Mark your calendars!
Tuesday nights at 7p: NINJA TRAINING – Every week, join Lindsay at 7p at the box or meet her at the Piedmont Park Active Oval at 7:15, for some running speedwork! This visit does count as one of your weekly classes, so please RSVP online and Lindsay will log you in (if you meet at the park).
Mon, April 29-Sat, May 4: Quarterly Progress Checks… Retest your Baseline, CrossFit Total and a few other benchmark workouts all week long. Don’t miss this week at CFM!
Friday, April 26th: Instructor Training Program (ITP) letters of intent due. Email Lis for more details.
Saturday, May 4th: Goal-setting workshop with Lis. Join us for a free goal-setting workshop at noon, to set your goals for the next quarter. Wrap up Quarterly Progress Check Week with some goal-setting for the upcoming quarter!
Saturday, May 11th: Strong4Life Field Day at Piedmont Park, 9a-12n. Donate here. AND 1st Anniversary Party at CFM, 7-10p. I heard there might be an ice luge.
Tuesday, May 14th: Birthday WOD! Join us for a birthday WOD at the 8pm class. Maybe Arielle will make cake balls 🙂
Saturday, May 18th: Self-defense seminar with Walter. 11a-1p. $60. More details coming next week.
Monday, May 27th at 10a: Memorial Day Murph… join us at the box for a Hero WOD and then a cookout. We’ll be collecting optional donations for the Wounded Warrior Project.
Workout of the Day
A. Goat work: 10 minutes of skill practice
B. Fran:
Thrusters 95/65
Pull Ups
And coming tomorrow…
Partner Grelen
In teams of two, complete the following:
30 clean & jerks 135/95# THEN
3 rounds –
400m run
21 kettlebell swings
12 pull ups
30 more clean & jerks 135/95# THEN
3 more rounds –
400m run
21 kettlebell swings
12 pull ups
One partner works at a time. Split the work however you choose. If possible, share the same barbell and kettlebell.
GREAT JOB to all the AM peeps crushing Fran this morning! Shout outs to Ellen & Ducat on your first Rx'ed Fran… and Dyer on a BIG PR!
Any PRs I missed? Who else is going to have a FRANtastic WOD today?
Also, I love this picture Tiernan. Carlos Tapia really captured the essence of your abs and your hair looks AH. MAZ. ING.
Adam also PR'd on Fran and Amanda went with the Rx weight for the first time this morning. Badass. Weightlifting shoes = steroids for doing thrusters.
Congrats Adam & Amanda! #powercouple