Carl Paoli’s Movement Connections Seminar recap
by Coach Beka
One of the things I love most about CrossFit is the fact that there’s always something to learn and improve on. As a coach, I’m always interested in finding new ways to teach students how to improve on techniques, movements and their strength. One of the biggest names in CrossFit video how-tos, progressions/movements and overall badass-ness is Carl Paoli.
He recently hosted a one-day workshop at CrossFit East Decatur. Carl’s main focus on coaching is the position->movement->purpose framework to help dissect each movement to help you train efficiently and safely. His videos are always great, so seeing him in person and getting the hands on experience with him was amazing. He used lots of demos from the attendees and was extremely hands-on. All around, this was a great class and I’m so glad I not only got to learn some new things, but also was able to meet Carl himself. Here are a few pics from the day:
Practicing hollow body. Looks easy, but definitely takes practice!
Pistol progressions. It’s always cool to see new ways to do this one.
Having trouble with handstand pushups? Maybe it’s a mobility issue. Carl helps this athlete to open her upper body.
More hollow body practice from our very own Carlos Tapia. This movement is a crucial building block for so many other movements we do in CrossFit, it’s essential everyone masters this one.
Reminder: Tonight is gymnastics class with Cassie at 8p!
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Deadlift: 5@70%, 3@80%, 1@90%
B. Split jerk: 2-2-2-2-2
As many rounds/reps as possible (AMRAP) in 8 minutes of:
5 toes to bar
3 burpee broad jump*
*Jump as far as you are tall each time (mark the floor w chalk for your height).
*For each broad jump you do not jump at least as far as your height, add a 1-burpee penalty after time expires.
And coming tomorrow…
A. Press: 5@70%, 3@80%, 1@90%
B. 3 Rounds For Time:
Run 400m
Rest as long as 400m run takes you
21 kettlebell swings 53/35#
Rest as long as swings take you
12 pull ups
Rest as long as pull ups take you
And on this Gymnasty note…We have Gymnastics WOD at 8pm Tonight! We will be working on kipping pull-up progressions this month. Here is the GWOD for tonight:
Hold One Arm Handstand for :15 sec on each arm.
Hold top of Pull Up for :30 seconds.
What a fun day that was! Loved all that I learned.