To Helen Back Finals this Sat: NO 11A CLASS!
Come cheer on your CFM buddies in the To Helen Back Finals this Saturday at 11am! Challengers, check your inbox for an email from Lis with more info.
Email Tirzah to confirm your heat time – 11a (10:40 warm-up), 11:20a (11 warm-up), or 11:40a (11:20 warm-up). Warm-ups will be led by ITP student, Czarlos.
Free workout at Fab’rik tonight at 6!
Join Lis for a free bodyweight WOD, every Wednesday at 6p next door at Fab’rik… break a sweat, then reward yourself with a glass of wine (thanks to Fab’rik!) and shop their duds for 20% off. No purchase required… just come break a sweat with us!
STRONG! screening & PRIDE fundraiser is next Fri, Aug 16
Help us support the Atlanta PRIDE committee as we celebrate our new Olympic Lifting coach Cheryl Haworth. Get your tickets here – NOW just a $5 donation to join the fun!
POSE Running seminar rescheduled for Aug 17
We pushed the POSE running seminar back to Saturday, August 17th. Join Coach Amy for an hour of skills & drills practice to make you a more efficient runner! Register here by Tues, 8/13 to get the EARLY BIRD discount of $15 ($20 after Tuesday; $25 for CFM guests).
More events:
Coming soon: Self-Defense 101 with Coach Walter: Join Walter for a one-hour introduction to self-defense. Learn to defend yourself on the mean streets of Midtown!
Bring-a-Friend Days are Thurs 8/22, Fri 8/23 & Sat 8/24! Invite your friends to join us for any class these three days, by emailing FRIENDS at crossfit midtown dot com.
Good luck to Sarabess and all the other To Helen Back challengers at Finals this Saturday!
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A1. Ring dips/dips: 3 sets max reps STRICT, rest/mobilize 2 min
A2. Chin ups: 3 sets max reps STRICT, rest/mobilize 2 min
B. Every minute on the minute for 9 minutes:
Rd 1, 4, 7: Run 200m
Rd 2, 5, 8: 12 KB swings
Rd 3, 6, 9: 6 Pull ups
And coming tomorrow
A. Overhead squat: 5-5-5+
B. Complete 8 rounds:
3 Power Cleans @ 75% of body weight
3 Broad Jumps for max distance
*Once you finish power cleans, perform 3 broad jumps for max distance.
*Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
If you're planning to join us for Wine Down Wednesday make sure you RSVP at 🙂
Lookin good on the blog today Sarabess!!! How much you gonna PR Helen by this weekend???
Who's coming to play tonight at fab'rik Atlanta for Wine Down Wednesday??? Free workout at 6p!
I was planning on it but I have to work late. 🙁 Boooo