CrossFit Midtown is very excited to announce our May Member of the Month, Anne-Marie! She has been a member since 2014, has made some major gains including growing a tiny human, some awesome friends, a joy to have in class, and has been an active person in the CFM community! Read on to learn more about Anne-Marie and her CrossFit journey. Thank you for being such an outstanding member of the CFM community!

Name: Anne-Marie Burke
Nickname: Anne, AM, Annie
Age: 33
Hometown: Marietta, GA
How did you get exposed to CrossFit?
My earliest exposure was an article I read in my mid 20’s about CrossFit and Rhabdo. Safe to say I wasn’t chomping at the bit when Cary Burke asked me to join him when we first started dating.
What brought you to CrossFit Midtown:
In 2014, Cary and I had a what we fondly refer to as “our winter of content.” We put Nutella on Milano cookies and drank craft beers every night. On March 30th he proposed, on April 1st he said “it’s time to work out now”, on April 2nd he signed me up at CFM.

What was your very first day at CrossFit Midtown like?
To be honest, it’s a blur. I recall it was a full class in the old location and there was no such thing as foundations yet. I stood frozen in the front of the class holding a training barbell as I tried to wrap my head around a squat clean. “So you want me to pick up this metal bar very quickly and “squat” down to the ground with it…and not fall? Okay….halp!” My training as a runner wanted to show off and run all the way home. But I didn’t and I remember beaming as we drove home because I might have done 1 air squat properly.
What kind of changes have you you experienced since starting CrossFit that were completely unexpected?
Oh my goodness, so many! Working out is now a calming and centering force in my life rather than a chore for weight control. I cannot believe I wake up at 5:30 to work out at 6 am but it’s the highlight of my day. Doesn’t hurt that the morning crew is 🔥. It’s a marvelous feeling having the hardest part of my day over by 7 am. In terms of CFM overall, the most surprising benefit is that I’m constantly around people who inspire, support, and challenge me.
Tell us some of your recent accomplishments. What goals do you have for 2019!?
Well we’re having a baby in October! So I’d like to:
1) Maintain my overall wellness to be the best mom I can be to this little one. Staying consistent at CFM is a big part of that.
2) Avoid an Episiotomy
3) Get my first muscle up (ha, jk)

What does your frequently used emoji tab look like?
What is your favorite workout and if you could make up your own workout what would it be?
I love Murph. It combines my favorite movements: running, pull-ups, and push ups. I think if we added some ab work, it would be a perfect work out.
What is your favorite cheat food/meal?
Just one?!? I think my go-to is a buffalo chicken sandwich with tots and ranch. I generally can’t resist chocolate cake and ice cream these days either…
Favorite CrossFit Midtown moment
Besides every CFM Holiday party…
1) I Rx’d a partner WOD with Sarah McColley about 9 months to a year after starting and remember feeling like “whoa I just did something I never thought I was capable of.”
2) This last year, I PR’d my power snatch at Graveyard Games with my partner, Elana, in the last 30 seconds of the event. I’ll never forget everyone cheering as I hit it after failing a couple of times.

Hobbies, Talents and or Interests Outside of CrossFit:
You can generally find me reading a book, talking with people on how to connect their finances with their values, or blogging for some publications in my graduate school program.
Advice for new CrossFitters
1) Seek out help from the coaches. They’re all technically sound. Every time I’ve asked for help I’ve kicked myself for not doing it sooner.
2) If you’re afraid you’ll look stupid doing a movement, that’s probably what you need to work on the most. We did a pistol workout last week and I fell on 95% of them (and I was only going to a 12″ target). But those 5% I did properly were informative and, even, thrilling.