

Support Carlos & his CFM models!

Over the last several weekends, CFM’s very talented photographer Carlos has been shooting his new photo series: WORDS. The photos will be on display at his first gallery show in Atlanta in late March. Stay tuned for more details to see his work… And see if any of his CFM models- Tiff, Monica, Lis and Uran- make it into the show!

imageHarvey & the 6p crew at last week’s Bring-A-Friend Day

Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Rebecca
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Rebecca
8a: Open Gym- Rebecca
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Lis
4p: Open Gym- Lis
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Ben
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Ben
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Cassie
8p: Open Gym- Cassie

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Skill review: thrusters, power cleans, jerks
B. “Master’s Triple Take”:
Complete as many rounds & reps as possible in 3 minutes:
10 Thrusters, 95/65
10 Pull ups
rest :30
Complete as many rounds & reps as possible in 3 minutes:
10 Power Cleans, 95/65
10 Burpees
rest :30
Complete as many rounds & reps as possible in 3 minutes:
10 Jerks, 95/65
10 Box Jumps, 20

Post 3 scores- total reps for each of the three mini-WODs

And coming tomorrow…

A. Overhead squat: build to a tough single in 12 minutes
B. 30-20-10 for time:
Overhead squat- 50% of Bodyweight (mod as needed)
Ring dips

MON 02.24.14 Words Read More »

New Strength Program:

It was great seeing everyone’s progress last week as we retested several benchmarks for quarterly progress checks!
This week, we’re starting a new strength cycle, based on a percentage of your 1-rep max on certain lifts. We’ll also be establishing a max on a few more lifts (bench press & overhead squat this week) to use for future strength work.
We’ll be doing lots of lower-rep sets, to put a focus on great technique and lifting HEAVY and explosively.
On today’s back squats, use the 1-rep max chart (or a calculator) to figure out 80% of the 1RM you established on Friday. If you didn’t max out, we’ll work with you to determine a good starting weight.
For the first two sets, lift five reps at 80% of last week’s one-rep max. On the third set, you’ll do as many reps as possible (5+)… shoot for at least 5, then as many as possible beyond that, in the same set, until you fail.
Don’t worry, we’ll practice proper technique to bail out/dump the bar once you get to failure.
RECORD TODAY’S RESULTS. Your performance this week (and specifically how many reps you get on your 3rd set) will determine how much weight you add (if any) next week. More on that later…

Congrats to all who set new PRs and set and/or achieved goals in April. Now it’s time to help us update the board for May. Add your goals this week if you haven’t already!

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Back Squat: 5-5-5+
Rest 3 minutes between sets. DO 1-2 WARM UP SETS. Use 80% of your 1 rep max on all sets. On the third “burnout” set, go to FAILURE… as in, until you fail a rep and must bail/dump the bar. Record weight and reps on set 3.
B. 7 rounds:
Handstand hold for max time
10 supine ring pull ups

Score is total time accumulated in handstand hold.

And coming tomorrow…

A. Snatch: 2-2-2-2-2
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. DO 1-2 WARM UP SETS. Use 80-85% of your 1 rep max from last week.
B. For time: 20 rounds
10 double unders or 20 singles
10 abmat situps

MON 05.06.13 May Goals Read More »

Uran killing that Hooverball serve.

Athlete Profile – Urán Piedra

Hometown: Lawrenceville (OTP)
Age: 25 and I’ve got a BIRTHDAY COMING UP ON AUGUST 5TH!!! Just sayin 😉
Occupation: Sales/Marketing/Accounting/Finance/Operations at a biotech startup
When did you first start CrossFitting?: I actually spent about 3 months or so at BTB a few years back, but I just restarted Crossfit when I joined CFM about three weeks ago. Since then, I have been working out every day. I am soon planning to buy peptides usa as well to burn the excessive stubborn fat I have.
Favorite WOD: I don’t really know them well yet. Modified Annie seemed pretty good.
Least Favorite WOD: Fran *shivers*
Three words to describe you: Determined, resourceful, hungry
Tell us about your sports & fitness background: I was not at all athletic until college when I joined the crew team. That’s when I really started to get the motivation to want to improve my physical fitness. For the past few years though, my workouts have been sporadic at best.
How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD… what was it, and how did it feel? My first exposure to CF was through BTB’s boot camp years ago. We got free Saturday classes at the gym as part of the boot camp, so I went in that first Saturday and did something called “Helen on Crack”. I don’t remember what they added to Helen, but it was brutal.
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF (before/after)? So far nothing major, but its only been three weeks. 🙂
What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected? Seeing how amazing the community is at CFM. Everyone there is so nice and welcoming. To be honest, Crossfit intimidated the hell out of me, but I’m constantly blown away by how friendly and helpful the people are.
Please share with us any favorite CrossFit/CFM moments: HOOVERBALL! It’s seriously awesome even if you’re terrible and uncoordinated like I am. Also, the Fran challenge was really cool to watch. Actually participating was another story, but watching the heat before mine was really inspiring.
Any advice for people just getting started? Listen to your coach, and don’t get discouraged. Some of the movements are really complex and take people years to get right, so if you don’t get it the first day, don’t beat yourself up. Also, focus on how much you’re learning/improving day to day rather than the things you can’t do yet. Those are the things I try to remember every time I go to the gym.
What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit? I mostly just work, sleep, and eat. Not very exciting.
What did you eat today? Breakfast was coffee and a Fage greek yogurt. For lunch I brought balsamic grilled chicken, roasted broccoli, and a banana. Dinner remains to be seen.
Do you follow the paleo or primal lifestyle? What is your nutrition philosophy? I’m usually Paleo about 90% of the time. The other 10% is reserved for the occasional slice of pizza or plate of tater tots (sometimes together). Although, eating grains usually leaves me feeling horrible, so I tend to stay away.

How was your first half of 2012?

Can you believe it’s the end of June already? It seems like just yesterday I was scouring Midtown for the right gym space. And now here we are, seven weeks since opening and almost 50 members strong. I am so proud of what we’re building here, and I appreciate all of you being a part of it.

So before we dive on into July, take some time to reflect on the first half of 2012. What was awesome about it? What can you do to make the second half of 2012 even better? Set some goals for the rest of the year. Where do you want to be at the end of July…the end of the summer…the end of the year…by July 2013…July 2017…July 2022?

If you need some help with goal-setting, let me know. AND plan to attend our Goal-Setting Workshop on Wednesday, July 11 at 7pm as Rachel from lululemon howell mill will lead us through some imagination, vision and goal-setting exercises.

Hooverball is Sunday at 10!

Join us Sundays at 10 am for Hooverball in the park (meet in the Piedmont Park Active Oval, nearest the Botanical Gardens/14th St gate). It’s lots of fun. Don’t forget to bring water, sunscreen and a towel. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll do a short pre-Hooverball warm up WOD.

July 4th Holiday Schedule

CFM will be closed on Wednesday, July 4th. The 6 and 7 am classes will also be cancelled on Thursday, July 5th. All other classes next week will be held as regularly scheduled.
We’ll post a no-equipment-needed WOD on Tuesday in case you wish to get moving on your own on the 4th.

Workout of the Day

1000m row
50 thrusters 45/35
30 pull ups

Optional cash-out: 3 rounds of max reps unbroken jump rope double unders or single skips.

FRANDAY 06.29.12: Athlete Profile – URAN PIEDRA Read More »

Good News:

Congrats to Dyer and Patrick on big snatch PRs yesterday. Patrick only beat his previous best by… oh, let’s see… 60 POUNDS! Atta boy. We love seeing new CrossFitters make huge gains as technique improves.
AND Dyer claimed the top spot on the leader board this morning with his new PR: a 1:33 500m row. Can anyone take him down? For those keeping score at home, Dyer is three for three on setting PRs when he delivers or makes coffee for Lis. LOOOOOVE the new coffee maker in the gym!

Piedmont Park Hooverball

Come out to the Piedmont Park sand volleyball courts on Sunday for HOOVERBALL at 11am. Don’t forget sunscreen and water. If you’ve never played before, we’ll teach you. It’s tons of fun. Let’s keep the momentum building from last weekend’s big turnout! We’ll go out for some lunch afterward.


Next week we’ll place an order for gymnastics grips from Again Faster. Many of you have complained about sore hands and calluses. Use of gloves or grips is a personal preference. I usually train bare-handed with some tape, but I like these grips for high rep pull-up/toes-to-bar/knees-to-elbows, or barbell/kettlebell work if my hands are already tender.
Shoot Lis an email if you’re interested in ordering a pair (check out the link above first for how to measure/determine your size). We may get a price break on quantity, but I’ll confirm once I know for sure…they’ll likely be in the $15-25 price range.

Class Levels

Beginning next week, we’ll be enforcing class levels. Starting Tuesday, 6/26, the 7PM TUESDAY, 6PM WEDNESDAY and 5PM THURSDAY classes will be for Beginners. These classes will focus on fundamental movements and we’ll do a scaled or modified version of the daily WOD. If you are an advanced athlete, you’re welcome to attend this class for some “back to basics” work, or you can attend a different class that day or take a rest day.
Refer to the schedule on the website or email Lis with questions.

Paleo Night at Urban Pl8

Next Tuesday is Paleo Night. Post in the comments if you want to join the CFM table at Urban Pl8 for a delicious four-course paleo meal for just $25. We’ll make an 8:30 reservation so people can head straight there after the 7pm class.


Check out some snatches from yesterday’s 6pm class with Jon, Fred, Rocky, Vince, Foula, Rohan and Chang… As usual, the video quality is phenomenal:

Workout of the Day – Row & FRANDAYFRANDAYFRANDAY

Part 1: Max effort 500m Row

Part 2: Thrusters & Pull Ups
Three Rounds –
1 minute max thrusters 115/85
1 minute rest
1 minute max strict pull ups
1 minute rest

FRI 06.22.12 HAPPY FRANDAY! Read More »

Grand Opening is TOMORROW

Saturday from 5 to 8, join us at CFM to celebrate our Grand Opening and get to know your fellow members a little better. We’ll have some food, drinks and a DJ, and some of us will be going out to dinner afterward over at Steamhouse Lounge, so please join us. The more, the merrier!

The Quest for 500…27 to go!

If you’ve visited the CFM Facebook or YouTube pages, you know someone had the freaking awesome idea to do a dance to celebrate for every 100 Facebook fans we get. We’re 27 fans away from 500, and hoping to hit the big 500 milestone BEFORE SATURDAY night so we can make one big dance video of party guests doing the WOBBLE at the Grand Opening. PLEASE spread the word on Facebook, ask your friends to LIKE our page (if you go to the CFM page and click SHARE, you can post a status update spreading the word), AND THEN, learn the Wobble for Saturday. Here’s that video again:

Fran Challenge Prelims (NEW HEATS)

Sat 10 & 11am are the main heats. We prefer you do Fran then, BUT if Saturday AM doesn’t work for you, we’ll be running additional heats on Friday at 5:30 and 7pm (arrive at 5:30 or 7 to warm up…WOD ~6/7:30).
The sign-up sheet is in the box, or you can sign up here. EMAIL LIS TO CONFIRM YOUR HEAT, DIVISION AND T-SHIRT SIZE!

Recovery Day

Today is a recovery day for those who have trained hard all week and/or are doing Fran tomorrow. This will still be a great training day to work on mobility, recovery and some gymnastics skills. If you’re super sore, take it a little easier today. Feeling good? Get after it: push a little harder on the row and the AMRAP.

A few reminders to help your soreness & recovery –

  • Take a rest day every two to three days. You can still work on mobility on these days.
  • Get 7-9 hours of sleep in a COOL, DARK room.
  • Supplement with fish oil and magnesium to reduce soreness/decrease inflammation (Natural Calm or a magnesium citrate supplement will also help you sleep and keep you regular. Epsom salts baths are another great way to aid recovery w magnesium…active ingredient: magnesium sulfate).
  • DO NOT take pain killers like ibuprofen which wreak havoc on your body and inhibit muscle growth.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Post-workout nutrition: eating plenty of protein (about a gram per pound of bodyweight) will drastically help recovery and muscle growth. This is especially important immediately post-workout. Use a clean protein supplement within 45 minutes of finishing a WOD. My favorite is the SFH Recovery formula, which we sell in the Pro Shop in chocolate, vanilla and natural flavors. John from SFH is here this weekend with some samples of post-WOD protein and fish oil so check it out!


    Free Park WOD – Sun 10am. Meet at the Piedmont Park sand volleyball courts
    HOOVERBALL! – Sun 11am on the sand volleyball, er, HOOVERBALL courts.

    The mural is ALMOST finished. Thanks to our Melvin for helping to decorate the gym with your artwork!

    Workout of the Day

    Recovery Day
    Start with 10 minute easy row

    Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
    30 second Handstand hold
    30 second Squat hold
    30 second L-sit hold
    30 second Chin over bar hold

    Finish w 10 minutes mobility and foam rolling


Grand Opening Celebration

Saturday from 5 to 8, join us at CFM to celebrate our Grand Opening and get to know your fellow members a little better. We’ll have food, drinks and a DJ, and some of us will be going out to dinner afterward over at Steamhouse Lounge, so please join us. The more, the merrier!

The Quest for 500

If you’ve visited the CFM Facebook or YouTube pages, you know someone had the freaking awesome idea to do a dance to celebrate for every 100 Facebook fans we get. We’re 50 fans away from 500, and hoping to hit the big 500 milestone BEFORE SATURDAY night so we can make one big dance video of party guests doing the WOBBLE at the Grand Opening. PLEASE spread the word on Facebook, ask your friends to LIKE our page (if you go to the CFM page and click SHARE, you can post a status update spreading the word), AND THEN, learn the Wobble for Saturday. I expect you all to be practicing in your offices today. DO IT!

Fran Challenge Prelims (NEW HEATS)

Sat 10 & 11am are the main heats. We prefer you do Fran then, BUT if Saturday AM doesn’t work for you, we’ll be running additional heats on Friday at 5:30 and 7pm (arrive at 5:30 or 7 to warm up…WOD ~6/7:30).
The sign-up sheet is in the box, or you can sign up here. EMAIL LIS TO CONFIRM YOUR HEAT, DIVISION AND T-SHIRT SIZE!

Dontcha wanna be Stronger, Faster and Healthier?

John from Stronger, Faster, Healthier will be here this weekend with some post-WOD protein and fish oil samples for you to try! Are you wicked sore since starting CrossFit? A good fish oil supplement will drastically reduce your inflammation and aid recovery. Try some this weekend… we have SFH Fish Oil in Vanilla, Tangerine, Lemon, Mint, and my personal favorite, Chocolate.


Free Park WOD – Sun 10am. Meet at the Piedmont Park sand volleyball courts
HOOVERBALL! – Sun 11am on the sand volleyball, er, HOOVERBALL courts.

WELCOME to Brianne, Erin and Marshall!

WELCOME to brand new members Kerry and Anna (KILLING the power cleans this AM). Great work guys!

Workout of the Day

Perform 2-3 Power Cleans on the minute for 15 minutes.
*Start the clock. At the top of every minute perform 2 Power Cleans. If you are working with less than 3/4 body weight, do an extra rep each minute (3 instead of 2).
*Use a maximal weight. 80% – 85% of 1 RM
*For every rep not completed, perform 5 burpees during rest time.

Thurs 06.14.12 Read More »

Nutrition page!

Check out our new Nutrition page for a taste (haha, get it?) of what Jasmine and Lis will cover at tomorrow’s Food as Fuel workshop. Don’t miss it – Saturday at noon in the box.

This weekend:

Classes – 9, 10, 11 am
Food as Fuel – Saturday, noon-1:30

FREE WOD at lululemon howell mill – 10am
Hooverball at Piedmont Park sand vball courts – 11:30am

Congrats to Carlos on YET ANOTHER PR (personal record) last night.
We have temporarily renamed the bell in his honor 🙂

Workout of the Day

A. In 10 minutes, find your 1 rep max weighted pull up (strict) -OR- 10 minutes of pull up skill work

B. The Wobble
20 Walking Lunge steps (total)
20 Pull ups
20 Box Jump 24/20″
20 Ring Dips
20 Knees-to-elbows
20 Double Unders
20 Kettlebell Swings 2/1.5 pood
20 Sit ups
20 Back Extensions
20 Wall Balls 20/14 lbs
2 Rope Climbs

FRI 06.08.12 Read More »

Grand Opening Party is Saturday, June 16th!

Please RSVP here if you haven’t already. We’ll be celebrating all our awesome members AND DOING THE WOBBLE. Dancing won’t be required, but it will be highly encouraged. Please begin practicing now:

I can’t believe this was the first video I embedded on our blog.

BUT we can’t WOBBLE until we get 500 FANS. Please share our page on Facebook and help CrossFit Midtown hit the 500 fan milestone!

SAVE THE DATE: Goal-Setting Workshop, Wed July 11th at 7pm

Rachel from the new Lululemon Howell Mill store is hosting a goal-setting workshop at CFM on Wed, 7/11 at 7 pm. We’ll work on some short- and long-term vision building and goal setting. Mark your calendars now to set some BHAGS (awesome acronym, right? Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals!).

Free Piedmont Park WODs

Did you know we do a free WOD in the park every Sunday at 10 am? Join us this Sunday at 10 for a WOD (open to the public and suitable for all skill levels). We’ll meet in the meadow near Park Tavern for a WOD, THEN we’ll head over to the sand volleyball courts to play HOOVER BALL. Don’t worry, if you don’t know what Hoover Ball is, we’ll teach you. Carlos is a pro and will be coaching the crew this Sunday!!
So meet in the meadow at 10 am OR at the sand volleyball courts at 11 am. See you Sunday!

Workout of the Day

Bear Complex
7 sets of the following sequence:
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press
5 rounds – work up to max load

There is no time component – once you start a round you can rest at any time during the sequence EXCEPT with the bar on the ground.

Penalty for dropping the bar mid-round (without finishing your five reps/cycles) is 5 burpees (for each drop), payable at the end of the WOD.

Advanced athletes – count only unbroken rounds. No penalties, just drop weight or try again, until you get all five rounds unbroken.

Thurs 05.31.12 Read More »

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