Frantastic Results!
Congrats to our first heat to complete the Fran Challenge. Last night, Austin, Uran and Geoff ALL improved on their prelim times for PRs on Fran. Big ups to Uran who has the most improvement so far, beating her previous time by 2 MINUTES AND 17 SECONDS for 23% improvement! Booya.
Just TRY to get this song out of your head today.
Farewell James & Carlos!
There are so many people who’ve influenced CrossFit Midtown and what it continues to evolve into. Two of those people are making big moves in their lives this week. Tuesday night coach and resident vampire James Taylor is departing today for Scottsdale, Arizona, to take a personal training & program design role with Optimum Performance Training. And photographer extraordinaire/personal record machine Carlos leaves next week on the next leg of his nationwide tour, as he finishes shooting his photography book, The Face of Fitness.
Both of these fellas have been amazing friends to me personally, and continue to make a big impact on CrossFit Midtown.
James played a big part in my decision to open a CrossFit gym. Without James, I never would have visited my first CrossFit Games, trained with Olympic lifting coach John Broz, gotten my CrossFit Level 1 and Movement & Mobility certifications… or learned to play poker, but we won’t get into that. Even from across the country, James will continue to have a role at CFM, as he helps me design our workouts/programming.
Carlos is the person who first told me about The Biz (the CrossFit consulting company I worked for, and my business coaches), shot most of the photos that appear on our website and [figuratively] talked me off many a ledge. AND he’s responsible for bringing Hooverball to Atlanta. We’ll keep the weekly games going in his honor, and plan to eventually erect a statue of him near the Piedmont Park volleyball courts. Carlos keeps trying to leave Atlanta, but we continue to suck him back in. Hopefully he’ll be back with us in the fall.
Thanks for being great friends to CrossFit Midtown! We’ll miss you both and see you again soon!
Vampire teeth. Vampire teeth socks.
Carlos rings Carlos, the PR bell…named for him because he seems to improve on every single workout and rings it almost daily.
Workout of the Day
10 minutes to work to a heavy snatch double
Power clean 135/95
Ring dips
Cash out – 50 barbell roll outs (use your power clean bar)
Farewell to James Taylor! and Carlos Tapia (even though we still get you for one more week :)). And congrats to Austin, Urán and Geoff on your Fran PRs!
James – you've been a friend and someone I look up to in the Crossfit community. You always push yourself hard and definitely are focused on being the best athlete you can be. Enjoy your journey, stay in touch, and in 309 days, I'll be a short drive from Vegas where we can routinely meet up.
Carlos – First, I don't believe you are actually leaving. But, you will truly be missed. You're a great part of the community and have become a friend. Now, when I get back out to the Left Coast, we have to kick in.
Nothing like 2 21-15-9's back to back days. Congrats Geoff and Uran. You guys killed it! Do we get an award for closest to their original time? I mean that was pretty good precision.
CFM programming isn't 2 21-15-9s on back to back days… but you divas who needed to do Fran early get a special present 🙂
Red rover, Red Rover … Send Carlos right over!!
I'm gonna go on record and say a Las Vegas meeting between you two may not be a good idea.
Congrats on the Fran PR's folks! Best wishes to you James and Carlos. James will officially get credit for teaching me how to run and make it not suck so much! Significant stuff. Seriously.
Thanks Drew, I appreciate that. Vegas isn't ready for me to be in its vicinity.. Keep in touch man. Thanks for the shout out Lis. CFM is doing well with you at the helm. Thanks Carlos for giving me the opportunity to work with you. Peace Atlanta, it's been real!
Jeremy Russie: "figuratively" alert.
Carlos – Its been awesome getting to know you. Thank you for being so welcoming, for teaching me Hooverball in the rain, and for making me look extra pimp with your awesome photography skills. Oh and I selfishly hope your job brings you back to Atlanta. 🙂
James – Its been great getting to know you as well. Thank you for the fantastic coaching and for the POSE clinic! I know you'll kick ass in your new gig, and I hope I get to see your gym when I'm in Phoenix in October!
Wore your shirt yesterday… got a lot of compliments on it.
Lis, does this mean I FINALLY get to ring Carlos?
What could possibly go wrong?
HELL YES! You get to hit Carlos as hard as you want!
Going to miss you James Taylor but I do like your socks in the first picture then the one below it. You're a fashion icon! Will miss you.
See you all soon! Give me a shout Uran!