Rowing class rescheduled THIS WEEK ONLY

This week’s rowing class will be held on Thurs night at 7p instead of Wednesday… we’ll be back on regular schedule next week.

Self-Defense seminar SATURDAY

CrossFit alone won’t protect you on the mean streets of Midtown… no seriously.
Learn to avoid, escape and evade violent persons and situations. This seminar is designed to teach students of all defensive skill levels basic, but effective techniques to subdue/overcome would-be attackers. Not only is the emphasis put on the physical techniques necessary for personal protection, but attention is drawn to the number one means of self-preservation: avoidance. Attendees will delve into the psychology of violence, learn how not to become a victim (in & outside the home), develop a means for effective striking and power production, and understand the importance of fitness (particularly CrossFit) to fighting. This self-defense course is designed specifically to empower people with the strategies and tactics to survive a violent situation.

Seminar Goals:
• Improve your understanding of violence
• Dispel some popular myths about self-defense
• Teach proper and effective striking
• Teach you how to avoid and/or escape common threats/attacks

When: Saturday, May 18th, 11a-1p
Where: CFM front room
Cost: $60 for CFM students, $70 for guests
Register here.

Last night’s birthday WOD… congrats to all who survived. Especially those who took the shot-drinking option.

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Weighted pull up: 3-3-3+ (same weight as last week) OR 3-3-3+ strict pull ups OR 3-3-3+ negatives (add weight to negstives if possible)
For time – 21-15-9
Hang clean 135/95
Double unders (singles x 3)
As his farewell gift, I asked Don to write today’s workout. This is a farewell WOD for Coach Don & his lovely fiance Nina, moving away this week to Charlotte, NC. We’ll miss you crazy kids! Especially Nina!

And coming tomorrow…

A. Back squat: 5-5-5+
Three sets. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Use same weight all sets. Last set is a BURNOUT set. Go to FAILURE. Use 75% of 1RM OR adjust last week’s weight according to Thurs blog).
B. 5 Rounds for max reps: 1) One minute max reps wall ball two-fers 20/14# 2) One minute max reps rope climb 3) Rest
Start at any station & rotate for 5 rounds
Beginners: sub wall balls & ring rows

ROWING CLASS AT 7… moved to Thurs night this week only!

WED 05.15.13 Farewell Don & Nina! Read More »