
FRI 06.07.13 Increasing the cardio won’t make you leaner

The answer is NOT more cardio

I want to clear up a BIG misconception that several of our students have about what’s going to make you look better at the pool this swimsuit season.
Running ’til you fall down, hitting extra spin classes, doing “two-a-day” workouts and skipping meals is not the way to a better physique. That’s actually going to cause your body extra stress and increase your chances of keeping the dreaded MUFFIN TOP!
Over the next week I’m going to post about the top three things that will help you reach your aesthetic goals. They are 1) SLEEP, 2) NUTRITION & 3) LIFTING HEAVY WEIGHT. I have recently been sleeping better, eating cleaner, and ONLY LIFTING HEAVY (no Zumba, FlyWheel or long runs… no two-a-days… not even typical CrossFit metcons!*). I am leaner than ever!
Let’s start with SLEEP & RELAXATION – whether you want to lose fat or put on muscle, ANY GOAL will be derailed if you’re not sleeping. Tips to better sleep include winding down well before bedtime (turn of the TV, put away the iPad, turn down the lights), making your bedroom cool and dark (pitch black. I’m talking black-out shades), and, when necessary, working some natural supplements into your routine. I’ve been taking the Nighttime Recovery formula we sell in the Pro Shop, along with an herbal supplement called “Tranquil Mind” just before bedtime. My new apartment is super cool & dark. And guess what? I’ve been sleeping like a baby (that Nighttime Recovery is also helping me lean out nicely!).
Shoot for 7-9 hours of sleep to speed mental & physical recovery, aid in fat loss & muscle gain. Bad sleep stresses your body and makes you produce more cortisol – that’s a stress hormone – which leads to dreaded love handles. RELAX, REDUCE STRESS IN YOUR LIFE WHEREVER POSSIBLE & GET MORE SLEEP. I promise it will work!

*To be clear here, I’m not saying you never need intense exercise. I just happen to be in training for a powerlifting meet for which I need to actually gain some wait. When it comes to exercise, I encourage you to do what you like. We need to sweat the demons out from time to time. But moderation is the key. If you overdo it, you’ll stress your body further, causing it to produce more cortisol & hang on to extra body fat.

Join Alison & your CFManiacs for happy hour tonight 6-8p at Steamhouse Lounge!

Jonathan, Stuart & Levy sack racing on Field Day. Join us in the park again this weekend – Sunday at 10am we’re doing a FREE Park WOD in the Active Oval and HOOVERBALL returns at 10:30a. Come out and play!

Workout of the Day

A. Back Squat: 3-3-3+
B. 10 min goat work
C. Annie:
Double Unders
Sit ups

And coming tomorrow…

Regular classes at 9, 10 & 11a. AND OLYMPIC LIFTING OPEN GYM WITH USA OLYMPIAN CHERYL HAWORTH 12n-2p. Open Gym counts as a class session OR guests can pay a $25 drop in fee.

A. Make up a lift you missed earlier in the week
B. Team WOD:In teams of 4, ONE PARTNER WORKS AT A TIME*, complete the following for time-
Run 1 mile
60 pull ups
60 hollow rocks
60 wall balls
60 kettlebell swings
Row 2k meters
*Resting teammates hold hollow position, bottom of squat or superman (one in each position) while teammate is working.

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