Olympic Lifting Seminar with Travis Cooper
Sunday, March 10th, Travis Cooper will be joining us for a six-hour seminar (9a-4p with an hour break for lunch) to teach us the finer points of the snatch and clean & jerk. Travis has competed and coached at the national & world levels. He is now a member of Team MDUSA and aspires to compete in the 2016 Olympics.
Register now! This seminar is limited to 24 athletes. Athletes and coaches of all levels will benefit from this course.
$75.00 – CFM Members
$85.00 – CFM Guests
Visit the FB event page for the seminar timeline and more info about Travis.
Lis & Dan make good on their lost SuperBowl bet and do 50 burpees (notice Dan actually does 51) as a triumphant Nate heckles around them. Nate was nice enough to provide background music for the festivities. Dan made good on his prediction of a 2:30 finish time and was nice enough to drag Lis out super fast, way off her pace, to a 2:42ish finish. Both would later regret this blistering pace and lack of a warm-up.
Quarterly Progress Checks:
This week, we’re retesting several benchmark workouts and setting new goals for the next three months. Who will you be by early May? Set your intention now.
Workout of the Day
A. CrossFit Total:
1 rep max of –
Back squat
Strict press
B. 1 minute AirDyne test for max calories
And coming tomorrow…
Partner WOD at all classes!
Choose between –
A. 5k row: you and your partner alternate as you wish. Each partner must row at least 2000 meters.
B. TabataISH: you and your partner each complete 8 rounds – :20 max reps of air squats, push ups, sit ups, pull ups. While Partner A works, Partner B rests. Count all reps for total score.
FRI 02.07.13 CrossFit Total! Read More »