

Thanksgiving schedule

CFM will hold all regularly scheduled classes next week on Monday through Wednesday. We’ll be closed Thursday for Thanksgiving. On Friday, regular classes are cancelled, but there will be Open Gym sessions from 10am to 12noon and 4 to 6pm. Saturday there will be an open gym session from 10am to 12noon.
Open gym sessions will be supervised by a coach, but will not have formal group warm-ups. A coach will be on hand to answer questions, review movements and technique. You’ll have a choice of doing skill work, a programmed workout and/or doing a workout from recent weeks.

Will burpee for food…or cash?!?!

Throughout November, bring some non-perishable goods to donate to the Atlanta Community Food Bank. The CFM team is willing to do a burpee for every food item you donate. BUT, if you don’t have time to hit the store and STILL want to dole out some burpees, now you can donate to the CFM food drive online. Click here to donate to the CFM Virtual Food Drive, and the CFM coach (or intern! ;)) of your choice will do a burpee for every dollar donated!!!
Speaking of time…
Who hates THE DREADED TARDINESS BURPEES? Well, have I got a deal for you!?! Just for the next two weeks, if you are late to class*, you can forego your tardiness burpees by donating 25 items to the food drive. We’re talking the equivalent of $3, people.
Holiday traffic sucks. I get it. I hear the excuses. Want a way around it? Open your heart. Shazam.
**Students more than 10 minutes late will not be admitted to class. If you’re more than 10 minutes late, you’ve missed the warm-up and for your safety and respect to other students, you will not be permitted to join in.

Eat locally!

I’m so happy to have partnerships with local farms, so we can eat fresh, local meat and produce. Check out the details below:
South Metro Produce weekly co-op: We’re continuing our partnership with South Metro Produce for weekly deliveries of organic fruits and vegetables from local family farmers. You can choose from a small/$27, medium/$35 or large/$45 box of produce each week (or partner up and split the order!). Josh will be delivering to us every Monday (orders due by Sunday) so visit his site and place your order today! The last few weeks of deliveries have been a BEAUTIFUL mix of fruits, vegetables and nuts. Get in on this.
Tink’s Grassfed Beef and Pastured Pork: Tink’s will make another delivery to CFM in just less than two weeks, on Wednesday, November 28th. Check out the price list below, email your order to (order deadline is Mon 11/27 at 5p), and then you can either pay online on their site, leave cash or check at the box by the morning of the 28th (meat will be delivered that Wed afternoon & payment is due at the time of delivery).

POB & Alison. So fierce.

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A1. 4 sets: Deadlift x10 @2111, rest 60sec
A2. 4 sets: Pushups x15 @2010, rest 2min

B. Annie:
For time:
Double unders*
Sit ups
*If you cannot do double unders, do 3x the reps in jump rope singles (150-120-90-60-30)

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