
goal setting

Double Trouble Competition on Saturday. Sarah, Kelly, and Christine.
Double Trouble Competition on Saturday. Sarah, Kelly, and Christine.

Quarterly Progress Checks

This week 8/18-8/23 is the quarterly progress checks where we retest from May 2014. There will be benchmark WODs and lifts every day. This Saturday, August 23rd will also be our CFM Gamenight at Ormsby’s (see whiteboard for details).

Is this your first Quarterly Check-In Week?

Here’s what’s about to go down…
1. Retest your baseline! For your first workout of the week, you’ll retest your Baseline. You also have the option to retest your Baseline WOD on Sunday at Open Gym on 8/24 from 1-2pm with Coach Dyer OR on Saturday, 8/23 with Coach Mike from 12-1pm (Make up day Open Gym). During the week, you can make up a day or test your Baseline at Open Gym times 8am, 4pm, and 8pm.
2. Goal-Setting & reflection: At the beginning of class on Wed & Fri, we’ll take 5 minutes to reflect on our progress over the last three months and set some goals for the next quarter. If you prefer to spend more time on goal-setting, join Mike this Wednesday evening, Aug 20th from 8-830pm for a goal-setting workshop. We’ll take some time to visualize what we want our future to be like, then set smaller, action steps to achieve our longer-term goals.
3. Record your results! If you haven’t been doing it already, now is the time to start tracking your progress in the gym. You could use a spreadsheet. Or Google Docs, or old school with a journal/composition notebook. We have journals available at the ProShop too!
4. Saturday afternoon will be Make-Up Day Open Gym 12-1pm.Coach Kelly will be doing a Team WOD on Saturday in each of the three classes, 9, 10 and 11am and after during Open GYm you’ll have the chance to make up a workout you missed earlier in the week.

Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Casey
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Casey
8a: Open Gym- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Kelly
4p: Open Gym- Michael
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Ben
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Ben
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Kelly
7p: YOGA – Monica
8p: Open Gym- Kelly

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Baseline:
500m Row
40 Air Squats
30 Situps
20 Hand release pushups
10 Pullups

B. Overhead Squat: 3 sets of 4 at 70% of 1 rep max. Rest 3 minutes between sets
Accrue 3 minutes L-sit hold on rings or parallettes.

Post time for Baseline and load for OHS. Ex: 5:52 Rx, 155#.

And coming tomorrow…

A. Olympic Total: 1 rep max Snatch followed by 1 rep max Clean & Jerk

B. 1 Minute Max Cals Airdyne

Post max load for Snatch and C&J and total cal. Ex: 185#, 275#, 32

MON 08.18.14 Quarterly Progress Checks Read More »

Big 2014 goals:

by Coach Lis
Just like every month, we’ve erased the Goals board at the gym & there’s a blank slate just waiting for everyone to add new goals for the month & the year. Think of it as your community accountability partner. That goal will be up there all month, encouraging you to get after it with every training session!
I’ve got some big goals to post on the board that I also want to share here on the blog, using you guys as my unofficial accountability partners moving into 2014.
This year I’ll be stepping back from the day-to-day operations of CrossFit Midtown to explore a few of my other passions… business coaching & personal training.
I’ll still be coaching classes, leading intros & training regularly at CFM. I’m also starting a local business coaching group to help Atlanta area CrossFit affiliates & other small gyms become better businesses. And I’ll be doing some personal training at CFM & around the Atlanta area.
I often marvel at the power of the CrossFit rumor mill & the awesome stories I hear about myself! So I just want to set the record straight that I am NOT leaving CrossFit Midtown. I’m still part owner of this business & will continue to be an active part of this community I love so much.
This month we’ll be hiring a full-time Operations Manager to take CFM to the next level.
If you want more details on the Operations Manager position (maybe you know someone who’s a great fit!?!), or have any feedback or questions at all for me, please email me or snag me at the box.
What are your big goals for 2014? Post in the comments!

imageCongrats to all who set & achieved goals in December. Post your new ones at the box this week!

Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Rebecca
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Rebecca
8a: Open Gym- Lis
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Lis
4p: Open Gym- Jim
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Ben
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Ben
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Raul
8p: Open Gym- Raul

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Back squat: 5 @ 65%, 5@70%, 5@75%, 5@80% of 1-rep max
B. As many rounds & reps as possible in 12 minutes:
10 lateral box jumps 24/20″
12 wall balls 20/14#
14 abmat situps

And coming tomorrow…

A. Snatch: 2-2-2-2-2
B. 5 rounds for time:
10 walking lunges (5 ea leg)
10 Russian kettlebell swings 70/53
10 hand-release push ups

MON 01.06.13 Big 2014 goals Read More »

What are you training for?

As a competitive powerlifter, that’s an easy question for me to answer. Since USAPL Raw Nationals back in July, when I qualified to compete at the Arnold in Ohio at the end of February, I’ve known I’ll be training for that meet – the biggest powerlifting contest of my career thus far.
So last weekend’s state meet was a small stepping stone on the way to the Arnold. I wasn’t thrilled with my performance – all my numbers were flat or down, and I tweaked my back while bench pressing with poor form.
I’m excited to hold another record & be a state champ, but I’m also excited to learn from the experience and get back to work.
After taking last week off to recover mentally & physically from the stress of competing & cutting weight, I am stir crazy and excited to start my new training cycle today.
The Arnold is 15 weeks away and I’m excited to get stronger, compete again on a national stage, break some more records, and squat 300 pounds!
So what are you training for?
Set a goal – give it a by-when date.
Maybe it’s an actual “game day” – a CrossFit competition, powerlifting or Olympic lifting meet, endurance or obstacle race.
Or maybe it’s another deadline – lose x inches or body fat before your wedding, or vacation, or another important event… Do five strict pull ups by the end of the year.
Whatever it is, pick something.
What are YOU training for?
Answering this question is important.
It’s your motivation for training, your reason to get to the gym, your focus when you’re here, and sometimes it’s a way out of that rut you’re in.
So think about it, and tell us in the comments.
What are you training for?
photoTory & Brittany at last week’s Bring a Friend Day

Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Rebecca
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Rebecca
8a: Open Gym- Tirzah
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
4p: Open Gym- Jim
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Cassie
8p: Open Gym- Cassie

Workout of the Day (WOD)

On a continuously running clock:
20 min to find 1 rep max bench press
THEN 2 min to find max standing broad jump
THEN 2 rounds:
Max rep plyo push ups in 1 minute
Max rep overhead walking lunges 45#/25#
No rest between movements/rounds.
Been at CFM awhile? Compare to 07.19.13 and 05.08.13

And coming tomorrow…

A. Snatch: 3-2-1-3-2-1
B. Complete 4 rounds:
10 right arm KB/DB Snatch
10 left arm KB/DB Snatch
Max Rep Double Unders (1 attempt)
SCORE= total double unders (scale: singles)
Cash out*: 100 double unders or 200 singles
*only cash out if your total score is <100 double unders or <200 singles

MON 11.18.13 What are you training for? Read More »

Tirzah reporting for duty: Mission get SWOLE

ITP student & CFM Office Manager Tirzah breaks down her goals for the CFMakeover:

I’ve done a lifestyle challenge before (last year’s Whole Life Challenge) and I learned a lot about what works for me. As a moderate pescatarian (by that I mean I’ll eat salmon and that’s about it for meat), my diet is mostly comprised of veggies, fruit, fish, nuts and some quinoa.
I take SFH Fortified & Recovery protein after workouts, which has really helped my progress & recovery.
My issue with the last challenge was I felt like I leaned out too much. I’m what you would call a “hard gainer” and if I’m not diligent about meal prep I’ve noticed that my gains slow down a bit.
Here’s the plan this time around:
*Gain 5-6# of muscle
* Add 5# to my 3RM Front Squat
* 7-10 Strict Pull Ups
*Increase endurance
***Last challenge I was strictly paleo and I noticed two things: I became too lean for my liking but I really like the definition I developed. So this time around I will do the following:
*Eat moderately Paleo but include quinoa, SFH protein, and oatmeal from time to time for breakfast.
*NO Alcohol
*Minimal sugar (no added sugar in foods)
*Plenty of H20
*Plenty of veggies, fish and fruit
Meal Planning:
*Grocery shopping Saturday mornings
*Cook for the upcoming week on Sunday (breakfast, lunch, dinner & snacks)
*CrossFit M,T,W,F,Sun
*Run 2x wk
*Yoga 1x wk

What are your goals for the CFMakeover? Post in the comments below… Not registered yet? What are you waiting for? Get in the game to change your life by Halloween! Check out CFMakeover details here.

tirzahTirzah competed with Team CFM at the Rise of the South competition a few weekends ago & set new PRs in her clean AND clean & jerk! She’s ready to set more PRs in next months CFMakeover.

Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Rebecca
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Rebecca
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Cassie
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Ben
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Lis
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Raul
8p: Open Gym – Raul

Workout of the Day (WOD)

Complete 4 rounds: Max Rep Bench Press 185/120
Max Rep Strict Pull Ups
15 Medicine Ball Sit Up Throws 20/14
*For med ball throws, get into a sit up position about 6-8 feet from the wall. Start with your back flat on the ground and the ball overhead. Sit up while flinging med ball against the wall, catch and repeat. Post total number of reps on bench & pull ups to comments.

And coming tomorrow…

A. Deadlift: 4×4 workups (add 5# to last deadlift workout)
B. 5 rounds for time:
5 Power Cleans 185/120#
20 Double Unders

WED 9.25.13 Tirzah’s CFMakeover game plan Read More »

A game of inches

by Coach Raul
Considering football season has begun, the monologue below from “Any Given Sunday” is appropriate. This message applies well beyond football, to life in general. The six inches right in front of our faces are what matter.
Be proud of your accomplishments – look back to when you started CrossFit, and look at where you are now. Those little inches… those small goals accomplished one by one, add up to the moon and back. Be proud and like always, DO WORK!

“You know when you get old in life
things get taken from you.
That’s, that’s part of life.
But… you only learn that when you start losing stuff.
You find out that life is just a game of inches.
So is football.
Because in either game – life or football
the margin for error is so small.
I mean… one half step too late or too early
you don’t quite make it.
One half second too slow or too fast
and you don’t quite catch it.
The inches we need are everywhere around us.
They are in every break of the game
every minute, every second.
On this team, we fight for that inch.
On this team, we tear ourselves, and everyone around us
to pieces for that inch.
We CLAW with our finger nails for that inch.
Cause we know… when we add up all those inches
that’s going to make the f*cking difference
between WINNING and LOSING
between LIVING and DYING.
I’ll tell you this… in any fight…
it is the guy who is willing to die
who is going to win that inch.
And I know… if I am going to have any life anymore
it is because I am still willing to fight, and die for that inch
because that is what LIVING is –
The six inches in front of your face.”

photo-6 copy 2Scott D. spotting Wes on bench.

Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Lis
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Lis
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Raul
8p: Open Gym – Raul

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Back squat: 4×4 workups (add 5# to last back squat workout)
B. 15-10-5 reps for time:
Thrusters 95/65
Box Jumps 24/20
Pull Ups

And coming tomorrow…

A. Bench press: 4×4 workups
B. For time: BUY IN: 3 rope climbs, then
30-20-10 of
Russian KB swings
Lateral hops
Abmat sit ups
then, CASH OUT: 3 rope climbs

WED 9.11.13 A game of inches Read More »

Goal Setting

Next Wednesday night at 7 pm, Rachel from lululemon howell mill is hosting a free goal-setting workshop at the gym. Join us as she leads us through some exercises to visualize ourselves in the future and set some BHAGs – big, hairy, audacious goals!

Fran Challenge

Fran Challengers, check your inbox! You received an email Tuesday confirming your prelims Fran time and t-shirt size. We’re placing the shirt order this week so email Sam ASAP to confirm your shirt size! EVERYONE – save the date and plan to attend the Fran Finals Party on Saturday, July 28th at noon. We’ll be grilling out, celebrating everyone’s improvement and awarding prizes, so don’t miss the fun!

Rachel pushes through her Fran thrusters as Betsy and Vabs cheer her on.

Workout of the Day

1. Squat cleans – take 15 minutes to work to a heavy single
2. 5 Rounds –
Max Push Ups
1 60-yd shuttle run*
Rest 2:00
*Begin sprint from the push-up position.

Cash-out: 3 x 1:00 plank hold (1 min each – center, L & R side, for three rounds)

THURS 07.05.12 Read More »

Grand Opening Party is Saturday, June 16th!

Please RSVP here if you haven’t already. We’ll be celebrating all our awesome members AND DOING THE WOBBLE. Dancing won’t be required, but it will be highly encouraged. Please begin practicing now:

I can’t believe this was the first video I embedded on our blog.

BUT we can’t WOBBLE until we get 500 FANS. Please share our page on Facebook and help CrossFit Midtown hit the 500 fan milestone!

SAVE THE DATE: Goal-Setting Workshop, Wed July 11th at 7pm

Rachel from the new Lululemon Howell Mill store is hosting a goal-setting workshop at CFM on Wed, 7/11 at 7 pm. We’ll work on some short- and long-term vision building and goal setting. Mark your calendars now to set some BHAGS (awesome acronym, right? Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals!).

Free Piedmont Park WODs

Did you know we do a free WOD in the park every Sunday at 10 am? Join us this Sunday at 10 for a WOD (open to the public and suitable for all skill levels). We’ll meet in the meadow near Park Tavern for a WOD, THEN we’ll head over to the sand volleyball courts to play HOOVER BALL. Don’t worry, if you don’t know what Hoover Ball is, we’ll teach you. Carlos is a pro and will be coaching the crew this Sunday!!
So meet in the meadow at 10 am OR at the sand volleyball courts at 11 am. See you Sunday!

Workout of the Day

Bear Complex
7 sets of the following sequence:
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press
5 rounds – work up to max load

There is no time component – once you start a round you can rest at any time during the sequence EXCEPT with the bar on the ground.

Penalty for dropping the bar mid-round (without finishing your five reps/cycles) is 5 burpees (for each drop), payable at the end of the WOD.

Advanced athletes – count only unbroken rounds. No penalties, just drop weight or try again, until you get all five rounds unbroken.

Thurs 05.31.12 Read More »

Success Journals are in!

If you’re a Silver or Gold member, your journal is waiting for you by the white board. If you don’t get one with your membership and want to buy one, they’re $18. You are required to track your workouts, so if you don’t get a Success Journal, invest in a notebook of some sort. Starting TODAY you are as accountable as your coach for knowing your results and scores.

SIGN UP for Food as Fuel and Fran Challenge

Details and sign up sheets are up in the gym. Sign up now for Food as Fuel (Sat, 6/9 – noon-1:30; free to members) and the Fran Challenge (Prelims Sat, 6/16 – AM classes; $30 to participate…includes t-shirt, prizes and finals party).

Goals… are due today by midnight to Lis.

Email Lis if you need help. Hit the deadline or hit the deck for some buuuuuuuuuuuurpees!

Memorial Day (pre-Murph)

Workout of the Day

Skill work: Rope climbs

Five rounds for time of:
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent
10 Wallball shots, 20/14 pound ball
15 Kettlebell swings, 1.5/1 pood
20 Double-unders

Wed 05.30.12 Read More »

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