Best. Summer. Ever.
As I laid at the pool Sunday until almost 8pm with FULL SUN, it hit me that summer is here. All the good – pool & lake time, sunshine, afternoons at the park… and the bad – thunderstorms, mosquitoes, muggy days (and nights!) are here to stay for the next few months.
At CFM, we’ve got lots in store for you: the Helen Challenge, another CFM Happy Hour each month, Quarterly Progress checks in July, another Food as Fuel session in August, some fun with our neighbors Fab’rik & Big Peach Running Co and more Olympic Lifting awesomeness with Cheryl Haworth.
I’m personally looking forward to seeing everyone’s progress with the Helen Challenge. I’m also gonna finish settling into my new apartment, take a few weeks vacation next month (part work – USAPL Nationals, the CrossFit Games & a BIZ seminar… and part play – visiting my family & hitting the beach!), and celebrate my birthday in August!
What are your plans for summer? What’s important to you between now and Labor Day? Let us know what’s important to you this season. Post in the comments. How will you make this your best summer ever?
Congrats to Big Dan F & his wife Nancy on the birth of their BIG 10# BOY, John Jackson, born 6.24.13!
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Back squat 3-3-3+
B. 6 rounds for time –
5 Handstand push ups
5 Lateral box jump L (step down)
5 Lateral box jump R (step down)
Rest 1 minute between rounds
And coming tomorrow…
A. Max reps chin up: 3 sets, rest 5 min between sets (DO MOBILITY WORK DURING BREAKS)
B. Rope climbs: 10 min of skillwork
C. Time trial: 2k row
WED 06.26.13 Summa’ summa’ summatime Read More »