by Uran
As we finally begin to put behind us what felt like the longest, rainiest winter on record, we come upon the season of playing outside! Nicer weather makes it easier and more enjoyable to stay active on the days you don’t come into CFM, but it also usually means plenty of vacations, outdoor festivals, and mastering the sport of day-drinking. It can be tempting to use your time away from gym as an excuse to throw caution to the wind and laze around eating and drinking everything in sight. I know I certainly have before. But this year I’m taking a more controlled approach.
I was in Costa Rica last weekend. Typically, that means eating and drinking copious amounts of not-so-healthy food and drink and laying around a fair amount. Although I walk a lot while I’m there, I still usually come back dehydrated, exhausted, and having gained a couple of pounds. This year was different. I didn’t want my vacation to feel any less like a vacation, and I had absolutely no desire to do a typical workout, so I just exercised a little self-control. I still had most of the foods and drinks I love, but I had them in smaller amounts. I still relaxed, but I took a few extra long walks on the beach and beat the heat by focusing on staying hydrated. I still had an awesome time but more importantly, I came back feeling great.
It’s not some crazy revelation, but it occurred to me to be mindful of my behavior on vacation because I realized that my time in the gym, while fun on its own, is practice for real life. Most of us work out and eat well to enrich our lives, so why not put into practice what we do within the walls of CFM no matter where we are instead of undoing all our good work?
Kelli SMILING through the pain!
Yoga is tonight at 8:15!
Reminder that yoga does NOT count against your weekly class limit, so give it a try! What’s stopping you? You can also use a guest pass (Gold members get 2 per month. Silver members get 1) to bring a guest for free or they can pay a $10 drop in.
Workout of the Day
Every 3 min for 3 rounds:
A1. Barbell step-up L: 8-10 reps @1010 tempo, no rest
A2. Barbell step-up R: 8-10 reps @1010 tempo
As many rounds & reps as possible in 12 min:
6 dumbbell or kettlebell thrusters
12 box jump overs 24/20″
50 double unders or 150 singles
And coming tomorrow…
A. Goat work: 10 minutes of skill practice
B. Fran:
Thrusters 95/65
Pull Ups
Hahah! I see nothing has changed, Kelli!
Lis, when do you anticipate the dunk truck is coming in?
I anticipate it's coming on May 1st from 4p-8p. I'm pretty confident in this anticipation.
Love it Kelli!!