CFM Holiday Schedule:
Sat, 12/29 – Open gym 10a-12noon
Mon, 12/31 New Years Eve – Closed
Tues, 1/1 New Years Day – Closed
Wed, 1/2 – Return to regular schedule
Eat-Clean January Resource-o-tha-day!
Here’s a guide to good meat choices. But DO NOT FRET Woody, Tirzah and my other CFM vegans/vegetarians/pescatarions… the Whole9 created a guide for you too!
Donice & Kenley. One of these days, the big lug is gonna give in and join CFM so I can teach him how to move some weight.
Workout of the Day
Optional WOD:
A. Heavy snatch balance in 10min
B. Back Squat heavy triple in 10min
C. 20min AMRAP:
4 Muscle Ups
6 Overhead Squats 135#/95#
9 Toes to Bar
Vacation WOD (no equipment? NO EXCUSES!)
3 Rounds for time:
20 hollow rocks, 15 push ups, 10 squats, 5 broad jumps