Today’s schedule
6a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Stacy
4p: Open Gym- Anthony
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Tina
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Tina
8:15p: Tuesday Yoga- Lana
Sign up for yoga this week and next. Click here to reserve
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Front Rack Mobility: Spend 10 minutes on Lats, wrists, and T-spine.
B. “Karen Meets Annie” [17 Minute Time Cap]
Wall Balls**
Double Unders**
Wall Situps
**Level Movement Details:
L3: Wall Balls (20# to 10ft/14# to 10ft), Double unders
L2: Wall Balls (14# to 10ft/10# to 10ft), 25-20-15-10-5 Double Unders
L1: Wall Balls (14# to 9ft/10# to 9ft), Single unders
Performance Tips:
This workout was inspired by Power Keg CrossFit in San Diego, CA and in collaboration with Neal Maddox. This is twist of 2 beloved benchmark workouts that will put your motor to the test. The goal is to complete the workout as quickly as possible within the time cap. However, not all athletes will be able to finish the entire workout within the time cap, so do your best and use that cap as extra motivation. Not finishing doesn’t mean failure. The workout is tough by design and will help get you ready for the Open.
Pick a skill level that allows you to keep moving rather than get stuck on one of the movements like double unders. If you aren’t proficient at double unders but you can still link 5-6 reps in a row, Level 2 might be the best option due to the scaled rep requirement.
Post time for the WOD. Ex: 14:10 L3.
And coming tomorrow…
A. Bench Press: In 15 minutes working up to a 3 rep max.
B. 16 Minute EMOM:
1st: 12 Goblet Squats (m = 16/24/32 kg, w = 12/16/24)
2nd: 9 Bench Press (m = 95/135/185, w = 65/95/135)
3rd: 6 Strict Pullups (L2/L3+ = C2B)
4th: 1 set 30 second Elbow Plank Hold
Post load for bench and fewest number of reps completed each minute for each movement. The reps do not have to be unbroken. Only 1 set for the plank.
Ex: 265#, 12-10-5-40 L3+.
Upcoming CFM Events
Thursday, Jan 26th: Mobility Night with Dr. Jackie Varnum at 6pm. This will be the first session of a 2 part series going over mobility for CrossFit Athletes. This first session will focus on the squat and improving hip mobility through increased range of motion, muscle activation, and movement reinforcement.
Thursday, Feb 23rd: The 2017 Open begins! CrossFit Midtown will be doing the open workouts on Friday during regular classes and then each week we have a Friday Night Lights (FNL) competition highlighting match-ups with both individual and team events as well as a gym social Friday evenings after the workouts. The 1st Open workout is released on Thursday, February 23rd and continues for 5 weeks with 1 new workout each week. Participating in the Open is a seminal CrossFit experience and we highly recommend all athletes who have been training at CFM for a year or more to sign up. This is a great opportunity to test your fitness and enjoy the camaraderie and community of CrossFit. Click here to register for the open and join Team CFM.
TUES 01.24.17 “Karen Meets Annie” Read More »