July 4th Holiday Schedule
Thursday 7/2: 6,7am classes,8am open gym, 12pm, 5,6pm classes.
Friday 7/3: Closed for Observance of Independence Day.
Saturday 7/4: 10am class only. Captain America WOD.
Sunday 7/5:10am class, 11am open gym.

Today’s schedule
6a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
8a: Open Gym- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Justin
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Tom
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Power Cleans: Every minute on the minute 1 Power Clean (80% of 1 RM) for 8 minutes.
B. Group WOD: In teams of 2-6 complete 20 reps per person for each of the following movements:
Toes to bar
Deadlift (315/275/225)**
Tire Flips
Box Jumps (24/20) Step downs only
[20 minute time cap]. May be completed in any order and partition the reps any way. All athletes may be working at the same time. Each member of the team must complete a minimum of 10 reps of each movement. **For Deadlift male teams 315, mixed teams 275, and female teams 225.
Post load for power cleans and time to finish group WOD. If time capped post ratio of reps completed:
Ex1: 115, team of 2: 12:12 T2R
Ex2: 215, team of 5: 375 out of 400 reps = 94% Rx
And coming Saturday…4th of July!!
Captain America Partner WOD
20 Minute AMRAP
4 Jab-jab-cross-elbow-elbow-knee-knee
6 Archer pullups (3 per side)
8 Overhead Walking Lunges with plate (45/25)
200m run
20m Sled push (100/50)
Partners alternating each round. All reps are per person. Tape hands / use gloves for boxing. Wear red, white, and blue.
Post total rounds and reps completed. 200m and 20m sled push are each 1 rep (20 reps/round).
Ex: 9+8 Rx.