by Coach Dyer
The summer is officially over.
I hate the winter.
I hate the cold.
I hate that the sun doesn’t rise until almost 8a & it gets dark at 5p.
So not surprisingly, the winter months are always my worst training months.
Here are some things I’m starting now to get ready for winter:
1. Take a planned 10-minute walk outside between 11:30 and 1:30 everyday. Sunlight is important for general health and I want to get in the habit before the sun disappears.
2. Get to the gym 10 minutes earlier than usual. When it’s cold you need extra time to warm up (especially if you’re an old-timer like me). Getting used to doing a pre-warm-up warm-up will make it easier to do it once it’s cold out & I really need it.
3. Extra-hot coffee.
4. Vitamin C/Emergen-C every day. Cold weather means you’re going to be around more sneezes, snot, coughing and will have less fresh air. I want to make sure my system has the tools to fight off illnesses.
5. Put a stocking cap and sweatshirt in my car. It never fails that a blistering cold front pops up out of nowhere and I’m stuck with just a t-shirt and shorts on a gym day. Not the end of the world, but it sucks and is totally avoidable.
Got some good winter training tips? Post in the comments below.
MJ working on weighted step ups
Today’s schedule
6a: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
8a: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Lis
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Lis & Ian
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Lis & Uran
8p: Open Gym- Lis
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Split jerk: 2-2-2-2-2
B. Complete 5 rounds for time of:
3 Push Jerks or Split Jerks 155/100#
6 Pull Ups
9 Push Ups
And coming tomorrow…
A. In 15min, find your 10RM back squat
B. For time:
200m heavy carry (your choice)
20 burpees
200m heavy carry
20 push ups
200m heavy carry
20 pistols (10L/10R)
200m heavy carry
20 lateral box jumps
TUES 10.15.13 Winterizing Read More »