
MON 05.13.13 We raised $1200 for Strong4Life!

Thanks for donating!

Our inaugural S4L Field Day and Raffle were a success. Thanks to all who donated. We raised $1200 for Strong4Life!
Here are the raffle prize winners:
2 Southwest Airlines tickets – John Searles
$50 Tin Lizzy gift card – Cary B
$50 Tin Lizzy gift card – Mary Anne B
2 tix Whole World Theatre – Brianne
2 tix Atlanta Symphony – Jeff Hignite
$10 MetroFresh gift card – David L
$50 Farm Burger gift card – Susan Saunders
2 tix High Museum of Art – Sarabess
$50 Metrotainment Cafes – Stuart
4 tix Atlanta Botanical Gardens – Erin P
2 passes Atlanta Rocks – Leaor S
1/2 gallon of CHUICE – Don Matz
Dr. Baumrind teeth whitening package – Kim Bartlett

And congrats to all the Field Day winners:
Costume contest & Skills challenge – The Village People (Dan, Alison, Lee & Bridget) won prizes from lululemon athletica & Rira.
Tug of War – Nooners (Adrian, Jim, Justin & Brad) won Braves tickets.
Team Relay – Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That (Cap, Lindsay, Casey, Matt C) won gift certificates to Tin Lizzy.
Hooverball – Baconators (Brianne, Jeff, Cassie, Jerome) won gift certificates to MetroFresh.
Claim your prizes at CFM!

Self-Defense seminar with Walter is Saturday

Learn to avoid, escape and evade violent persons and situations. This seminar is designed to teach students of all defensive skill levels basic, but effective techniques to subdue/overcome would-be attackers. Not only is the emphasis put on the physical techniques necessary for personal protection, but attention is drawn to the number one means of self-preservation: avoidance. Attendees will delve into the psychology of violence, learn how not to become a victim (in & outside the home), develop a means for effective striking and power production, and understand the importance of fitness (particularly CrossFit) to fighting. This self-defense course is designed specifically to empower people with the strategies and tactics to survive a violent situation.

Seminar Goals:
• Improve your understanding of violence
• Dispel some popular myths about self-defense
• Teach proper and effective striking
• Teach you how to avoid and/or escape common threats/attacks

When: Saturday, May 18th, 11a-1p
Where: CrossFit Midtown
Cost: $60 for CFM students, $70 for guests
Register here.

Cochard, Dan & Dyer do some heavy lifting.

Workout of the Day (WOD)

Deadlift: 5-5-5+
Use 75% of your 1RM (one-rep max…if you don’t know it, we’ll help you)
Tabata This!
Tabata Row (for calories)
Rest 1 min
Tabata Squat
Rest 1 min
Tabata Pull Up
Rest 1 min
Tabata Push Up
Rest 1 min
Tabata Sit Up
*Tabata is 8 rounds of :20 work, :10 rest. Your score is the lowest reps in a round on each movement (use calories on the row). Add the five scores together. Work in any order you choose, but record the order so you test the same way next time.

And coming tomorrow…

BIRTHDAY WOD AT 8PM!Friends & visitors are welcome. This doesn’t count toward your weekly attendance limits.
A. Hang snatch: 2-2-2-2-2
B. Overhead squat (OHS): 5-5-5+ (use 75% of last week’s weight)
C. For time: 10 OHS :10 plank hold
10 OHS :20 plank hold
10 OHS :30 plank hold
10 OHS :40 plank hold
10 OHS :50 plank holds
*Use 75% of the weight from part B.

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