
lana wilson

Alex practices her J-hook for rope climbs

CFM Upcoming Events

Sunday, August 4th: Handstand Mobility Workshop with Lana Wilson from 12:15-1:30 pm. Great for members wanting to improve their handstands and learn the progressions and tools that play an important role in getting, and staying, upside down. All levels are welcome and variations and modifications will be given to beginners and seasoned hand-standers alike!

Monday, August 5th: Mobility Night at 6:30pm with Dr Frasier. The focus will be Hips + Low Back and improving posterior chain movements.

Saturday, August 11th: 31 Heroes WOD. Heats will begin at 8:45am through 12pm with CFM BBQ to follow. Join us for this annual charity event to support the families of fallen soldiers and to provide treatment and awareness for veterans with PTSD and TBI. #rememberthefallen #workouttoremember To participate or to donate visit our fundraising page: Team CFM for 31Heroes


Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Brianna
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Brianna
8a: Open Gym- Brianna
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Erica
3:30p: Open Gym- Pietsch
4:30p: All Levels CrossFit- Pietsch
5:30p: All Levels CrossFit- Pietsch
6:30p: All Levels CrossFit- Pietsch

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. For Time [15 min cap]
20 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75)
1 Rope Climb
15 Shoulder to Overhead
2 Rope Climbs
10 Shoulder to Overhead
3 Rope Climbs
10 Shoulder to Overhead
4 Rope Climbs
5 Shoulder to Overhead
5 Rope Climbs

B. 3 Rounds Not for time
10 Dual KB Box Step Up (5/5)
30 Russian Twists (DB/KB/Plate/slam ball)
*work to a moderate to heavy weight for each movement

Post time for the WOD. Ex: 9:10 Rx

And coming Saturday…

Partner WOD
Squat Clean Accumulate:
M/M Pair: 3,000lbs
M/F Pair: 2,500lbs
F/F Pair: 2,000lbs
[10min Cap]
Directly Into
Single Arm DB Hang Clean and Jerk (50/35)
*100m Run together after each Round*

Post weight used for cleans and total time to complete WOD Ex: 150, 12:35 Rx

Saturday Schedule

8a: Open Gym- Michael
9a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
10a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
11a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
12:15p: Yoga- Monica Miller

Sunday Schedule

8a: Aerobic Capacity- Travis
10a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
11a: Weightlifting- Anthony
12:15p: Handstand Mobility and Workshop- Lana Wilson
5,6p: Open Gym- Travis

FRI 08.03.18 Read More »


Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Stacy
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Stacy
8a: Open Gym- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Justin
4p: Open Gym- Anthony
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Anthony
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Anthony

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Clean & Jerk: complete 5 sets of the complex increasing weight
At 60-70-75-80-85%
1 Clean
1 Push Jerk

B. “Franchise” [10 Minute Time Cap]:
Push Jerks (m = 75/95/135, w = 55/65/95)
Pullups (L2/L3+ = C2B)

Post weight for complex and time for the WOD. Ex: 240#, 4:23 L3+.

And coming Saturday…

Partner WOD

Complete 3 Rounds For Time [24 Minute Time Cap]:
400m Team Run
22 Power Clean (m = 115/155/185, w = 85/105/125)
6 Rope Climbs**
50 Air Squats

**Wear long socks or pants to protect legs on rope climbs.

Reps are team totals. Only one person working at a time except the 400m is by both partners at the same time. One barbell, one rope per team.

Post time for WOD. Ex: 21:34 L2

Saturday Schedule

9a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
10a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
11a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
12:15p: Yoga- Lana

Sunday Schedule

8:45a: Weightlifting- Anthony
10a: All Levels CrossFit- Neal
11a: Strength Training/Open Gym- Neal
12:15p: Yoga- Lana

CFM Upcoming Events

Registration for Lurong Summertime Challenge with team CFM! The challenge combines nutrition and fitness and over the course of 5 weeks helps us improve body composition and performance! Click here for more details. Lurong Summertime Challenge Starts Monday, May 15th.

**Save the date**
Saturday, May 20th: CFM 5th Anniversary!!

FRI 04.28.17 Read More »

We celebrate honest effort and a WOD well done! Melissa enjoying a quiet moment recovering.

Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Justin M.
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Justin M.
8a: Open Gym- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Stacy
4p: Open Gym- Anthony
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Brianna
8:15p: Tuesday Yoga- Lana Wilson
Sign up for yoga this week and next. Click here to reserve

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Rope Climbs: 8 minutes every minute on the minute 1 rope climb
**Wear long socks or pants to protect your shins when climbing rope.

B. 5 Rounds For Time [15 minute time cap]
15 Cal Row
10 Hand Release Burpees
6 Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean (m = 35/50/70’s, w = 25/35/50’s)

Post time for WOD. Ex: 11:10 L2.

And coming tomorrow…

A. Single Leg Deadlift: In 15 minutes work up to a set of 5 each leg at 60% of 5RM (10 reps total).
Demo Video []

B. Rep Rounds For Time [12 Minute Time Cap]:
Kettlebell Deadlift (m = 20/24/32, w = 12/16/24)
Box Jumps (24/20”) (step downs only)
Pullups (C2B = L2/L3+)

Post load for deadlift and time for WOD. Ex: 295#, 9:34 L2

Who is excited about BAF, the Open, and FNL at CFM!? Week get it all this week!

Upcoming Events

Thursday, Mar 23rd:Bring-A-Friend Day! Join CFM for an all levels beginner friendly partner WOD. Invite a friend, family, or co-worker to join you for your workout. Contact us to reserve a spot in class for your friend!

Friday, Mar 24th: Week 5 of the CrossFit Games Open Continues at CFM this week! We will be hosting exciting matchups of our coaches and top athletes along with the those at the top of the leaderboard for the scaled division.

We will have cold beverages and food…everyone is welcome to bring something to share. Please spread the word that we want everyone in the gym to enjoy FNL as we close out the open season with this event called “The Finale!” Doors open at 7pm and first heat kicks off at 7:30pm.

TUES 03.21.17 Read More »

Tuesday Night Yoga with Lana Wilson

Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Justin M.
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Justin M.
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Stacy
4p: Open Gym- Anthony
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
8:15p: Tuesday Yoga- Lana Wilson
Sign up for yoga this week and next. Click here to reserve

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Deadlift: 5 rep max

B. 3 Rounds For Time [6 Minute Time Cap]:
10 Kettlebell swings (32/24kg)
10 Burpee pullups

Post load for deadlift and time for WOD. Ex: 405#, 4:10 Rx.

And coming tomorrow…

A. Front Squat: 3 sets of 5. Worksets at the same weight. Max reps final set.

B. 5 Rounds for time [13 Minute Time Cap]:
15 Wallballs (20/14) (m = 10ft/11ft, w = 9ft/10ft)
12 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (m = 75/95, w = 55/65)
9 Push Press (m = 75/95, w = 55/65)

Post load and reps for Front Squat and time to complete WOD. Ex: 255#, 7 reps, 5:12 Rx

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, Mar 8th:3:30-8pm. Dunk Truck at CFM for body composition testing. Click here to sign up!

Friday, Mar 10th: The 2017 Open Continues in week 3! CrossFit Midtown will be doing the open workouts on Friday during regular classes and then each week we have a Friday Night Lights (FNL) competition highlighting match-ups with both individual and team events as well as a gym social Friday evenings after the workouts. This week we take on 17.3!

TUES 03.07.17 Read More »

David ready to spring back into action.
David ready to spring back into action.

Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Stacy
4p: Open Gym- Anthony
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Tina
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Tina
8:15p: Tuesday Yoga- Lana
Sign up for yoga this week and next. Click here to reserve

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Front Rack Mobility: Spend 10 minutes on Lats, wrists, and T-spine.

B. “Karen Meets Annie” [17 Minute Time Cap]
Wall Balls**
Double Unders**
Wall Situps

**Level Movement Details:
L3: Wall Balls (20# to 10ft/14# to 10ft), Double unders
L2: Wall Balls (14# to 10ft/10# to 10ft), 25-20-15-10-5 Double Unders
L1: Wall Balls (14# to 9ft/10# to 9ft), Single unders

Performance Tips:
This workout was inspired by Power Keg CrossFit in San Diego, CA and in collaboration with Neal Maddox. This is twist of 2 beloved benchmark workouts that will put your motor to the test. The goal is to complete the workout as quickly as possible within the time cap. However, not all athletes will be able to finish the entire workout within the time cap, so do your best and use that cap as extra motivation. Not finishing doesn’t mean failure. The workout is tough by design and will help get you ready for the Open.

Pick a skill level that allows you to keep moving rather than get stuck on one of the movements like double unders. If you aren’t proficient at double unders but you can still link 5-6 reps in a row, Level 2 might be the best option due to the scaled rep requirement.

Post time for the WOD. Ex: 14:10 L3.

And coming tomorrow…

A. Bench Press: In 15 minutes working up to a 3 rep max.

B. 16 Minute EMOM:
1st: 12 Goblet Squats (m = 16/24/32 kg, w = 12/16/24)
2nd: 9 Bench Press (m = 95/135/185, w = 65/95/135)
3rd: 6 Strict Pullups (L2/L3+ = C2B)
4th: 1 set 30 second Elbow Plank Hold

Post load for bench and fewest number of reps completed each minute for each movement. The reps do not have to be unbroken. Only 1 set for the plank.
Ex: 265#, 12-10-5-40 L3+.

Upcoming CFM Events

Thursday, Jan 26th: Mobility Night with Dr. Jackie Varnum at 6pm. This will be the first session of a 2 part series going over mobility for CrossFit Athletes. This first session will focus on the squat and improving hip mobility through increased range of motion, muscle activation, and movement reinforcement.

Thursday, Feb 23rd: The 2017 Open begins! CrossFit Midtown will be doing the open workouts on Friday during regular classes and then each week we have a Friday Night Lights (FNL) competition highlighting match-ups with both individual and team events as well as a gym social Friday evenings after the workouts. The 1st Open workout is released on Thursday, February 23rd and continues for 5 weeks with 1 new workout each week. Participating in the Open is a seminal CrossFit experience and we highly recommend all athletes who have been training at CFM for a year or more to sign up. This is a great opportunity to test your fitness and enjoy the camaraderie and community of CrossFit. Click here to register for the open and join Team CFM.

TUES 01.24.17 “Karen Meets Annie” Read More »

CFM Friday Night Lights from CrossFit Open 2016
CFM Friday Night Lights from CrossFit Open 2016

Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Stacy
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Stacy
8a: Open Gym- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Richard
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Richard
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Anthony

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Front Squats: 5 sets of 3 reps working up to heavy set of 3. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

B. 3 Rounds of:
2 minutes as many rounds as possible (AMRAP):
5 Front Squat (50% Part A.)
5 Pullups
5 Toes To Bar
5 Power Clean (50% Part A.)
2 minute rest between each 2 minute AMRAP.

Re-start each AMRAP on Front Squats.

Post 3 Rep Max Front Squat, total reps from 3 rounds of AMRAP, and load. ex: 285#, 164 @ 145#

And coming Saturday…

Team Chipper. 2 Rounds:
100 Double Unders
20 Box Jump-Overs (24/20)
10 Tire flips
100m Farmer’s carry 2x(32/24kg)
10 Power Snatch (m = 95/135, w = 65/85)
Rest 5 minutes

All reps are individual totals. Only one team member working at a station at a time. Once the 1st person finishes Double Unders the 2nd teammate may start Double Unders. Continue through the movements in a conga line only advance when your teammate in front of you completes the set.

Post time for your team to finish each round. Ex: Team of 4. 12:35, 13:45 Rx.

Saturday Schedule

9a: All Levels CrossFit- Brianna
10a: All Levels CrossFit- Brianna
11a: All Levels CrossFit- Brianna
12:15p: Yoga- Jackie Alexander. Click here to reserve

Sunday Schedule

9a: All Levels CrossFit- Dyer
10a: All Levels CrossFit- Dyer
11a: Open Gym- Dyer
12:15p: Yoga- Lana Wilson. Click here to reserve

FRI 06.03.16 Read More »

Pizza Delivery Warm-up Game
Pizza Delivery Warm-up Game

Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Travis
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
4p: Open Gym- Michael
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Brianna
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Brianna
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Brianna
8:15p: Tuesday Yoga- Lana
Sign up for yoga this week and next. Click here to reserve

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Clean Complex: In 15 minutes working up to a heavy set:
1 Hang Squat Clean
1 Squat Clean Thurster / “Cluster”

B. R16 Cluster Test
11 Minute AMRAP:
Complete as many reps as possible during the following sequence:
(m = 155/95/55**, w = 105/65/35**)

3 Minute Max Calorie Row
1 Minute Rest
3 Minute Max Reps Cluster**
1 Minute Rest
3 Minute Max Calorie Row

**For L1 the movement is ground to overhead.

Post load for Clean Complex and total reps from AMRAP. Ex: 215#, 134 L3.

Click here for complete WOD details.

And coming tomorrow…

“Mary Ann”
5 Rounds
7 Handstand Pushups
14 Pistols
21 Double unders

Post time to complete WOD: 7:48 Rx

TUES 02.16.16 “R16 Cluster Test” Read More »

Rodrigo and Dobrinka keeping their elbows up on front squats
Rodrigo and Dobrinka keeping their elbows up on front squats

Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Travis
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
4p: Open Gym- Michael
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Richard
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Richard
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Richard
8:15p: Tuesday Yoga- Lana
Sign up for yoga this week and next. Click here to reserve

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Deadlift: In 15 Minutes work up to a heavy set of 2. 90% of 1RM.

B. “Dead Sprint”
Rep Rounds For Time [6 Minute Time Cap]
15-12-9-6-3 Deadlift (m = 115/185/275, w = 75/135/215)
5-4-3-2-1 Muscle Ups**

**Level 2 = 15-12-9-6-3 Straight Leg Dips
Level 1 = 15-12-9-6-3 Bent Knee Dips

Click here for complete WOD details.

Post load for deadlift and time for WOD. Ex: 375#, 5:12 L3.

And coming tomorrow…

A. Clean & Split Jerk: 5 sets of 2. Working up to heavy set of 2.

B. “Macho Man”
Every Minute On The Minute for as Long as Possible:
3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Jerks
(m = 135/185, w = 95/135)

*If you complete 10 rounds, add one rep to each movement for each additional minute. For example minute 11 would be 4 Power Cleans + 4 Front Squats + 4 Jerks. Minute 12 would be 5 of each, and minute 13 would be 6 of each.

Post load for Clean & Split Jerk and rounds and reps completed. Ex: 235#, 7+7 Rx+

TUES 02.09.16 “Dead Sprint” Read More »


Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Travis
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
4p: Open Gym- Michael
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Richard
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Richard
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Richard
8:15p: Tuesday Yoga- Lana
Sign up for yoga this week and next. Click here to reserve

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Power Snatch: 2-2-2-2-2 work ups.

B. “Snatch & Go”
4 Rounds for Time [11 Minute TIme Cap]
10 Toes to bar**
10 Snatch (m = 65/95/135, w = 45/65/95)*

**L2 = knees to 90, L1 = situps
*For L1 the movement may be ground to overhead

Click here for complete WOD details.

Post load for snatch and time for the WOD. Ex: 175, 9:23 L3.

And coming tomorrow…

A. Strict Handstand Pushups: Within 10 minutes practice progressions. Then…
Complete 1 set of max reps

B. 12 Minute AMRAP:
10 Pushups
10 AbMat Situps
20 Wallballs (20/14)
10 Front Rack Lunge Steps (95/65)
10 Hang Squat Clean (95/65)

Post rounds and reps completed for AMRAP. Ex: 3+41 Rx.

TUES 02.02.16 “Snatch & Go” Read More »

Fresh Meal Plan Tasting

Come try samples of freshly prepared paleo, vegetarian, and zone prescribed meals. Prepared and Delivered by Fresh Meal Plan. Here healthy food is the foundation for a healthy lifestyle. Fresh Meal Plan has the mission to provide delicious, freshly prepared meals to enhance and sustain a more wholesome existence. It was a perfect meal for work out, especially if you are on a diets.

Fresh Meal Plan and lose a stone in 4 weeks is the solution to relying on protein shakes, energy bars, and fad diets and can supplement the time required for weekly meal prep. Tasting Schedule:
Tuesday 1/26 5-8pm
Wednesday 1/27 6-8am and 5-8pm

Chose your options and quantity!
Chose your options and quantity!
Alex practicing bracing for the deadlift setup
Alex practicing bracing for the deadlift setup Click here to read how it works.

Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Travis
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
4p: Open Gym- Michael
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Richard
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Richard
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Richard
8:15p: Tuesday Yoga- Lana
Sign up for yoga this week and next. Click here to reserve

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Front Rack Mobility: Spend 10 minutes on Lats, wrists, and T-spine.

B. “Power Ball”
13 Minute AMRAP:
Complete as many reps as possible during the following triplet:
10 Power Cleans (m = 65/95/135, w = 45/65/95)
20 Wall Balls | Med Ball Cleans**
30 Double Unders | Single Unders**

**Level Movement Details:
L3 Wall Balls (20# to 10ft/14# to 10ft), Double unders
L2 Wall Balls (20# to 9ft/14# to 9ft), Single unders
L1 Medball Cleans (20/14), Single unders

Click here for complete WOD details.

Post total reps completed in AMRAP. Ex: 362 L3

And coming tomorrow…

A. Deadlift: In 20 minutes working up to a 2 rep max.

B. 8 Minute EMOM:
Odd: 7 Deadlift (65% Part A)
Even: 15 Pullups (Rx+ = C2B)

Post load for deadlift and fewest number of pullups completed each round. Ex: 415#, 270#, 15 Rx+.

TUES 01.26.16 “Power Ball” and Fresh Meal Plan Demos this week Read More »

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