Rowing class tonight at 7 & Yoga at 8:15p
The new strength cycle
The new strength cycle is based on a basic linear progression where you’ll adjust your lifts each week based on the prior week’s burnout set. Trust in the program and I promise you’ll get stronger.
The burnout set is the final set of 5+ or 3+ reps we end on, when you are working TO FAILURE… note that’s not the same as just getting tired and quitting. FAIL your last rep.
On today’s back squats, use the list below to adjust your weight based on how many reps you got in your burnout set last Monday (compare to MON 05.06).
If you got:
0-4 reps: You went to heavy. Drop a little weight this week.
Exactly 5 reps: Stay at last week’s weight and shoot for a PR on reps.
6-9 reps: Juuuuuuust right. Add 3# total to presses & pull ups.* Add 5# total to squats & deadlift.
10-14 reps: Too light. Add 5# to presses & pull ups. Add 10# to squats & deadlift.
15+ reps: Way too light. Add 10# to presses & pull ups. Add 15# to squats & deadlift.
*Our fractional plates (1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1# plates) are on back-order, so for now, use extra collars for jumps <5#. Each pair of collars weighs 1#.
We'll also post this break down on the whiteboard so you know how to increase weight throughout this 12-week strength cycle.
Lee M, Bridget, Alison & Dan win the Field Day costume contest (and team relay!)… I’m not sure what they’re spelling, are you? Post guesses in the comments.
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Back squat: 5-5-5+
Three sets. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Use same weight all sets. Last set is a BURNOUT set. Go to FAILURE. Use 75% of 1RM OR adjust last week’s weight according to blog post above.
B. 5 Rounds for max reps: 1) One minute max reps wall ball two-fers 20/14# 2) One minute max reps rope climb 3) Rest
Start at any station & rotate for 5 rounds
Beginners: sub wall balls & ring rows
ROWING CLASS AT 7… moved to Thurs night this week only!
And coming tomorrow…
Bench press: 5-5-5+ – Use 75% of 1RM or adjust last week’s weight according to Thurs blog
“Jackie”: For time –
1k row
50 thrusters 45/35
30 pull ups
hello new strength cycle….I'm feelin a little swole-ish 🙂 But seriously I'm liking the working till FAILURE as opposed to the working till "alright I'm tired". Its been surprising seeing what can be accomplished if you just push a little harder.
Just got two new rowers in for Urán's class to break in tonight at 7… and then tomorrow for Jackie!
Just got two new rowers in for Urán's class to break in tonight at 7… and then tomorrow for Jackie!