Quarterly Progress Checks
Next week 5/12-5/17 is the quarterly progress checks where we retest from January 2014. There will be benchmark WODs and lifts every day, leading up to our final day of our Burpee Challenge and 100 Burpees for time. Saturday, May 17th will also be our Anniversary party.
Is this your first Quarterly Check-In Week?
Here’s what’s about to go down…1. Retest your baseline! For your first workout of the week, you’ll retest your Baseline as your warm-up. You also have the option to retest your Baseline WOD on Sunday at Open Gym on 5/11 or 5/18 from 1-2pm with Dyer OR on Saturday, 5/17 on Make up Day…
2. Goal-Setting & reflection: At the beginning of class on Mon & Tues, we’ll take 10 minutes to reflect on our progress over the last three months and set some goals for the next quarter. If you prefer to spend more time on goal-setting, join Mike next Wednesday evening, May 14th from 8-830pm for a goal-setting workshop. We’ll take some time to visualize what we want our future to be like, then set smaller, action steps to achieve our longer-term goals.
3. Record your results! If you haven’t been doing it already, now is the time to start tracking your progress in the gym. Use the Zen Planner Phone App, or you can track through the Zen Planner web page. Or Google Docs, or old school with a journal. We have journals available at the ProShop.
4. Saturday is a Make-Up Day. Next week ONLY, we won’t be doing a Team WOD on Saturday. Instead, in each of the three classes, 9, 10 and 11, you’ll have the chance to make up a workout you missed earlier in the week.
Today’s schedule
6a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
8a: Open Gym- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Kelly
4p: Open Gym- Lis
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Lis
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Lis
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Jason
8p: Open Gym- Jason
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Kipping Pullups: 5 sets of 5. (Rx+ Chest to Bar). Rest 2 minutes between sets.
B. 5 Rounds
7 Burpee Pullups (Rx+ Chest to Bar)
7 Knees to elbows**
**Scale Toes to bar or Toes to rings (1:1) or AbMat Situps (2:1)
And coming tomorrow…
5 Rounds:
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)
400m Run
THUR 05.08.14 Quarterly Progress Checks next week! Read More »