Staying present
by Coach Amy
In a recent post I encouraged you to check in on nagging aches & pains and be sure you’re not overtraining.
How’d it go? Hopefully you’re still training hard and are injury free! Today I want to talk about staying present during your workouts. This is an important key that a lot of people miss, especially once that clock starts and all you can think is, “I gotta beat my last time!”. When we stay present with what we’re asking our bodies to do, we take ourselves out of autopilot and we actually train a lot better. This runs the gamut from realizing your shoulders just aren’t ready for those butterfly kipping pull ups to feeling so great that you get a 20lb PR.
But however you feel, while you’re working out, try focusing on the move: the proper range of motion, maintaining good form, and what muscle(s) you’re actually using.
Because I’m a coach I assume everyone is an anatomy nerd like me and I’m always surprised when people don’t know where their hamstrings are. So if you don’t know, ask!
Ask what the exercise is working.
Ask where that particular muscle is.
Ask! Ask! Ask!
And then focus on that area with all the attention you can muster.
This time of year our brains are full of holidays plans, family gatherings, and other stressful events, and so we head to the gym to “clear our heads”.
But don’t just zone out. Channel that stress into laser-like focus on each part of your workout, whether it’s the warm up, cool down or the WOD in-between.
And check out this post on how simply visualizing can create huge benefits to the brain and body…it’s what great athletes do, right?
They visualize the big win. So here’s your chance.
Visualize your big win for 2014, whatever it is!
Good luck!
Today’s schedule
6a: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
8a: Open Gym – Tirzah
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
4p: Open Gym- Jim
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Lis
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Lis
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Lis
8p: Open Gym- Lis
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Snatch:2-2-2-2-2
B. Every minute on the minute for 7 minutes:
Complete 15 Lateral Plyo Skier Hops.
Then rest 5 minutes…
Then, one minute on, one minute off for 10 minutes:
30 Russian kettlebell swings – 70/53
*You have 1 minute to complete 30 Russian KB swings. If you do not get 30 Russian KB Swings in 1 minute, count a penalty and an uncompleted round.
*Five rounds of work.
*Total time is 10 minutes with a goal is 150 Russian KB Swings in the alotted time.
*For every round you don’t hit 30 swings, perform a 10 burpee penalty.
And coming tomorrow…
A. 10 min mobility work
B. Goat Day: Choose two skills/movements you need work on. Perform as many reps as possible of goat 1 on odd rounds, as many reps as possible of goat 2 on even rounds. Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes: Odd – Goat 1, Even – Goat 2.
Holiday Travel Workout
10 rounds:
Max effort handstand hold, then
Hold :30 at bottom of squat