
Ninja Training

Food as Fuel Nutrition Q&A is Thurs night!

We LOVE it when you share your goals on the board every month at CFM. Many of this month’s goals revolve around “getting shredded” or “finding my abs” or some other form of losing body fat. Well guess what… your nutrition is about 70% responsible for your physique. If those ab muscles are covered up with body fat, you’re never gonna see them.
So come out Thursday night to learn how basic eating habits like eating whole foods, using proper supplements, and pre/post workout nutrition can help you look, feel and perform better… and maybe even bring those abs out to play this summer.
If you have specific questions or concerns, post them here in the comments OR on the FB event page and we’ll be sure to cover it!

Join the fun with Lindsay’s Ninja Training class tonight at 7p (meet at CFM at 7 or Piedmont Park Active Oval at 7:15p)
Gymnastics class with Coach Cassie is tonight at 8p. WE ARE WORKING ON BODYWEIGHT EXERCISES NOT TRAINING FOR THE OLYMPICS. Don’t be afraid to give it a try!
Tonight’s 8p Gymnastics Workout:
Skill: Handstand Push Ups (kipping progressions)
3 Rds for Quality of –
5 In/Outs (with push up and dip) on parallettes
10 Ring Rows (feet elevated above ring height)
10 sec L-Hold on Rings

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Hang clean: 2-2-2-2-2
B. Complete 4 rounds (30 min cap)
Complete the following cycle 7 times:
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Rack Jerk
Rest 90 seconds between rounds

*Do not drop the weight during a round. Stay connected through the round. 
*If weight is dropped, count number of drops and perform an equal amount of burpees as a penalty.
*Work up the heaviest weight possible. 

And coming tomorrow…

A. Press: 3-3-3+
B. Kelly:
Five rounds for time of –
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump, 24/20″
30 Wall ball shots, 20/14#

*Newbies: scale down rounds, jump height and ball weight as needed!

TUES 06.11.13 Food as Fuel is THURSDAY 7p Read More »

Soak it in!

I am so proud of the coaching team we’re building at CFM. Our team is devoted to helping you all achieve the highest level of fitness you can. Make the most of the access you have to these amazing coaches!
We’re SO FORTUNATE to have Olympic Bronze medalist Cheryl Haworth working with us to coach Olympic Lifting now. Join Cheryl for Open Gym this Saturday from 12n-2p to work on Olympic Lifting.
You’ve also got a few more rock star coaches in Cassie & Lindsay, leading specialty classes tonight.
Cassie’s new weekly gymnastics class starts tonight at 8p. Do you need help with handstands, rope climbs, pistols, muscle ups or some other body weight movement? Well NOW is the time to improve your gymnastics skills. Cassie is a former youth gymnastics coach & college cheerleader. She is also CrossFit Gymnastics certified and JUST attended Carl Paoli’s Movement Mechanics seminar on Sunday.
The class will feature a 15-minute warm up, mobility & flexibility work, followed by 30 minutes of skill work and about 15 minutes at the end for a workout.
Here’s tonight’s Gymnastics WOD:
As many quality reps/rounds in 8 minutes of:
6 Pistols
8 Push ups
10 V-Ups
AND, back again this week, you can check out Lindsay’s Ninja Training class tonight at 7p. Lindsay was a track star at UNC Chapel Hill. Her class focuses on running technique, sprints and Meet for class at CFM at 7p or over at Piedmont Park in the Active Oval at 7:15.
Here’s tonight’s Ninja Training WOD:
A. A Skip, B Skip, C Skip, Alternating Fast Leg, Duck Walk, Crab Walk, High Knees, Butt Kicks. Each drill 50m with 50m jog x2.
B. Fire Hydrants, Scorpions, Iron Cross, Shoulder Rolls & 5 min stretch
C. 10x100m with 60 seconds rest between each sprint.

Enjoy the expertise!

Specialty classes this week:

Tues 7p – Ninja Training w Lindsay
Tues 8p – Gymnastics with Cassie
Wed 12n – Yoga with Beth
Wed 7p – Rowing with Uran
Thurs 8p – Beginners CrossFit with Cassie
Thurs 8:15p – Yoga with Laura
Sat 9a – Beginners CrossFit with Cassie
Sat 12n-2p – Olympic Lifting Open Gym with Cheryl
Sun 6p – Yoga with Monica

CFM’s newly appointed Social Chair Alison is hosting a Happy Hour this Friday at Steamhouse Lounge. Join her for a post-WOD (or just post-work) beverage from 6 to 8pm at Steamhouse on Friday!
Which way to the Happy Hour, Lee?

Workout of the Day

A. Clean: 2-2-2-2-2
B. For time:
6 Power Cleans 135#/95#
2 muscle-ups*
4 Power Cleans 135#/95#
4 muscle-ups
2 Power Cleans 135#/95#
6 muscle-ups

*Sub 3 dips & 3 chest to bar pull ups for 1 muscle up (or 6 of each in round 1, 12 of each in round 2, 18 of each in round 3)

And coming tomorrow…

A. Weighted pull up: 3-3-3+ OR Strict pull ups OR negatives (with last set of burnout pull ups in a band)
B. As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
:30 handstand hold
:30 L-sit hold
:30 bottom of squat hold
:30 chin over bar hold

*Count accumulated time holding position only. Rest time doesn’t count!

TUES 06.04.13 Gymnastics class starts tonight! Read More »

Happy First Anniversary to CFM!

Thanks to everyone for making our first year a wild success. You are all an inspiration to the CFM coaches and we promise to do our best to continue making CFM an amazingly fun place to train and become stronger & healthier!
Here’s to many more memories, parties, sweat puddles, burpee penalties, inchworms, Animal Warm-Up Fridays, Whole Life Challenges, theme WODs, PRs and so much more here at Atlanta’s School of Elite Fitness. CFM Pterodactyls 4-EVA! 🙂

Ninja training (run club) tonight at 7p with Lindsay

Meet at CFM at 7 or the Piedmont Park Active Oval at 7:15 for a sprint workout. Class will conclude in time for the birthday WOD.

BIRTHDAY WOD at 8pm!!!

Bring a friend or roll solo. Either way, please come play and celebrate our one-year anniversary. Wear your favorite party hat and prepare to break a sweat and have some fun. There will be drinking and non-drinking versions of this special WOD. Join us afterward for some birthday cake!

Self-Defense seminar with Walter is Saturday

Learn to avoid, escape and evade violent persons and situations. This seminar is designed to teach students of all defensive skill levels basic, but effective techniques to subdue/overcome would-be attackers. Not only is the emphasis put on the physical techniques necessary for personal protection, but attention is drawn to the number one means of self-preservation: avoidance. Attendees will delve into the psychology of violence, learn how not to become a victim (in & outside the home), develop a means for effective striking and power production, and understand the importance of fitness (particularly CrossFit) to fighting. This self-defense course is designed specifically to empower people with the strategies and tactics to survive a violent situation.

Seminar Goals:
• Improve your understanding of violence
• Dispel some popular myths about self-defense
• Teach proper and effective striking
• Teach you how to avoid and/or escape common threats/attacks

When: Saturday, May 18th, 11a-1p
Where: CrossFit Midtown
Cost: $60 for CFM students, $70 for guests
Register here.

Flashback to a year ago – P-Lane & Kenley were the first students to take a class at CFM, last May 14th at 6am! Thanks to everyone who made this year so special. The CFM community wouldn’t be the same without each and every one of you!

Workout of the Day (WOD)

BIRTHDAY WOD AT 8PM! It’s a SURPRISE party… we’ll tell you the WOD when you arrive. SURPRISE! We won’t be doing the same WOD as other Tuesday classes. Friends & visitors are welcome. This doesn’t count toward your weekly attendance limits.

All other classes –
A. Hang snatch: 2-2-2-2-2
B. Overhead squat (OHS): 5-5-5+ (use 75% of last week’s weight)
C. For time: 10 OHS :10 plank hold
10 OHS :20 plank hold
10 OHS :30 plank hold
10 OHS :40 plank hold
10 OHS :50 plank hold
*Use 75% of the weight from part B.

And coming tomorrow…

A. Weighted pull up: 3-3-3+ (same weight as last week) OR 3-3-3+ strict pull ups OR 3-3-3+ negatives (weighted if possible)
For time – 21-15-9
Hang clean 135/95
Double unders (singles x 3)
As his farewell gift, I asked Don to write today’s workout. This is a farewell WOD for Coach Don & his lovely fiance Nina, moving away this week to Charlotte, NC. We’ll miss you crazy kids! Especially Nina!

TUES 05.14.13 Happy birthday to us! Read More »

Retest your Baseline this week!

We’re doing this a little differently from past quarters. You choose the day to retest your Baseline, but if you’re in the gym this week, YOU MUST RETEST IT! Do it as a warm up any of the days you come in, or do the Baseline as your workout, instead of the regular WOD, or wait until the weekend and retest it on Saturday or during Open Gym on Sunday.

Dunk Truck comes TOMORROW:

Get your body composition tested! Price is $30. Register here.

Goal-setting workshop on Saturday

Join Lis Saturday from 12n-1p to do some goal-setting for the next month, quarter, and/or even the next 1, 5 & 10 years!

Here’s some inspiration for today’s Olympic Total…

Kendrick Farris slow-mo snatch AND Camille Leblanc-Bazinet snatches 190#!

Baseline whiteboard pics from past Quarterly Check-Ins:

Feb ’13

Nov ’12 Pic 1 & 2

Retest your Baseline!

For time:
500m row
40 squats
30 abmat situps
20 hand-release push ups
10 pull ups

Ninja Training at 7pm!

Meet Lindsay at CFM at 7 or in the Piedmont Park Active Oval at 7:15 for some hill sprints!!!

Workout of the Day

Olympic Total:
A. Take 15 minutes to find your Snatch 1 rep max
B. Take 15 minutes to find your Clean & Jerk 1 rep max

And coming tomorrow…

As many rounds & reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
20 thrusters 135/95#
20 burpees
20 pull ups

TUES 04.30.13 Olympic Total & Ninja Training! Read More »

Ninja training starts tonight!

We couldn’t think of a better name for a running club where you’ll also do some mixed training for obstacle course, etc. Starting tonight, Lindsay leads NINJA TRAINING every Tuesday at 7pm. Meet at the box at 7 for a warm-up jog over to the park, OR meet the crew over at the Piedmont Park Active Oval at 7:15 (but do some jogging first!).
The class DOES count toward your weekly attendance, BUT you’re welcome to bring a guest along for free, so grab a running buddy and come play!
This is our first step toward rounding up a CFM posse to do some road races and obstacle runs together… starting with the ‘Stache Dash on Saturday, May 4th at Tin Lizzy Buckhead & the O-Run Obstacle Run on June 1 in North Georgia. See you out there!

Schedule reminders

Join us for these specialty classes! Rowing & Open gym count toward your weekly attendance limits but yoga does not. Get on it!
Yoga: Wed at 12n & Thurs at 8:15p (all levels)
Rowing: Wed at 7p
Open Gym: Sun 12n-2p

Saturday fun in the sun w the 11am class TEAM WOD!

Workout of the Day

Every 3 min for 4 rounds:
A1. Push Press: 4-6 reps @11X2 tempo, 30sec rest
A2. Hang Power Clean: 3-5 reps
B. 5 rounds for time:
4 handstand push ups
8 hang power cleans 115/85#

And coming tomorrow…

A. Every 4 min for 5 rounds:
1. Deadlift: 8-12 reps @2010 tempo, 15sec rest
2. Dumbbell single-arm press L: 8-10 reps @3010 tempo, no rest
3. Dumbbell single-arm press R: 8-10 reps @3010 tempo B. Every 3 min for 4 rounds:
B1. Dumbbell Powell raise L: 8-10 reps @3010 tempo, no rest
B2. Dumbbell Powell Raise R: 8-10 reps @3010 tempo
C. Pick your poison tabata: From the list below, choose TWO movements, and do 8 rounds of each, :20 on, :10 off. Do all 8 sets of one movement, then move directly to the other.
Choose from – Double unders, burpees, push ups, air squats, pull ups, wall balls, hollow rocks, toes-to-bar, pistols, L-sit

TUES 04.16.13 Ninja Training Read More »

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