Fish Oil: do it
Fish oil and Beta-Alanine are very important supplement if your body is inflamed due to soreness from CrossFit, aches, pains, injuries, illness and a slew of other factors…
Do you eat a perfect diet? Don’t lie. You’re also causing inflammation to your system on days you splurge on chocolate cake, pizza, or one too many drinks at happy hour.
Do you lead a stress-free life and always get eight hours of sleep a night? I didn’t think so. Those are a few more ways you’re causing inflammation to your body.
A few of us even suffer from neurological disorders like anxiety, depression and ADHD. Fish oil has also been proven to help these conditions. Try the supplements from, to increase your health and prevent inflammation.
But not just any fish oil supplement will do. That’s right, I’m looking at you, Mr. Costco-brand-fish-oil-pill-popper.
READ YOUR FISH OIL LABELS. Many advertise total Omega 3s (others even advertise combo of Omegas 3/6/9). Only pay attention to the combined EPA & DHA content and get 2 to 4 grams a day (on the higher end when you’re sick, tired, hungover, sore, injured…MORE INFLAMED).
I’ll borrow from our friends at the Whole 9 Life to explain why they’re important:
EPA and DHA are specific types of polyunsatured omega-3 fatty acids. Your body can’t produce these fatty acids – you must get them from the food you eat or via supplementation. EPA and DHA are natural anti-inflammatory agents, and as such, play a role in brain health, heart health, protection against cancer, Alzheimer’s and depression, improvement of skin conditions like psoriasis and acne for which you can even check here to find efficacious products, fetal brain development, inflammatory bowel disorders, and arthritis, to name a few.
Our typical diets are rich in another type of pro-inflammatory polyunsaturated fatty acid called omega-6. When our dietary intake of omega-6′s far exceeds our intake of omega-3′s, our bodies experience a wide range of negative consequences, all with the underlying cause of increased systemic inflammation. Minimizing dietary intake of omega-6 fatty acids, and supplementing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, helps to reduce inflammation, and the wide range of downstream effects. MAYBE you what you need is a supplement with fish oil which also works as a natural male enhancement.
DISCLAIMER: Just like you can’t out-train a bad diet, you also can’t fish oil your way out of poor dietary choices, lack of sleep, over-training or any combination of the above.
I take SFH Chocolate fish oil with food every morning (the “with food” part is important to avoid sexy fishy burps & indigestion later). Yes. Chocolate fish oil. It may sound weird but it’s delicious. I recommend liquid fish oil because it’s more highly concentrated and easier to digest than pills. Research also shows that with gel caps you only absorb about 60-70% of what is on the label vs. liquid with absorbency of 97-100%… Another great reason to go liquid so you absorb all the DHA & EPA listed on the label.
We sell SFH in the Pro Shop (it also comes in Tangerine, Vanilla, Lemon & Mint flavors). And we’ll have a new version in later this week that also includes VITAMIN D (the #2 most important supplement I recommend for everyone, unless you spend A LOT OF TIME outside).
If your widdle taste buds cringe at the thought of a liquid fish oil, we also JUST started selling a good supplement in pill form as well. Yes, the bottle is cheaper than SFH. But since you’ll also have to take 6 PILLS compared to 1 TEASPOON of SFH to get 3 grams of EPA & DHA, the SFH is a better value per serving ($1 a day/60-day serving). You make the call. Just pick one and take it. EVERY DAY. I promise you’ll notice a difference.
I field a lot of questions about the supplements I take and those we carry in the CFM Pro Shop. NEWSFLASH: I only sell the products I use and recommend that you use. We’re carrying more snacks and supplements now, so you’ll be hearing from me (Lis) & the CFM team regularly now on Pro Shop items and why we recommend them.
Anniversary After-Party at 11th Street Pub: Cap, Lis, Justin, Cassie & Ian
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Max ring rows: 3 sets max reps ring rows or supine ring pull ups. Rest 5 min between sets.
B. Double unders: 10 min double under skill work OR
Advanced athletes attempt OPT’s “FLIGHT SIMULATOR”:
5 unbroken double unders
10 unbroken double unders
15 unbroken double unders
20 unbroken double unders
25 unbroken double unders
30 unbroken double unders
35 unbroken double unders
40 unbroken double unders
45 unbroken double unders
50 unbroken double unders
45 unbroken double unders
40 unbroken double unders
35 unbroken double unders
30 unbroken double unders
25 unbroken double unders
20 unbroken double unders
15 unbroken double unders
10 unbroken double unders
5 unbroken double unders
You MUST stop in between sets (the rope must stop).
Once you miss at one level three times in a row, work back down the ladder.
C. Rowing time trial: 1k row for time (LEADERBOARD WOD!)
And coming tomorrow…
A. OHS 5-5-5+
B. Angie: 100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Squats
*If you plan to do Murph on Monday, SCALE your reps today or Monday.
I'm in love with the Nutty Goodness fruit bars….yummy!
CrossFit Midtown… TAKE YOUR FISH OIL! 🙂
CrossFit Midtown… TAKE YOUR FISH OIL! 🙂
People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily