A. 60-Yard Pro Long Shuttle
From starting cone, run 5 yds. Touch ground. Backpedal 5 yds.
Run 10 yds. Touch ground. Backpedal 10 yds.
Run 15 yds. Touch ground. Backpedal 15 yds.
Repeat 8 times. Rest 1 minute between shuttles.
B. Tabata TRUNK
Atomic Sit Ups 45#/25#
Hollow Rocks
Plank Hold
Do :20 work, :10 rest. Repeat for 8 Rds. Scaled=4 Rds.
Welcome to Beth, Patrick, Kenley, Zack, Carolyn, Chuck, Geoff, Vabs, Matt and Dyer!
Patrick and Kenley front squatting.
SAVE THE DATE – Food as Fuel class – Saturday, June 9th, 12-1:30pm
Join Lis and Jasmine to learn the basics of the paleo diet and how to make it work with your lifestyle. This class is free to members.
Grand Opening Day – Saturday, June 16th:
Fran Challenge Prelims during AM classes
Party time – 5-8 pm in the box
Our friends from Vita Coco, Stronger Faster Healthier and Anheuser-Busch will be providing some goodies. AND we’ll have a DJ…there’s talk of one big DANCE VIDEO being filmed for the Facebook/YouTube page. You’re gonna be famous.
More details are coming soon. Stay tuned.
10 members already! That’s awesome! Maybe I’ll be in town one day to be able to actually complete my intro and become one of them!
Saw this posted on the CFFB site and thought it’d of interest to this group (cut and paste into your browser to read):
Lis, can you please include a chocolate recovery in the next stronger, faster healthier order? That’s the one with steriods that Vabs has been taking, right?
Not only does it have Steroids in it. It has a little bit of HGH.
Rope Climb = bruised ankles and thigh. Definitely feel great and the place looks AMAZING! Too bad Matty Matt couldn’t keep up with the big wigs but always next WOD. 155???
Austin, maybe double up the socks next time? Or perhaps try wearing shoes… so many options 😉
Our SFH rep will be glad to hear we’re touting their stuff as ‘roids/HGH. We placed another order yesterday.
Protein and fish oil will be in Friday, I think.
If anyone wants to taste the Stronger Faster Healthier Recovery formula, I have the chocolate in my office that you can sample. It’s delicious.
Looks like my old lady will be coming in tonight to watch and get a feel for what crossfit is like.
Any recommendations for a chiropractor? I’m looking to make a change…
Your “old lady”…what is she, 12?
She’ll like today – running and abs. Ladies love a good Triple-B: Beach Body Bonanza.
I’m actually going to do the WOD today. I KNOW. You guys didn’t think I worked out anymore. These guns aren’t just for show.
Hmm, well Cohen Chiropractic Centre is listed as a “friend” of CFM over there —————–>
But I wouldn’t know. I haven’t been adjusted in a hot minute. Maybe I can convince my doc to adjust me at the gym.
Who’s got a hook up to get us a “step and repeat” sign printed for the Grand Opening? That’s hipster-speak for a backdrop with our logo on it. Maybe ole CCC wants to sponsor and stagger their logo in with ours…
Matt, I didn’t do the WOD yesterday JUST SO Austin could get the top time on the board. We have to build his confidence up so he doesn’t cry when I out-deadlift him tomorrow.
You workout?
24, half way there.
Good Work out today! Sprints and Abs–two things I wouldn’t do unless being told to–so that makes it good for me!
However, didn’t plan on the fire drill from the 26th floor–BONUS! Glad I did the sprints this morning–to loosen me up from the first front squats I’ve thought about since 2002.
Count me in on the HGH; I’ve always felt like I could use a bigger head.
Great Job to everyone that WOD’ed yesterday!
And Welcome aboard to excited to have you as part of our team!
I’d be down for that. let me know what you need.
Matt: Need to look at it as inspiration towards the betterment of your performances. One love
SO excited to be helping Lis with the nutrition class on the 9th. Come one, come all! I may even make some paleo yummies for those who attend =)