
supine ring rows

Increasing Your Rowing Intensity

by Rowing instructor & ITPer Uran
If you’ve been coming to rowing class or just checking out the programming, you may have noticed a trend. We did a 2k time trial on May 1st, and the past couple weeks’ workouts have been based on your average 2k split time, or the time it takes to row 500m. The focus this month is on increasing our rowing intensity.
Even if you have no interest in rowing specifically, it’s still built into some of the CrossFit programming. Whether during the warm-up or “Jackie” (or in tomorrow’s 1k time trial during the regular class WOD), good technique goes a long way, and it never hurts to be faster, particularly if being on the erg makes you cringe!
Once you’ve established safe rowing technique, you can start to work on rowing more efficiently by applying more power and slowing the recovery. On the drive back from the starting position, increase your power by engaging the legs at the start. Only when the legs are almost completely extended should you open the hips and follow through with the arms. On the recovery, do that in reverse, but take your time. You’re not doing yourself any favors by rushing back up for another pull. Remember that it’s called recovery for a reason, and a good rule of thumb is the recovery period should be twice as long as the stroke. Here’s what that looks like:

Rowing class tonight at 7p!

Here’s the workout: 1 x 6 min at 2k split time
2 x 5 min at 2k split minus 1 sec
3 x 4 min at 2k split minus 2 sec
2 x 3 min at 2k split minus 3 sec
1 x 2 min at 2k split minus 4 sec

Rest 1:30 between each segment.

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Bench Press: 5-5-5+
B. As many rounds & reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
5 situps
6 box jumps 30/24
7 kb swings 53/35

And coming tomorrow…

A. Max ring rows: 3 sets max reps ring rows or supine ring pull ups. Rest 5 min between sets.
B. Double unders: 10 min double under skill work OR
Advanced athletes attempt OPT’s “FLIGHT SIMULATOR”:
5 unbroken double unders
10 unbroken double unders
15 unbroken double unders
20 unbroken double unders
25 unbroken double unders
30 unbroken double unders
35 unbroken double unders
40 unbroken double unders
45 unbroken double unders
50 unbroken double unders
45 unbroken double unders
40 unbroken double unders
35 unbroken double unders
30 unbroken double unders
25 unbroken double unders
20 unbroken double unders
15 unbroken double unders
10 unbroken double unders
5 unbroken double unders

You MUST stop in between sets (the rope must stop).
Once you miss at one level three times in a row, work back down the ladder.

C. Rowing time trial: 1k row for time (LEADERBOARD WOD!)

WED 05.21.13 Increasing your rowing intensity Read More »

The Sayers of Nay

by Coach Jeremy
For those of you making big life changes with CrossFit and the Paleo diet, reinvention is hard–not just for you but for those around you. You’ll hear, “You’re doing what?”… “You’re eating how?”… “That’s not good for you!”… and so on.
So why are people so resistant to your transformation? You’re the one putting in work. They’re not waking up early to hit the gym before work, or turning down the company-sponsored bagel breakfast. You are. You’re putting in work, and a lot of it, which can create mixed emotions for those around you.
Part of the resistance you see is from people genuinely concerned with your well-being. But the overwhelmingly salient reason people resist your reinvention is fear–fear of losing you. Look at cultures and family. The underpinnings of these structures lie in language and food, and you just changed both.
You’re pumped about doing Fran and your heavy snatch and your grass-fed, lettuce-wrapped burger. Who ARE you?
So, how should you deal with this? The easy way is just to stop. Quit CrossFitting. Eat the Standard American Diet.
But nothing worthwhile is ever easy. Reassure loved ones that you are still inherently you. CrossFit won’t change your political ideology or your religious beliefs. It will, however, make you a stronger, healthier and happier person.
You can only spend so much energy pleasing everyone. Just be yourself, and with time friends will accept these new ‘strange ways’ as part of you… just one of those things that makes you more lovable and quirky.

Yoga Thursday

Monica’s yoga class has been moved to Thursdays at 8:15pm. Join her tomorrow to stretch those sore muscles and work on mobility, balance and mental focus.

CFM Holiday Party IN TEN DAYS!

Ten days left! Uran & Dyer are recruiting a few more elves to help them with final party plans, decorations, playlists and set up. Post in the comments below if you can help. JUST WHEN IS THIS AWESOME PARTY, you ask? Why it’s next Saturday from 7 to 10 pm, right here at CFM. We’ll provide the main course and beverages. You bring your favorite appetizer or dessert to share (paleo optional!).
Handstand drills in last night’s gymnastics class.

Workout of the Day

A. Push Press: In 8 minutes, build to heavy set of 5
B. Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes:
On odd minutes, do 1 muscle up & 3 ring dips OR 3 supine ring rows and 3 ring dips.
On even minutes, do 5 med ball slams.

WED 11.28.12 The Sayers of Nay Read More »

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