February is upon us!
We’ve got lots of great things in store next month, and we kicked off some of them early:
Beginner classes with Coach Cassie: We’re already two classes in. Join Coach Cassie now on Tues & Thurs at 8pm and Sat morning at 9 for a focus on fundamentals as well as a workout!
SUNDAYS! Starting FEBRUARY 3rd, join Coach Dyer for Open Gym from 12n-2p. This class will have supervised coaching, but won’t have a structured group warm-up. Show up and tell us what you want to work on, and we’ll help you select a good workout or skillwork to achieve your goals!
Yoga on Weds @ noon! Join Beth in the front room on Wednesdays at noon for yoga, starting Feb 6th. Thursday night yoga at 8:15 with Monica will also continue. Yoga is free with your CFM membership, so all students are welcome to attend… it doesn’t count as one of your weekly visits.
Ayurveda workshop with Anna Russ: Sat, Feb 2nd, 12n-2p. More details below…
Quarterly Progress Checks: Don’t miss the week of Feb 4-8th at CFM! We’ll be retesting the Baseline, maxing on several lifts, as well as doing a few other benchmark workouts. AND OH YEAH: Goal setting! We’ll reflect on the past quarter and set some new goals to crush over the next three months.
Mardi Gras WOD: Join us on Fat Tuesday, February 12th at 8pm. This WOD is open to the public so bring a friend if you wish. It won’t count as one of your weekly visits. The Beginner’s class will be cancelled on Fat Tuesday, but everyone is welcome to join the party (all levels!) and LAISSEZ LES BON TEMPS ROULER!
Bring a Friend Days are coming back at the end of February. Bring a buddy along to class on Thursday, Feb 28, Friday, March 1 & Saturday, March 2 for a partner or team workout suitable for all fitness levels.
Finding Your Zone:
A Lifestyle Overhaul using Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science
Are you in a winter funk? Ever feel out-of-balance or so stressed out and overwhelmed you just don’t know what to do?
Has it ever occurred to you that self-care (taking time to nourish and nurture your body) will enhance your quality of life and improve your well-being?
Ayurveda, the science of self-healing, will teach you about your natural tendencies, how to tune into what your body needs, and how those needs change throughout the seasons of the year and various times of life. Anna Russ will lead us through a two-hour workshop with a basic Ayurveda overview on the following topics:
-Passion = Purpose
-Focusing on You!
-Nutrition for the mind, body and soul
-Taking your fitness to the next level
-Stress management tools for work and home
This workshop lasts two hours and costs $20 for CFM members and $30 for guests. Read more about Anna & register here.
Check out Fred, J-Herm, Calin, Jason & Colby crushing some push ups. It was awesome watching these guys motivate each other through the late rounds of yesterday’s push up extravaganza.
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Split Squat (w rear foot elevated): 4 sets of 8-10 @3010 tempo, every 4min
B. Handstand push ups: 4 sets of AMRAP(-2)* Rest 2 min between rounds
*AMRAP(-2)=two reps shy of as many reps as possible.
C. 6 rounds for time*:
15 pullups
10 air squats
*Change of plans since there’s a 50% chance of rain today. We’ll tackle “HELEN” next Friday instead!
And coming tomorrow…
9 am Beginner class, 10 am Partner WOD and 11 am Makeup WOD/Open Gym
Partner WOD: Partner 1 (P1) – 30 wall balls, 30 box jumps, 300m row. Partner 2 (P2) rests. Then P1/P2 switch for 10 total rounds or 5 rounds each.
Check out this article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/erin-henry/crossfit-benefits_b_2517656.html.