 Calorie Row
Min 2: 1 Round Cindy (Rx+ = C2B)
Min 3: 30 Mountain Climbers (R+L=1)
Min 4: Rest
Min 5: 1 Round Cindy (Rx+ = C2B)
Min 6: 15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
Min 7: 25 Situps
Min 8: Rest

Note: The listed reps are prescribed for the EMOM and athletes may scale up or down the rep count for each movement.

1 round of EMOM 8 minutes has 145/142 reps.
1 Round of Cindy = 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats = 30 reps
**Scale Cindy to mini Cindy = 3 pullups, 6 pushups, 9 air squats = 18 reps

Post total reps pullups in part A. and total reps from EMOM.
Ex: 82 Rx, 365 Rx

Sunday Schedule

9a: Weightlifting- David
11a: All Levels CrossFit- Luke
12:15p: Yoga- Michael

FRI 09.13.24 Read More »


Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. E2MOM 14
Position 1 Power Snatch + Position 2 Power Snatch
3 x 1+1
Power Snatch
-Add weight each set
-Start at 55% and finish at 85-90%

3 Power Snatch (115/85)
60 Double Unders

(Rx+ 155/105)

Post snatch load and rounds for the AMRAP. Ex: 190#, 8+32 Rx.

Upcoming Events

Thursday, September 19th Bring-A-Friend Day! Thank you for everyone who invited a friend to join us and for those completing their first workout at CrossFit Midtown for the August BAF Day! We look forward to the next BAF Day in September. Invite a friend or family to join you for a beginner friendly partner workout. Email us with their name and contact email to reserve their spot. #BYOF Bring Your Own Friend!

Today’s schedule

6:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Stasia
7:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Stasia
8:00a: Open Gym- Stasia
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
1:00p: Open Gym- Michael
4:00p: Open Gym- Javi
5:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi
6:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi

And coming Saturday…

Partner WOD

4 Rounds
10 Toes to Bar
10 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
10 Pull Ups
10 DB Farmers Lunges (50’s/35’s)
3 Rounds
12 Toes to Bar
12 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
12 DB Front Rack Lunges (50’s/35’s)
2 Rounds
15 Toes to Bar
15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
15 Bar Muscle Ups
15 DB Overhead Lunges (50’s/35’s)

All rounds are team totals. One partner working at a time. Partition the rounds and reps any way.

Post the rounds and reps completed in the AMRAP. Ex: 9+2 Rx

Saturday Schedule

8:30a: Open Gym- Michael
9:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
10:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Jeannette
11:45a: Yoga- Michael

And coming Sunday…

A. Turkish Get Ups
(3 reps each arm, add weight each set)

B. 2 Rounds [15min cap]
30 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (53/35)
40 Push Ups
30/21 Cal Echo Bike

Post load for heavy TGU and time for the WOD. Ex: 95#, 10:47 Rx.

Sunday Schedule

9a: Weightlifting- David
11a: All Levels CrossFit- Luke
12:15p: Yoga- Michael

FRI 09.06.24 Read More »


Workout of the Day (WOD)

For Time [15min cap]
21 Deadlift (185/135)
21 Pull-ups
100 Double Unders
15 Deadlift
15 Pull-ups
75 Double Unders
9 Deadlift
9 Pull-ups
50 Double Unders

Post the time for the WOD. Ex: 8:10 Rx

Upcoming Events

Thursday, September 19th Bring-A-Friend Day! Thank you for everyone who invited a friend to join us and for those completing their first workout at CrossFit Midtown for the August BAF Day! We look forward to the next BAF Day in September. Invite a friend or family to join you for a beginner friendly partner workout. Email us with their name and contact email to reserve their spot. #BYOF Bring Your Own Friend!

Today’s schedule

6:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Stasia
7:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Stasia
8:00a: Open Gym- Stasia
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
1:00p: Open Gym- Michael
4:00p: Open Gym- Javi
5:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi
6:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi

And coming Saturday…

Partner WOD [30min cap]
1 Round

30 Thrusters (95/65)
40 Bar Facing Burpees
50/40 Cal Echo Bike
2 Rounds
15 Thrusters
20 Bar Facing Burpees
25/20 Cal Echo Bike
3 Rounds
10 Thrusters
15 Bar Facing Burpees
20/16 Cal Echo Bike

Post the time for the WOD. Ex: 22:49 Rx

Saturday Schedule

8:30a: Open Gym- Michael
9:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
10:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Luke
11:45a: Yoga- Michael

And coming Sunday…

5 Rounds [25min cap]
50ft Walking Lunge
50ft Leopard Crawl
15/12 Cal Row
12 DB Snatch (50/35) (Rx+ 70/50)

Post time for the WOD. Ex: 21:20 Rx

Sunday Schedule

9a: Weightlifting- David
11a: All Levels CrossFit- Luke
12:15p: Yoga- Michael

FRI 08.30.24 Read More »


Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Pause Front Squat
(2 second Pause)

36 Double Unders
9 Wallballs (30/20 at 10/9ft)

Post load for squat and rounds for AMRAP. Ex: 275#, 9+34 Rx

Upcoming Events

Sunday, August 18th Pop Up Bring-A-Friend Day!

Thursday, September 19th Bring-A-Friend Day! Thank you for everyone who invited a friend to join us and for those completing their first workout at CrossFit Midtown for the August BAF Day! We look forward to the next BAF Day in September. Invite a friend or family to join you for a beginner friendly partner workout. Email us with their name and contact email to reserve their spot. #BYOF Bring Your Own Friend!

Today’s schedule

6:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Luke
7:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Luke
8:00a: Open Gym- Luke
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
1:00p: Open Gym- Michael
4:00p: Open Gym- Javi
5:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi
6:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi

And coming Saturday…

Partner WOD
24-20-16-12-8-4 Rep Rounds [30min cap]
Devil’s Press (50’s/35’s)
Bar Muscle Ups
4 Rope Climbs Each Round*
*All athletes must were long socks or shin guards to protect shins when climbing

1 partner working at a time. All reps are team totals. Partners may partition the reps any way.

Post time to complete WOD Ex: 21:10 Rx

Saturday Schedule

8:30a: Open Gym- Michael
9:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
10:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Jeannette
11:45a: Yoga- Michael

And coming Sunday…

A. Single Leg Kettlebell Deadlift
3 x 5/5

B. 10 Rounds [18min cap]
10 1-Arm Dumbbell Thrusters (35/25) (Rx+ 50/35)
12 Alt Single Leg V-Ups (Rx+ Alt Single Leg Toes to Bar)

Post time for the WOD. Ex: 10:49 Rx

Sunday Schedule

9a: Weightlifting- David
11a: All Levels CrossFit- Luke
12:15p: Yoga- Michael

FRI 08.23.24 Read More »

Michael S

Workout of the Day (WOD)

4 Rounds For Time: [24min cap]
400m Run
15 Box Jumps (30/24″)
9 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)

Post time for the WOD. Ex: 17:10 Rx

Upcoming Events

Sunday, August 18th Pop Up Bring-A-Friend Day!

Thursday, September 19th Bring-A-Friend Day! Thank you for everyone who invited a friend to join us and for those completing their first workout at CrossFit Midtown for the August BAF Day! We look forward to the next BAF Day in September. Invite a friend or family to join you for a beginner friendly partner workout. Email us with their name and contact email to reserve their spot. #BYOF Bring Your Own Friend!

Today’s schedule

6:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Anastasia
7:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Anastasia
8:00a: Open Gym- Anastasia
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
1:00p: Open Gym- Michael
4:00p: Open Gym- Javi
5:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi
6:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi

And coming Saturday…

Partner WOD
For Time [24min cap]
30 Burpees Over the Bar Partner Medball Bear Hug
40 Deadlifts (225/155) Partner Rower Plank Hold
60 Wall Balls (20/14) Partner Deadlift Hold

90/70 Cal Row

60 Wall Balls (20/14) Partner Deadlift Hold
40 Deadlifts (225/155) Partner Rower Plank Hold
30 Burpees Over the Bar Partner Medball Bear Hug

All reps are team totals. 1 partner working at a time while the other partner is in a static hold position. Partners may partition the reps any way. There is no hold on the rower and partners may switch as often as they like.

Score time to complete the WOD. Ex: 22:19 Rx

Saturday Schedule

8:30a: Open Gym- Jeannette
9:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Jeannette
10:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Kevin
11:45a: Yoga- Kevin

And coming Sunday…

Brittany WODs a Marathon
Partner WOD
4 Rounds [60 sec work : 10 sec transition]
Min 1: 7m Shuttle Sprint Relay
Min 2: 16 DB Box Step Ups (50/35)(24/20)
Min 3: 10/7 Calorie Ski Relay
Min 4: 24 Russian Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
Min 5: 10/7 Calorie Bike Relay
Min 6: 24 Sit Ups
Min 7: 10/7 Calorie Row Relay

[32:40min Total Time]

1 partner working at a time. All reps are team totals.

Post total of fewest reps completed in each minute.
Ex: 18, 16, 15, 24, 22, 25, 20 = 140 Rx

Sunday Schedule

9a: Weightlifting- Michael
11a: All Levels CrossFit- Liza
12:15p: Yoga- Michael

FRI 08.16.24 Read More »

Alex W

Workout of the Day (WOD)

3 sets of
15/12 Cal Row
12 Sit Ups
9 Burpees
Rest 5 minutes between sets. Continue the AMRAP where you left off.

Post rounds and reps for the AMRAP. Ex: 7+10 Rx

Upcoming Events

Saturday, August 10th 31Heroes Charity & Fundraising WOD!! 31Heroes was created to help support the families of those killed in action on 8-6-2011; a date which resulted in our largest loss of life in a single day during the Afghan War as 30 service-members, across 3 branches, and 1 working dog, were killed in action. The fundraiser helps support the families of those lost along with the larger Navy Seal community and also to aid in the treatment of PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury. Make a donation to support here:

Sign up for a heat to participate in the 31Heroes WOD at CFM:

Thursday, August 15th Bring-A-Friend Day! Thank you for everyone who invited a friend to join us and for those completing their first workout at CrossFit Midtown for the July BAF Day! We look forward to the next BAF Day in August. Invite a friend or family to join you for a beginner friendly partner workout. Email us with their name and contact email to reserve their spot. #BYOF Bring Your Own Friend!

Today’s schedule

6:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Anastasia
7:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Anastasia
8:00a: Open Gym- Anastasia
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Hailey
1:00p: Open Gym- Hailey
4:00p: Open Gym- Javi
5:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi
6:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi

And coming Saturday…


8 Thrusters (155/105)
6 Rope Climbs
11 Box Jumps (30/24)
[See below for scaling options]

This is a Partner WOD – Partner #1 will perform the work listed above. Partner #2 will run 400m with a sandbag (45/25). Once Partner #2 returns from the run, Partner #1 will grab the sandbag and begin their 400m, while Partner #2 continues work wherever #1 left off.

Score is your total number of rounds/reps (25 per round). Ex: 5+16 Rx.

This WOD was created specifically to honor the 30 men and one service canine that gave their lives for our country on August 6, 2011. It is 31 minutes long—one minute in remembrance of each hero. The rep scheme is 8-6-11—the date of their ultimate sacrifice. Finally, this is a partner WOD. The men who gave their lives were from multiple branches of our military, working together as a team. In the workout you and your team member will constantly be taking the load from each other providing much needed support and relief. We realize that no physical sacrifice made during a workout can come close to the sacrifice our brave heroes made, but we consider this WOD a CrossFitters “moment of silence.” This is how we can honor those that gave all in the name of freedom.

L2 Division
8 Thrusters (105/75#)
6 Rope Climbs (15ft/9ft)
11 Box Jumps (24/20)

L1 Division
8 Thrusters (75/55#)
6 Ring Rows
11 Box Jumps (20/16)

Foundation Division
8 Thrusters or Squats (15/10# Dumbbells)
6 Ring Rows
11 Step Ups (20/16″)
400m Walk or Medball Carry (20/14)

Additional Scaling Options:
Scaling Rope Climbs: Rope Climb (9ft) 1:1, Rope Climb Pullups 2:1, Ring Rows 2:1
Thruster weight can be scaled further in either division. Thruster weight scaled to 70% of our 1RM Thruster. Can be modified to Dumbbell Thruster
Box Jump height can be scaled in all divisions or modified to step ups. 24”, 20”, 16”, 12”
Box Jumps will be step downs only

Saturday Schedule

7:45a: Doors Open
8:31a: 1st Heat
9:15a: 2nd Heat
10:00a: 3rd Heat

And coming Sunday…

Double Unders
Hand Release Push Ups

-3min Rest-
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (53/35)
10 AbMat Sit Ups
10 Jumping Lunges

Post rounds for each AMRAP.
Ex: 9+60 Rx, 8+8 Rx.

Sunday Schedule

9a: Weightlifting- David
11a: All Levels CrossFit- Liza
12:15p: Yoga- Stasia

FRI 08.09.24 31Heroes WOD Saturday! Read More »

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