CrossFit Midtown is very excited to announce our our first Member of the Month of 2020, Kris Cambron! She has been a member since July 2019 and has made some major gains and PR’s, some awesome friends, and has become a very active member in our community! Read on to learn more about Kris and her CrossFit journey. Thank you for being such an outstanding member of the CFM community! If you are interested on getting a trainer we recommend you to contact personal trainer fulham for additional help.

Name: Kris Cambron
Nickname: Kris
Age: 28
Hometown: Chattanooga, TN
How did you get exposed to CrossFit?
I played soccer in college at Tennessee Tech. Rich Froning was a strength trainer for the male athletes. My junior year Dan Bailey became the strength trainor for the soccer team. They incorporated CrossFit workouts into our strength program and I HATED it.
What brought you to CrossFit Midtown?
Before moving to Atlanta, I was working out regularly with other PTs doing “CrossFit style workouts”. I didn’t know anyone before moving here so I wanted to find a CrossFit gym so I could meet people and make friends. I googled “CrossFit gyms near me”.

What was your very first day at CrossFit Midtown like?
I don’t remember much from the actual workout during the first foundations I did because I completely wiped out on a Bird scooter on my way to the gym at 6am. I hit a huge bump in the sidewalk (that I didn’t see because it was dark) and this caused me to go flying and i hurt my hand, shoulder and hip.
What kind of changes have you you experienced since starting CrossFit that were completely unexpected (ie. new friends, “family”, the community, more self confidence, etc)?
Everyone talks about the new friends/family/community, physical changes, self confidence so I expected (and hoped) for all of that and all are true. But the unexpected change is my workout clothes! I never thought I would start dressing like a crossfitter.
Tell us some of your recent accomplishments. What goals do you have for 2020!?
I participated in my first Open! I was very excited when I hit 145# clean and jerk during the open after missing it several times, this beat my former PR by 20 lbs. And being able to walk 25 feet on my hands. In 2020, my goal is to be able to do a muscle up.

What does your frequently used emoji tab look like? (screen shot and send it!)
I don’t think these are the most frequently, just the most recently used (stupid android)
What is your favorite workout and if you could make up your own workout what would it be?
My favorite workout is any workout I beat Hailey Plemons in 😉 JK. If I could make up my own workout it would be: 3 Rounds of 5 power cleans, 400 m run, 30 box jumps, 20 ft handstand walks, 1 rope climb
What is your favorite cheat food/meal?
Ice cream, cookies

Favorite CrossFit Midtown moment (doesn’t have to be during a class, just any favorite moment at CFM)?
It’s hard to pick just one but I thought it was really cool to do Murph at Piedmont Park.
Hobbies, Talents and or Interests? What does a day in the life of Raymond look like outside of being a stud crossfitter?
I love to do arts and crafts, play soccer, and just recently started taking an adult gymnastics class.

Advice for new CrossFitters
Don’t be afraid to ask coaches for help especially when it comes to appropriately scaling your workout. They are so knowledgeable and will help make sure you don’t get injured.