Showing Up
by Instructor Training Program member Urán
Are you ever intimidated by the WOD when you see the blog posted? Have you ever taken one look at the words “handstand push up”, “pistols” or “rope climbs” and decided to take an impromptu rest day? Or maybe your last WOD left you feeling a little defeated and hesitant to come back in again. If you ever feel this way, you’re not alone.
It’s no surprise that CrossFit is challenging. It’s designed to be tough and to test you, both mentally and physically. And for most of us, that’s what draws us to it in the first place. But if you find yourself getting caught up wondering how you’re going to make it through a particular workout, or talking yourself out of coming in that day, I ask you to just show up. Just walk into the gym, and you’ll be amazed at what you can do.
NOTHING in CrossFit Midtown’s programming is designed to exclude anyone. From the true beginner to the most advanced athlete, there are ways to modify everything to either make it easier or more difficult. And that’s the beauty of it. Challenge yourself on an individual level, but still have the motivation of doing the workout in a group setting. Remember that we’re in this together, so come in and sweat with us!
Halloween WOD
Wednesday, 10/31 – 8pm – GLOW STICK WOD! Join the 8pm class for a Halloween WOD in the dark with GLOOOOOOW STICKS! This class will not be capped and visitors are welcome if they RSVP by emailing us.
Welcome Lindsey to CrossFit Midtown!
Workout of the Day
A1. 3 sets: 1 Power Clean, 2min rest
A2. 3 sets: 1 Jerk, 2min rest
B. For time:
30 Clean and Jerks at 60% of A2