-by Coach Krystol
Each and every one of you are athletes…whether you were involved in sports/recreation before or if CrossFit is the first active thing you’ve done in your life. When you step into CrossFit Midtown, you are one of our athletes. One of the greatest responsibilities you have as an athlete is to be a student first. There are times where you may come across a technique that you have a particularly difficult time executing or comprehending and the class needs to keep moving so you don’t have extra time to work on that technique with a coach. Odds are, you will leave the gym frustrated that day.
I can’t tell you how happy I can feel when someone leaves the gym frustrated. At that point, I know this particular athlete cares about what they are doing, the quality of movement, and general execution abilities. My favorite part is that you are going to be thinking about that technique for the rest of the day and ALL NIGHT LONG. You may even think about it for days.
People will brood over this movement that has them stuck in the CrossFit rut and without a doubt they will return with a plethora of questions. The questions are awesome but the student missed a few steps: research and studying! If something is nagging at you, search the internet and watch some videos that show different variations of the movement that tortures you. In this way you can pace your own instruction and possibly hear cues that will help you succeed. The interesting thing about watching a video is that it makes your mind mentally rehearse it. Who has watched a dance show and can just feel themselves being that awesome? (I know it’s not just me.)
Mental imagery and rehearsal is so powerful. After watching a few videos you may be surprised at how your ability improves even without live instruction. Not only will your baseline ability for that technique improve but your questions will have more depth. Hopefully, your studying presents you with an opportunity to share what you learned with the class/coaches and demonstrate how the student becomes the teacher.
If you find an awesome video, please share it with us here on the blog or on the CFM Facebook page!
Pardon our dust as construction continues this week on our NEW SHOWERS!
This week we’ll only have access to one bathroom (the large back restroom) so please arrive a little early if you need to change before class.
Halloween Happenings
Sunday, 10/28 – 10am – Free Community COSTUME WOD at lululemon howell mill… Drag yourself out of bed for ONE MORE Halloween weekend costume-wearing opportunity… join Lis over at lululemon for the monthly community WOD, open to the public and suitable for all shapes, sizes, ghouls, goblins and skill levels.
Wednesday, 10/31 – 8pm – GLOW STICK WOD! Join the 8pm class for a Halloween WOD in the dark with GLOOOOOOW STICKS! This class will not be capped.
Workout of the Day
A. Thruster 1RM: In 15 minutes, find your thruster 1 rep max.
B. 3 Squat Cleans every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 8 minutes
C. Front Squat 5 sets of 2 @22X1 tempo*, 3 minutes rest
*Descend for two-count, hold bottom of squat for two-count, eXplode up, rest one-count at top, repeat.
Great article, Krystol. 100% identify with this frustration.
Such a timely blog post for me after that DU Seminar on Saturday. Thanks Krystol Hines!