REMINDER: Yoga is today at 1:15!
SAVE THE DATE: Halloween Glow Stick WOD is Wed, 10/31 at 8pm!
Join us Friday for Paleo Potluck & Pumpkin Carving
We’re having a half-way through the WLC party Friday and everyone is welcome to join the fun! Please bring a paleo dish to share with 6 to 8 of your fellow CFMers… AAAAND, bring a pumpkin! We’ll enjoy some grub and then dissect some pumpkins… we’ll provide some carving tools but if you’re partial to a certain blade, feel free to bring your own tools.
Competition Meeting: this Thursday at 8
Some of you got a taste of competition this weekend and you’re ready for more! Others were unable to join us this weekend, but still want to compete down the road. Regardless of where you fall, if you’d like to consider competing again, and potentially join Team CFM for the CrossFit Games Open season (starting in February), join us Thursday at 8pm in the box for a meeting to discuss plans, brainstorm some ideas/schedule options, and get organized for upcoming competitions.
Hydrostatic body composition testing
Body composition testing has been rescheduled for Wednesday, October 17 from 4 to 7pm. Tests are $30. Sign up for your time slot at the box or by emailing Courtney. Bali has offered a complimentary test to those who were scheduled on the original day.
Just in time for the amazing fall weather, we’re ordering hoodies this Friday… $45 for American Apparel navy blue front-zip hoodie. The design is below. We’ll be taking pre-orders for these, and only ordering a limited quantity beyond that. If you wish to order a hoodie, please email us with PAYMENT METHOD (CC on file, or bring cash or check to the box) AND SIZE (unisex XS-2XL… extra charge may apply for 2XL) OR write your order on the sign-in sheet in the box by Friday at 2pm.
Bridget & Shane doin’ work on front squats.
Workout of the Day
A1. 4 sets: As many reps as possible (AMRAP) strict pullups @2112 tempo, 30sec rest
A2. 4 sets: AMRAP handstand push ups, 4 min rest
B. 20 min As many rounds/reps as possible:
2 rope climbs
10 wall balls
25 situps
Shane McElroy – is that picture from Monday? How on earth were you able to do squats that day when the rest of us couldn't walk? MACHINE!