Why is range of motion important?
This may seem like a silly question, but it’s an important one to address. I see it in two different types of people: 1) brand new students who don’t know any better, and 2) clock whores.
For you new folk, it may sound like the coaches are broken records when we constantly remind you to “squat lower” or “get your chin over the bar”. We want you to learn the right form in the beginning, first for safety, but also to build strength & muscle memory, and develop these skills that will make you stronger, faster, hotter, healthier and harder to kill.
When you’re new, it may seem like cheating your range of motion is no big deal, because “Hey, I just want to get this over with. If I even survive it, that’s an accomplishment.”
Errrrr, yes and no. Yes, every WOD you finish is another feather in your cap. Bravo. But “just getting through it” with poor range of motion is cheating yourself.
As coaches, we’d rather scale down the number of reps so you can complete each one with proper form, than to have you complete all the reps halfway. Do it right from the beginning.
Thankfully, we have very few of group #2: the dreaded clock whore, in our student body at CFM. And that’s why I want to address it now. I will borrow from Hyperfit USA for their definition of a Clock Whore:
“Person who is so obsessed with beating the clock/others that they will prostitute themselves and sacrifice important and vital components of training such as range of motion, repetitions or other performance metrics for a “better” time.” (read their entire post here)
No one likes clock whores. Who cares if you got the fastest time/heaviest lift/most reps in the box today if it wasn’t legit? We constantly say there’s no judgment at CFM… you are here to better yourself and for that there is nothing to be ashamed. But if people start seeing your scores on the board and scoffing at them because they know you’re a serial clock whore, that is shameful.
Why do you pay a premium to train at CrossFit Midtown? Because you want to get into the best shape of your life and have fun doing it, right? Let us help you DO IT RIGHT. We’re big on accountability at CFM. Ask your coach, or another classmate, to double-check your range of motion or help count your tempo. And please, don’t tell my mother I used that word (FIVE TIMES!) in today’s blog post.
New classes!
Rowing class continues tonight at 7pm with Uran. Class is capped at 5 students, so RSVP to save your spot!
Beginner classes with Coach Cassie are on Tues & Thurs nights at 8p and Sat mornings at 9a.
SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! Everywhere I turn, people are talking about this Sunday. We’ve been waiting MONTHS for this. No, I’m not talking about the Harbaugh vs. Harbaugh Bowl in NOLA. An even bigger sports duo: Newly minted CF Coach John Dyer & double-under ninja Don Matz will tag-team coach the first Sunday WOD in CrossFit Midtown history. Join Coach Dyer for Open Gym from 12n-2p. THEN you can go watch the big game and enjoy the party grub without guilt.
Yoga on Weds @ noon! Join Beth in the front room on Wednesdays at noon for yoga, starting NEXT WEEK Feb 6th. Thursday night yoga at 8:15 with Monica will also continue. Yoga is free with your CFM membership, so all students are welcome to attend… it doesn’t count as one of your weekly visits.
Upcoming Events
Ayurveda workshop with Anna Russ: This Sat, Feb 2nd, 12n-2p. $20 for CFM members & $30 for guests. Read more & register here.
Quarterly Progress Checks: Don’t miss the week of Feb 4-8th at CFM! We’ll be retesting the Baseline, maxing on several lifts, as well as doing a few other benchmark workouts. AND OH YEAH: Goal setting! We’ll reflect on the past quarter and set some new goals to crush over the next three months.
Mardi Gras WOD: Fat Tuesday. February 12th. 8pm. This WOD is open to the public so bring a friend if you wish. It won’t count as one of your weekly visits. The Beginner’s class will be cancelled on Fat Tuesday, but everyone is welcome to join the party (all levels!) and LAISSEZ LES BON TEMPS ROULER! Beads & jello cocktails may or may not be provided.
Bring a Friend Days are coming back at the end of February. Bring a buddy along to class on Thursday, Feb 28, Friday, March 1 & Saturday, March 2 for a partner or team workout suitable for all fitness levels.
Post-surgery Walter? Thanks to Jon DLP for tracking down this image of what doctors were going for when they repaired Coach Walter’s torn tricep yesterday. Walter, we wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing that jerk PR once you’re healthy again!
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Squat clean: In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy squat clean triple
B. 5 rounds for time:
12 thrusters 95/65#
18 box jumps 24/20″
And coming tomorrow…
Every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
Odd rounds: 1 rope climb
Even rounds: 1 muscle-up OR 3 dips & 3 pull ups
<— Clockwhore.
Excited for open gym on Sunday 🙂 What am I going to do first?
Missed you in the AM's Don.