
THURS 01.24.13 Cherish every moment

Cherish every moment

Recently, I’ve been working on being more mindful, enjoying each moment, being good to myself and being grateful for my friends, family, the CFM community and all my blessings. I challenge you to do the same. Don’t waste a day without counting your blessings, loving yourself, sharing your love and making someone smile. When I met with Anna Russ last week, she taught me about using Ayurveda to achieve these goals.
I am SO excited to have Anna join us at CFM next week to teach us to incorporate Ayurveda into our lives to achieve balance, feel better and enjoy life to its fullest!
BOLD STATEMENT: I predict this will be one of the best CFM events of the year. Top three. I know. It’s early in the year. That’s how sure I am this stuff can change your life. More details below…

Finding Your Zone:

A Lifestyle Overhaul using Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science
Are you in a winter funk? Ever feel out-of-balance or so stressed out and overwhelmed you just don’t know what to do?
Has it ever occurred to you that self-care (taking time to nourish and nurture your body) will enhance your quality of life and improve your well-being?
Ayurveda, the science of self-healing, will teach you about your natural tendencies, how to tune into what your body needs, and how those needs change throughout the seasons of the year and various times of life. Anna Russ will lead us through a two-hour workshop with a basic Ayurveda overview on the following topics:
-Passion = Purpose
-Focusing on You!
-Nutrition for the mind, body and soul
-Taking your fitness to the next level
-Stress management tools for work and home
This workshop lasts two hours and costs $20 for CFM members and $30 for guests. Read more about Anna & register here.

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A1. Close Grip Bench Press: 4 rounds of 8-10 reps @2110 tempo, 60sec rest
A2. Weighted pullup OR pullup negatives: 4 rounds of 2-3 reps @2112 tempo, 2min rest
B. Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes:
odd – 15 pushups
even – 10 med ball slams

And coming tomorrow…

A. Split Squat (w rear foot elevated): 4 sets of 8-10 @3010 tempo, every 4min
B. Handstand push ups: 4 sets of AMRAP(-2)* Rest 2 min between rounds
*AMRAP(-2)=two reps shy of as many reps as possible.
C. “Helen”: 3 rounds for time of –
400m run
21 kettlebell swings 53/35
12 pull ups

3 thoughts on “THURS 01.24.13 Cherish every moment”

  1. Brianne Elaine Verraneault

    Excited for the Ayurveda session! Especially after having discussed it already with Lis & implementing some of the techniques Lis told me about. Can't wait to see everybody there 🙂

  2. Thanks Brianne, I'm looking forward to it too… I know it will help (& fascinate!) several of our members as well. Kenley Osborne Monica Miller Wayne Morrissette Lynn Suzanne Crystal Kadakia Beka Carson Beth Zeigler Jeremy Russie Cassie Teaka Edwards

  3. Thurs night party at CFM: Join us for yoga at 8:15 w Monica in the front room & our new 8pm Beginner CrossFit class with Cassie in the box! (Early evening classes are also still on at 5 6 & 7 w Yours Truly).

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