
lateral med ball throws

Pick up hoodies today!

If you pre-ordered a blue zip-up hoodie, you can pick it up at the box on the check-in desk (look for your name on the tag). We ordered a limited amount of additional hoodies, so snag one while you can for $40. Last year’s hoodies are also on sale now for $30. Bundle up in CFM gear!

See you tonight at the holiday party!

Get to the box today for the 12 Days of CrossFitMas workout, then join us tonight for our annual CrossFitMas holiday party! The party kicks off at 7p with tunes from DJ POB & some grub from DBA Barbecue. Bring a friend and an appetizer or dessert (or beverage) to share. We’ll be enjoying holiday cheer at the box until 10, then take the party elsewhere. Happy Holidays!


Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Cassie
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Cassie
8a: Open Gym- Tirzah
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
4p: All Levels CrossFit- Amy
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Amy
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Amy

Workout of the Day (WOD)

12 Days of CrossFitMas
Perform the workout like the lyrics to the 12 Days of Christmas. In other words, one burpee, then two handstand push ups and one burpee, then three abmat situps and two handstand push ups and one burpee, then four lateral wall ball throws and three abmat situps and two handstand push ups and one burpee, then five wall balls and four throws and three situps and two HSPU and one burpee… and so on.
1- Burpee
2- Handstand Push Ups
3- Abmat situps
4- Lateral med ball throws (2 ea side)
5- Wall balls
6- OH walking lunges (3 ea leg)
7- Russian kettlebell swings
8- KB snatch (4 ea arm)
9- Goblet squats
10- Pull ups
11- Toes to bar
12- Box jumps

And coming tomorrow…

Partner Chipper
Buy in: partner carry down and back in parking lot
Then, complete these reps split up between partners however you choose:
10 burpees
20 bear complex 95/65
10 burpees
30 pull ups
10 burpees
40 toes to bar or v-situps
10 burpees
50 wall balls
10 burpees
60 push ups
10 burpees
100 double unders or 300 singles
Cash out: wheelbarrow carry

Holiday Travel Workout

Warm up: 50 jumping jacks
Then, accumulate 4 minutes in a plank hold (time spent resting doesn’t count!)
Then, spend 10 minutes stretching/mobilizing

FRI 12.13.13 Hoodies are in! Read More »

Merry CrossFitMas Eve!

CFM’s CrossFitmas Holiday Party is Fri from 7 to 10 in the box. We’ll provide the main course and some drinks. You bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
DJ POB will be spinning tunes & Stuart is bringing the ice luge!
Feel free to bring friends & family. We hope you can join us.
***Free overflow parking will be available in the New-South-Construction-marked spots in the pay lot at 13th & West Peachtree.

imageThe CFM team wishes you a happy holiday season! We hope you can join us this Fri at our CrossFitmas party… 7 to 10 pm at the gym (in case you live under a kettlebell and missed all the other announcements).

Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
8a: Open Gym- Tirzah
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
4p: Open Gym- Lis
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Lis
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Lis
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
8p: Open Gym- Beka
8:15p: Yoga- Samantha

Workout of the Day (WOD)

In teams of 3-4, rotate through 4 stations 3 times for max reps –
1. Russian KB swings
2. Air squats
3. Hollow rocks
4. Plyo push ups

And coming tomorrow…

12 Days of CrossFitMas
1- Burpee
2- Handstand Push Ups
3- Abmat situps
4- Lateral med ball throws
5- Wall balls
6- OH walking lunges
7- Russian kettlebell swings
8- KB snatch (4 ea arm)
9- Goblet squats
10- Pull ups
11- Toes to bar
12- Box jumps

Holiday Travel Workout

3 rounds for time:
50 yards lateral shuffle L
50 yards lateral shuffle R
50 yards butt kicks
50 yards high knees

THURS 12.12.13 Merry CrossFitMas Eve! Read More »

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