Today’s schedule
9a: Zoom CrossFit– Brianna
12n: Zoom CrossFit– Brianna
5:30p: Zoom CrossFit– Carlie
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Turkish Get Ups
4 x 4/4
B. 40-30-20-10 [15min cap]
Goblet Squats (50/35)
Dumbbell Deadlifts (50’s/35’s)
B. 40-30-20-10 [15min cap]
Squat Jumps
Reverse Hypers (or Supermans)
Post load for TGU and time for the WOD. Ex: 70#, 10:10 Rx.
And coming tomorrow…
EMOM 20 (:40 work/ :20 rest)
Min 1 – KB SDLHP (70/53)
Min 2 – Double Unders
Min 3 – Strict Pull Ups
Min 4 – Rest
EMOM 20 (:40 work/ :20 rest)
Min 1 – Backpack SDLHP
Min 2 – Jumping Jacks
Min 3 – Backpack Bent Row
Min 4 – Rest
Post the fewest number of reps completed for each movement in the work interval.
Ex: 16, 62, 6 Rx