Get to know our new Athlete Manager Ellen!
Ellen starts full time this Month. She joined CFM a few months after the gym opened and in her first year became one of our strongest athletes. From athlete to coach to now manager, she has become an example member of CFM. She always gives positive words of encouragement, introduces herself to new members, brings a smile to class, and celebrates the hard, honest efforts of others.
Welcome to your new role at CFM, Ellen!
Name: Ellen Flader Thomas
How long coaching CrossFit? I started coaching in 2014.
Day job: I’m the new Athlete Manager at Crossfit Midtown. I look forward to meeting all of our members in the next few weeks!
Athletic background/achievement: I was a college swimmer at Emory specializing in breaststroke and IM. During my time at Emory our team won 2 NCAA championships and 4 conference championships. Individually I was a NCAA All American, conference champion, and conference record holder. After college I took up running and completed several 10Ks and half marathons before starting CrossFit.
How long doing CrossFit: 3 years.
Favorite CrossFit movement: I have a love/hate relationship with Fran. It was my first Crossfit WOD and it’s been fun to watch my improvement over the last 3 years. My time now is around 7 minutes RX… still have A LOT of room for improvement!!
Favorite movement to coach: Double unders or Olympic lifts. It’s really fun to see people make progress in these tougher movements.
What do you enjoy about coaching: Helping people be their best and cheering them through the workouts.
In my spare time I enjoy: Sleeping, eating, spending time at the park or the river with my hubs and our dog Cayenne.
What’s some of your CFM memorable moments: Moving WODs & all parties!
Favorite quote: “Sports do not build character, they reveal it.”
Advice to new CrossFitters: Don’t compare yourself to other people in the gym. Even though we write our scores down on the white board, it’s not about anyone else’s time or weight. Focus on your own journey.

Today’s schedule
6a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
8a: Strength Training/Open Gym- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
4p: Open Gym- Michael
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
8p: Open Gym- Michael
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Deadlift: In 16 minutes work up to a 5 rep max.
B. 14 minute EMOM
8 sumo deadlift high pull (24/16kg)
AMRAP Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
30 seconds pushup position plank hold
Post load for Deadlift and total reps of BBJ. Ex: 355#, 38 Rx
And coming tomorrow…
“Nautical Nancy”
5 Rounds [17 minute time cap]
400m Row
15 Overhead Squat (m = pvc/65/95, w = pvc/45/65)
**Click here to see WOD description:
“Nautical Nancy” WOD Description and Standards
Post time to complete the WOD or every unfinished rep when time expires results in a 1 second penalty per rep. Ex: 11:41 L3
MON 10.05.15 Coach Spotlight: Ellen Read More »