Today’s schedule
6a: All Levels CrossFit- Ellen
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Ellen
8a: Open Gym- Ellen
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Brianna
4p: Open Gym- Brianna
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Brianna
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Anthony
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Anthony
8p: Strength Training/Open Gym- Anthony
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Weighted Pullups: 3 sets of 5 reps worksets. Max reps 3rd set.
B. 10 Minute AMRAP
15 Wallballs**
15 Kettlebell Swings (m = 16/20/24, w = 8/12/16)
Rest 2 minutes
Then… 2 minutes
AMRAP Burpee Pullups
L1 = 10# to 9ft / 6# to 9ft
L2 = 14# to 10ft / 10# to 9ft
L3 = 20# to 10ft / 14# to 10ft
Post weight and reps for pullups, then total reps for the AMRAPs.
Ex: 50#, 6 reps, 201, 22 L3.
And coming tomorrow…
A. Front Squat: Complete 1 set every 3 minutes (E3MOM)
3 reps at 80%
1 rep at 85%
3 reps at 80%
1 rep at 88%
3 reps at 80%
1 reps at 91%
B. 16 Minute AMRAP
12/8 Cal Row
100m Run
40 Double Unders
Rest 1 Minute
12/8 Cal Row
6/4 Tireflips (200#)
12/8 Pushups
20 Air Squats
Rest 1 Minute
Post load for front squats (80/91%) and rounds + reps.
Ex: 245#/275#, 2+48 Rx.
100m = 1 rep, (reps/round = 103/89)
Upcoming CFM Events
Saturday, Oct 29th: CFM Halloween Costume Party 6-8:30pm at the gym!! Then 9:00pm Koo Koo Room.
Saturday, Nov 5th: CFM Team Competition at Graveyard Games hosted by CrossFit College Park. 8am to 3pm.
Sunday, Nov 6th: CFM Brunch Social & Lurong Challenge Awards 11am-12pm.
Tuesday, Nov 15th: 5:45am-8am and 3:30-8pm. Dunk Truck at CFM for body composition testing. The Dunk Truck will be back in November for members to be rested from September or for a 1st time test. Sign up here for the next Dunk Truck!