
to helen back

Bring-A-Friend Days today, tomorrow & Sat!

Invite your friends to join us for any class today, tomorrow & Saturday. PLEASE RSVP to reserve guest spots. The WODs this weekend are planned to accommodate larger than normal class sizes, but we’re still capping classes at 20 (14 CFMers, 6 guests) per class.


Today I turn 34, and CrossFit Midtown has been open just over 15 months. Every year on my birthday I like to spend some time reflecting on the past year.
Last year on my birthday, I coached every class at the gym that day. I also coached most of the classes that week. This year, I have an amazing team of coaches & Instructor Training Program students to keep the gym running smoothly. I want to take this time to thank everyone coaching & helping out this weekend to allow me to spend my birthday weekend at the beach rather than glued to CFM like I was last year. Beka, Tirzah, Cassie, Dyer, Amy, Justin, Ian, Carlos, Uran, Khaki, Raul, Ben, Samantha & Monica – thanks for the best birthday present I could ask for: keeping the CFM machine running smoothly & taking pride & passion in your work!
And thanks to all of you, our students, for continuing to make CrossFit Midtown a great community, a great place to train, and for trusting your coaches to help you get healthier, faster, stronger and LOOKING BETTER NAKED.
If anyone would like to join me for a nightcap this evening, I’ll be at the Nook at 10p to sing a karaoke ditty or two before departing to spend the weekend in Dewey Beach, Delaware. BRING IT!
IMG_7976To Helen Back finals crew

Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Lis
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Lis
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Lis
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Cassie
8p: Beginner CrossFit – Cassie
8:15p: Yoga – Samantha

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Deadlift: 5-5-5+
B. In teams of 3-4, rotate through each station 3x for max reps in 1 minute:
1. Burpees
2. Ring Rows (advanced: prop feet on box)
3. Overhead walking lunges (45/25#)
4. Air squats
Rest :30 between stations

And coming tomorrow…

A. Strict press: 5-5-5+
B. Partner WOD: Race your partner!
1. Partner 1 does max push ups while Partner 2 runs 400m
2. Switch
3. Partner 1 does max situps while Partner 2 rows 500m
4. Switch
5. Partner 1 does max pull ups while Partner 2 does 50 double unders or 150 single unders (jump rope)
6. Switch
*The goal is to get as many reps as possible while your partner is running/rowing/jumping rope. Compare scores with your partner at the end. Who won two out of three? Losing partner has a 25 burpee penalty!

THURS 8.22.13 Bring-A-Friend Days Read More »

STRONG! screening & PRIDE fundraiser is this Fri!

Help us support the Atlanta PRIDE committee as we celebrate our new Olympic Lifting coach Cheryl Haworth. Get your tickets here – NOW just a $5 donation to join the fun!

POSE Running seminar is this Sat, Aug 17

Join Coach Amy for an hour of skills & drills practice to make you a more efficient runner! Register here today for the Early Bird $15 price.
IMG_7969Congrats to all who finished this summer’s To Helen Back Challenge! Our prize winners are Chris H (not pictured), Anastasiya, Ellen, Dave, Tirzah, Allison J, Brianne & Stuart. Thanks to VitaCoco, Big Peach Running Co, Parq, Rira & the Nook for donating prizes!

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Back squat: 5-5-5+
B. Hang snatch
C. Tabata air squat (hold bottom of squat on rest) then Tabata push ups (hold top of push up on rest)

And coming tomorrow…

A. Deadlift: 5-5-5+
B. Every min on the min for 16 mins:
Even – 8 Lateral box jumps
Odd – 10 wall balls 20/14

TUES 8.13.13 STRONG! screening Read More »

To Helen Back Finals this Sat: NO 11A CLASS!

Come cheer on your CFM buddies in the To Helen Back Finals this Saturday at 11am! Challengers, check your inbox for an email from Lis with more info.
Email Tirzah to confirm your heat time – 11a (10:40 warm-up), 11:20a (11 warm-up), or 11:40a (11:20 warm-up). Warm-ups will be led by ITP student, Czarlos.

Free workout at Fab’rik tonight at 6!

Join Lis for a free bodyweight WOD, every Wednesday at 6p next door at Fab’rik… break a sweat, then reward yourself with a glass of wine (thanks to Fab’rik!) and shop their duds for 20% off. No purchase required… just come break a sweat with us!

STRONG! screening & PRIDE fundraiser is next Fri, Aug 16

Help us support the Atlanta PRIDE committee as we celebrate our new Olympic Lifting coach Cheryl Haworth. Get your tickets here – NOW just a $5 donation to join the fun!

POSE Running seminar rescheduled for Aug 17

We pushed the POSE running seminar back to Saturday, August 17th. Join Coach Amy for an hour of skills & drills practice to make you a more efficient runner! Register here by Tues, 8/13 to get the EARLY BIRD discount of $15 ($20 after Tuesday; $25 for CFM guests).

More events:

Coming soon: Self-Defense 101 with Coach Walter: Join Walter for a one-hour introduction to self-defense. Learn to defend yourself on the mean streets of Midtown!
Bring-a-Friend Days are Thurs 8/22, Fri 8/23 & Sat 8/24! Invite your friends to join us for any class these three days, by emailing FRIENDS at crossfit midtown dot com.

IMG_7317Good luck to Sarabess and all the other To Helen Back challengers at Finals this Saturday!

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A1. Ring dips/dips: 3 sets max reps STRICT, rest/mobilize 2 min
A2. Chin ups: 3 sets max reps STRICT, rest/mobilize 2 min
B. Every minute on the minute for 9 minutes:
Rd 1, 4, 7: Run 200m
Rd 2, 5, 8: 12 KB swings
Rd 3, 6, 9: 6 Pull ups

And coming tomorrow

A. Overhead squat: 5-5-5+
B. Complete 8 rounds:
3 Power Cleans @ 75% of body weight
3 Broad Jumps for max distance
*Once you finish power cleans, perform 3 broad jumps for max distance. 
*Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

WED 8.7.13 Upcoming Events Read More »

Athlete Profile: Kelli O

aka KO, Kel, Kelsers, BBPF
Hometown: Originally from Mobile, AL. Just to beat you to it: An Alabama State trooper pulls over a pickup truck on I-20. He says to the driver, “Got any ID?” The driver says, “Bout what?”
To my credit, I grew up just outside of Atlanta and have lived in Midtown for over a decade.
Age: Apparently ladies don’t reveal their age… I’m 29 and holding.
Occupation: Corporate Zookeeper aka HR Manager
Three words to describe you: Because I’m so incredibly shy, I asked my friends to answer this question. Because I’m humble, I’m going to share ALL of their responses : ) – Caring, Witty, Awesome, Amazeballs, SassyPants, Bright, Sincere, Happy Go Lucky, Positive, Funny, Loyal, Energetic, Empathetic, Adventurous, Ambitious, Outgoing, Friendly, Smart, Vivacious, Considerate, Family Oriented, Cheerful, Positive, Humorous, Charismatic, Engaging, and most importantly, BBPF.
Editor’s note: Former CFM student Charles Barkley (yes, THE Sir Charles) once asked about Kelli, referring to her as “that pretty brown-haired girl… big booty, pretty face.” Hence, the BBPF nickname
What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit? As many of my FB friends know, I have a knack for finding random, entertaining videos/pics on the interwebs. I’m also dangerous with my iPhone camera, PhotoShop (see below), and video editing. I believe you are all familiar with my work on the Prancercise video.
Other talents: when you really get me laughing, I sound like a seal (or the guy from Revenge of the Nerds, but seals are cuter); I can give anyone a run for their money on “Aunt of the Year” – I have 5 nephews and a niece under the age of 6.
When did you first start CrossFitting?: I joined CF Peachtree in 2010, but I started a new job with long hours and then I injured my ankle playing soccer so my CF career was cut short. After surgery, lots of physical therapy, and a personal trainer to help me to gain confidence in the weight room again, I came back to CrossFit here at CFM.
How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? What made you try it? I blame Christine Wilson. I heard there were hot guys who worked out with their shirts off and any girl can appreciate a little eye candy. In all seriousness though, I just wanted to get stronger.
Favorite WOD: Is there such a thing? I’d much prefer a TWOD especially to “Don’t Drop That Thun Thun Thun”. (Please see Lis’ FB wall for an example… & the T stands for “twerk”)
Least Favorite WOD: Kelly – Probably just because they don’t even know how to spell it correctly. Everyone knows that “Y” is a bullsh*t letter.
Sports & fitness background: Grew up playing soccer & basketball, but was also a swimmer and dancer. My mom liked to see me take dance because it allowed me to be girly (I have 3 older brothers). My dad liked the fact that I took dance because it helped me on the soccer field. These days, it just helps me coach/choreograph prancercise routines.
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF (before/after)? A picture is worth a thousand words:
photo (3)Both Kelli & her minime have undergone drastic transformations since starting CrossFit… THAT, or Kelli really does have a PhotoShop habit. You decide.

What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected? I laugh more, sweat more, and am way more sore… However, I wouldn’t say that any of that is unexpected.
Favorite CFM moments: A) Filming the Prancercise video…everything about that day. B) Falling off the stationary dip bar when I got distracted because someone took off his shirt – Glad Christine was there to watch and laugh at me.
Note: if you take your shirt off, I will look – I have no shame. It’s totally platonic. Moreover, if I laugh when you take your shirt off, it’s because I’m thinking back to falling… I’m not actually laughing at you.
Any advice for people just getting started? Just have fun! Go at your own pace and learn the correct form from the beginning. (Easier said than done!)

IMG_7299Dan rocking out kettlebell swings during To Helen Back prelims.

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Back squat: 5-5-5 @ 65%
B. 6 rounds for time:
200m run
10 kettlebell swings
5 pull ups

And coming tomorrow…

A. Deadlift: 5-5-5 @ 65%
B. Skill: 10 mins of muscle up skill work OR
EMOM 10: 3 muscle ups
C. 3 rounds: Accumulate 1 min each in center, L & R side plank

WED 7.17.13 Athlete Profile: Kelli O Read More »

Food as Fuel recap

We had a great showing for last night’s Food as Fuel session. The basis of the paleo diet: eat meat & vegetables, nuts & seeds, little starch, some fruit and no sugar.
After you master those basics, I shared my TOP 6 NUTRITION RULES TO REACH YOUR GOALS:
1. Drink more water.
2. Drink less booze. When you do drink booze, stick to red wine or clear liquor mixed with with club soda or water. Sawwwwwy beer snobs. DISCLAIMER: alcohol is still broken down as sugar in your body. And it’s a neurotoxin, so if you wonder why you’re so depressed/anxious/ADD after a bender of a weekend, MAYBE it’s the booze (But maybe it’s also all the $ you spent. I digress).
3. Sleep 8 hours in a cool, dark room. If you have trouble with this, try winding down earlier, turn off the TV/computer/smartphone, turn down the lights and try a natural supplement that includes magnesium sulfate, melatonin, zinc and/or GABA… different stuff works for everyone.
4. Eat breakfast. It doesn’t have to be “breakfast food.” I often eat dinner for breakfast. Eff all that breakfast for dinner noise. Unless it’s bacon. Bacon goes with every meal.
5. Then throw in a few supplements: fish oil, vitamin D3, probiotics & digestive enzymes.
6. Post-workout is NOT the time to skimp on calories. Get some protein into your system within 45 minutes… preferably a high quality supplement like SFH.

Rowing class is taking the summer off

We’re gonna give Uran a few months off to make way for you guys to take advantage of our Tuesday Ninja Training & Gymnastics classes. But we have a super fun rowing event in the works for the fall, so stay tuned for details!


Join the Instructor Training Program students for a free park WOD in the Active Oval at Piedmont Park on Sunday morning.

Matt C won these abdominal muscles in last year’s Summer Challenge. You could be CFM’s next abtastic member. Register by Monday & you also get an awesome new CFM shirt!

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Deadlift: 3-3-3+
B. 10 min goat work
C. Grace:
30 clean & jerks for time 135/95#

And coming tomorrow…TEAM WORKOUT

Team Chipper:
20 hands-behind-head abmat sit ups (strict: don’t swing arms for momentum)
20 supermans
20 air squats
20 double unders (sub 20 burpees)
20 kettlebell swings 53/35
20 pull ups
20 hand-release push ups (MODIFY WITH BAND ON HIPS)
20 mountain climbers
20 walking lunge steps
200m row
Teammate 1 starts at station 1. Teammate 2 goes to station 1 once teammate 1 moves on to station 2. Teammate 3 goes to station 1 once teammate 3 moves to station 2 and teammate 1 moves to station 3. Teammate 4 moves to station 1 once teammate 3 moves to station 2 and teammate 2 moves to station 3 and teammate 1 moves to station 4. Athletes cannot advance stations until station in front is clear.

FRI 06.13.13 Food as Fuel recap Read More »

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