Schedule updates
This Saturday’s 10 & 11a classes will be cancelled for the To Helen Back Summer Challenge Prelims. if you’re not doing the Challenge (you can still register!), your only training option Saturday will be in the 9a class.
CFM will be closed on Thursday, July 4th. Friday, July 5th AM classes are also cancelled… So your training options on 7/5 will be 12n, 4p, 5p & 6p. Sat & Sun, 7/6 & 7/7, will be a regular schedule.
We’re discontinuing Ninja Training for the time being. But stay tuned for details on a few running workshops to help your Helen times!
Gymnastics class is tonight at 8:
Skill: Handstand Review – Holds, Push-Ups, Walks
Workout: For Time, 10-8-6-4-2 reps of –
Air Squat
Superman Rocks
Push Ups
Candlestick Pistol Rolls
Krystol crushing cleans at last fall’s AAL competition.
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. 3-position clean: 10 rounds, every minute on the minute. Use last week’s high hang clean weight OR 50% of your clean one-rep max.
B. “Elizabeth”
Cleans 135/95
Ring dips
And coming tomorrow…
A. Back squat 3-3-3+
B. 6 rounds for time –
5 Handstand push ups
5 Lateral box jump L (step down)
5 Lateral box jump R (step down)
Rest 1 minute between rounds